Python3.7 rasterio library cant open jp2

不想你离开。 提交于 2021-01-27 17:09:38


I want to open a jp2 image from sentinel2 but when I read the image

band =, driver= 'JP2OpenJPEG')

I get the next error

'D:\DataStorage\00_sentinel_data\L1C_T29SQB_A013147_20171228T111919\IMG_DATA\T29SQB_20171228T111451_B02.jp2' not recognized as a supported file format.

I have installed GDAL with OSGeo4W and I can see the driver when I use the gdalinfo --formats command

JP2OpenJPEG -raster,vector- (rwv): JPEG-2000 driver based on OpenJPEG library

The only thing that I see that could be the problem is that when I see the gdal formats that I have using python, the JP2OpenJPEG driver does not exist.

from osgeo import gdal
for i in range(gdal.GetDriverCount()):
    drv = gdal.GetDriver(i)
    if drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DCAP_RASTER):
        print(drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DMD_LONGNAME), drv.GetMetadataItem(gdal.DMD_EXTENSIONS))

Any ideas about what is happening??

Python version: 3.7 Gdal version: 2.3.3 Rasterio version: 1.0.21



I had the same issue. It looks like this is a problem in Anaconda's GDAL. Here is one way to fix the problem:

Unfortunately, upgrading/downgrading the base package in Anaconda did not work for me.

I was finding that installing the package "fiona" with pip was downgrading gdal for me. I finally fixed the issue of downgrading gdal by installing fiona using conda:

conda install fiona

