
SQL Partial Full Outer Join

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2019-12-13 07:24:27
问题 This is a continuation of my previous post here. I have a table like this: Name Id Amount Name1 1 99 Name1 1 30 Name1 9 120.2 Name2 21 348 Name2 21 21 Name3 41 99 If I run this query, thanks to Juan Carlos Oropeza: SELECT [Name], [Id], count([Amount]) as 'Count' FROM table1 GROUP BY [Name], [Id] I get this table: Name Id Count Name1 1 2 Name1 9 1 Name2 21 2 Name3 41 1 Now I have another table like this: Id Return Amount 1 100 1 134.3 9 912.3 9 21 21 23.23 41 45 If I run this query: SELECT [Id


半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-12 08:34:33
问题 I have the following select statement where I need to sum each task from table tbTasks and group them by projectId from table tbProjects in order to get a record like this: ProjectID = 1, ProjectName = 'My Project', TotalTime = 300 //<--sum of each task time The query looks like this: SELECT tbTasks.projectId, SUM(tbTasks.taskTime) AS totalTime, tbProjects.projectName FROM tbTasks INNER JOIN tbProjects ON tbTasks.projectId = tbProjects.projectId GROUP BY tbTasks.projectId ORDER BY tbProjects

Full Join on Group

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-11 12:17:47
问题 I'm facing a logic issue with my Query. I have two tables Table1 and Table2 , where Table1 consists of: value to be summed Id to be grouped by Code holds foreign-key to Table2 And Table2 consists of Code Des the text description of code What I'm trying to do is, group by Table1.Id , full join on Table2.Code , but, for each resulting group, I want to show all the rows from Table2 for each group generated by the query. Sample code: SELECT Table2.Code, Table1.Id, Table2.DES, SUM(Table1.Value) AS

How to do full outer join to combine two tables in mysql?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-11 08:27:28
问题 I have two tables payroll_advance and payroll_advrtn ,and i supposed to do full outer join to get my require result.But,I'm sure full outer join isn't possible in mysql and also i know that full outer join is possible by using the union.But i don't know how can i do join at the following query. My payroll_advance table produce the following result. SELECT _id,_tid,_dt,sum(_amount) as _advance FROM payroll_advance WHERE YEAR( _dt )=YEAR(CURDATE()) AND MONTH(_dt) = MONTH(CURDATE()) group by

SQLite: full outer join with four tables with 30+ columns

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-08 07:47:03
问题 This question is an extension to this post I want to join four different tables with SQLite which have just two columns in common. However, assume that there are 30+ columns, i.e more than just columns a - h . Please take a look at following example Table1: a b lon lat --------------- 22 33 11 22 Table2: c d lon lat --------------- 1 2 44 45 Table3 e f lon lat ----------------------- NULL NULL 100 101 Table4 g h lon lat ----------------------- NULL NULL 200 201 The current solution is the

Multiple FULL OUTER JOIN on multiple tables

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-03 05:37:59
问题 I have multiple outer joins SELECT A.column2 , B.column2 , C.column2 FROM ( (SELECT month, column2 FROM table1) A FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT month, column2 FROM table2) B on A.month= B.month FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT month, column2 FROM table3) C on A.month= C.month ) Now the last join is having a problem, its repeating when month of A is more than B but if B has more month that A we have OUTER JOIN in C with month of A which now repeats, so I guess having a FULL OUTER JOIN within two table might

Multiple FULL OUTER JOIN on multiple tables

放肆的年华 提交于 2019-12-02 18:00:44
I have multiple outer joins SELECT A.column2 , B.column2 , C.column2 FROM ( (SELECT month, column2 FROM table1) A FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT month, column2 FROM table2) B on A.month= B.month FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT month, column2 FROM table3) C on A.month= C.month ) Now the last join is having a problem, its repeating when month of A is more than B but if B has more month that A we have OUTER JOIN in C with month of A which now repeats, so I guess having a FULL OUTER JOIN within two table might solve the problem?? Any indepth links?? Sample Data(Incorrect) ╔════════════╦═════════╦═════════════╗ ║

Full outer join not returning all rows?

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-02 08:27:01
I have a table that contains multiple records for multiple dates. I am trying to see the difference between "date 1" and "date 2" and my full outer join is not returning the data I was expecting. I know there are 13278 rows on date 1 and 13282 on date 2 - therefore I would expect to see at least 13282 rows, but I get back 13195...which is an INNER JOIN (I tested this). I am hoping for results like: 001 000123 009 NULL 1000 001 000124 009 1000 1000 001 000125 009 1000 1000 001 000126 009 1000 NULL but this don't get any of the null rows from either side? SELECT COALESCE(c.AccountBranch, p

SQL Full Outer Join on same column in same table

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-02 08:17:50
问题 This may be more of a design issue than anything, but I'm hoping it's possible without too much voodoo. Suppose I have a table like this: SELECT * FROM stuff; id grp 1 a 2 a 3 a 1 b 2 b 4 b And I want to get something like this (with the ID's grouped in columns): a.id b.id 1 1 2 2 3 null null 4 Is this possible? I've tried the following query... SELECT a.id, b.id FROM stuff a FULL OUTER JOIN stuff b ON a.id = b.id WHERE a.grp = 'a' AND b.grp = 'b'; ... but I only get the common nodes: a.id b

MySQL FULL JOIN not working but RIGHT and LEFT join works

China☆狼群 提交于 2019-11-29 09:59:56
This is driving me nuts. I have two tables that I am attempting to preform a join on, usersXstats and usersXstats_alltime. Both tables have the same columns: id, userId, statId, and value What I am trying to do is SELECT * FROM usersXstats FULL JOIN usersXstats_alltime ON usersXstats.userId=usersXstats_alltime.userId AND usersXstats.statId=usersXstats_alltime.statId However this is returning Unknown column 'usersXstats.userId' in 'on clause' This query works just as expected when replacing FULL JOIN with LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, or INNER JOIN. To make it easier to read initially I wrote the