
GeoDjango GDALException - OGR failure

假如想象 提交于 2021-01-28 06:08:40
问题 After installing GeoDjango, I wanted to create a 'Location' object in the admin panel which uses an address and a point on a map. After submitting the form, I get an error like so... GDALException at /admin/maps/location/add/ OGR failure. I have tried looking at similar questions, like here, but none of the solutions have worked. Additionally, searching for 'unable to load PROJ.4 library' (first traceback line) didn't come with any success. Any help would be appreciated! - Let me know if I

Python3.7 rasterio library cant open jp2

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-27 17:09:38
问题 I want to open a jp2 image from sentinel2 but when I read the image band =, driver= 'JP2OpenJPEG') I get the next error 'D:\DataStorage\00_sentinel_data\L1C_T29SQB_A013147_20171228T111919\IMG_DATA\T29SQB_20171228T111451_B02.jp2' not recognized as a supported file format. I have installed GDAL with OSGeo4W and I can see the driver when I use the gdalinfo --formats command JP2OpenJPEG -raster,vector- (rwv): JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library The only thing that I

Heroku GeoDjango issues with missing GDAL (and possibly GEOS)

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2021-01-27 10:29:11
问题 I'm working on a GeoDjango application and am using Heroku (with a Heroku-16 stack) as my platform. I am following the instructions found here, which specify the following: If your application requires geo libraries, experimental support for a handful of these libraries are available: GDAL v2.2.1 (v1.11.5 for cedar-14) Geos v3.6.2 (v3.4.2 for cedar-14) Proj v4.9.3 (v4.8.0 for cedar-14) To make these libraries available to your application, simply set the BUILD_WITH_GEO_LIBRARIES environment

Heroku GeoDjango issues with missing GDAL (and possibly GEOS)

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-01-27 10:28:40
问题 I'm working on a GeoDjango application and am using Heroku (with a Heroku-16 stack) as my platform. I am following the instructions found here, which specify the following: If your application requires geo libraries, experimental support for a handful of these libraries are available: GDAL v2.2.1 (v1.11.5 for cedar-14) Geos v3.6.2 (v3.4.2 for cedar-14) Proj v4.9.3 (v4.8.0 for cedar-14) To make these libraries available to your application, simply set the BUILD_WITH_GEO_LIBRARIES environment

Heroku GeoDjango issues with missing GDAL (and possibly GEOS)

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2021-01-27 10:26:56
问题 I'm working on a GeoDjango application and am using Heroku (with a Heroku-16 stack) as my platform. I am following the instructions found here, which specify the following: If your application requires geo libraries, experimental support for a handful of these libraries are available: GDAL v2.2.1 (v1.11.5 for cedar-14) Geos v3.6.2 (v3.4.2 for cedar-14) Proj v4.9.3 (v4.8.0 for cedar-14) To make these libraries available to your application, simply set the BUILD_WITH_GEO_LIBRARIES environment issue centos rgdal

北慕城南 提交于 2021-01-27 05:39:23
问题 Can someone help me to understanding what is the problem of rgdal ? I installed gdal 2 for centos 6 64 bits but i didn't succeed to install rgdal. I tried to figure out what is the issue but i didn't found anything useful on the internet . this is Rstudio-server console: install.packages("rgdal") Installing package into ‘/home/admin/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.4’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) essai de l'URL '' Content type issue centos rgdal

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2021-01-27 05:39:18
问题 Can someone help me to understanding what is the problem of rgdal ? I installed gdal 2 for centos 6 64 bits but i didn't succeed to install rgdal. I tried to figure out what is the issue but i didn't found anything useful on the internet . this is Rstudio-server console: install.packages("rgdal") Installing package into ‘/home/admin/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.4’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) essai de l'URL '' Content type

Building GDAL with all libraries static

余生长醉 提交于 2021-01-27 05:16:05
问题 I want to develop a small program that checks which polygons from a shapefile intersect a given rectangle. This program is to be used in a website (with PHP's exec() command). The problem is, my webserver cannot install GDAL, for reasons unknown to me. So I can't link to the shared libraries. Instead, I must link to static libraries, but these aren't given. I've downloaded the GDAL source code from here (2.3.2 Latest Stable Release - September 2018), and followed the build instructions from

Building GDAL with all libraries static

随声附和 提交于 2021-01-27 05:14:19
问题 I want to develop a small program that checks which polygons from a shapefile intersect a given rectangle. This program is to be used in a website (with PHP's exec() command). The problem is, my webserver cannot install GDAL, for reasons unknown to me. So I can't link to the shared libraries. Instead, I must link to static libraries, but these aren't given. I've downloaded the GDAL source code from here (2.3.2 Latest Stable Release - September 2018), and followed the build instructions from

使用 python 处理 nc 数据

戏子无情 提交于 2021-01-08 22:55:21
前言 这两天帮一个朋友处理了些 nc 数据,本以为很简单的事情,没想到里面涉及到了很多的细节和坑,无论是“知难行易”还是“知易行难”都不能充分的说明问题,还是“知行合一”来的更靠谱些,既要知道理论又要知道如何实现,于是经过不太充分的研究后总结成此文,以记录如何使用 python 处理 nc 数据。 一、nc 数据介绍 nc 全称 netCDF(The Network Common Data Form),可以用来存储一系列的数组,就是这么简单(参考 )。 既然 nc 可以用来一系列的数组,所以经常被用来存储科学观测数据,最好还是长时间序列的。 试想一下一个科学家每隔一分钟采集一次实验数据并存储了下来,如果不用这种格式存储,时间长了可能就需要创建一系列的 csv 或者 txt 等,而采用 nc 一个文件就可以搞定,是不是很方便。 更方便的是如果这个科学实验与气象、水文、温度等地理信息稍微沾点边的,完全也可以用 nc 进行存储, GeoTiff 顶多能多存几个波段(此处波段可以认为是气象、水文等不同信号),而 nc 可以存储不同波段的长时间观测结果,是不是非常方便。 可以使用 gdal 查看数据信息,执行: gdalinfo