
How to connect to FTPS server with reuse sessions?

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-07-19 11:54:06
问题 I am using the Apache Commons FTP library in my android application. I am trying to connect to my FTPS server from my application (using Android Studio) and then upload some files. However when I want to reuse sessions by overiding the method _prepareDataSocket_ from FTPSClient , I always have the same error about : java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: sessionHostPortCache . I have tried with the code from the others posts : How to connect to FTPS server with data connection using same TLS session

Upload file to implicit FTPS server in C# with TLS session reuse

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2020-07-18 08:07:23
问题 I'm trying to upload file to FileZilla server through ftps by protocol TLS. On the server port 20 and 21 is closed. The only way how I managed to connect to server is by using FluentFTP but I couldn't upload file because of some FileZilla server bug. https://github.com/robinrodricks/FluentFTP/issues/335 https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=51601 public static void UploadTest( string pathUploadFile, string addressIP, int port, string location, string userName, string password) {

Connect to ftps:// URL

浪尽此生 提交于 2020-06-12 08:29:31
问题 I am trying to use this code to upload a file to an FTP, the problem I have is that when the syntax hits the serverURI.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp it returns false. Does that mean I have my URI address set-up incorrectly? I know it is a valid address, I have used ftptest.net to verify the site is up and running. What is incorrect in my syntax? private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Uri serverUri = new Uri("ftps://afjafaj.org"); string userName = "Ricard"; string password = ""

Can't seem to connect to FTPS via Atom editor Remote FTP

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-03-04 23:09:16
问题 I am trying to connect to my web server via my Atom editor, however whenever I try to connect with {"rejectUnauthorized": true,}, I received this error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames: Host: myhost.com. is not in the cert's altnames: DNS:dns.name I can connect fine with the following code: { "protocol": "ftp", "host": "myhost.com", "port": 21, "user": "username**", "pass": "password**", "promptForPass": false, "remote": "/", "local": "", "secure": true, "secureOptions": {

Sending files over FTPS (secure) using WinSCP .NET assembly

痴心易碎 提交于 2020-02-28 09:32:10
问题 What is required to send out files to a server with WinSCP (.NET assembly) using FTPS (Secure)? I've been looking at their documentation and am not really clear on certain aspects like TlsHostCertificateFingerprint or TlsClientCertificatePath . I've been able to send out files via FTP and SFTP with no problem, but this whole thing just eludes me. 回答1: If you have a code for FTP, all you need to add to connect to a well-behaved FTPS (FTP over TLS/SSL) server is to set the SessionOptions

Error “227 Entering Passive Mode”/“Connection refused” when downloading from local FTP server in Android emulator

喜你入骨 提交于 2020-02-15 06:12:49
问题 I am trying to download a file from my local FileZilla Server with Java FTPSClient running in Android emulator. I've written this helpercode to download one File: public boolean downloadSingleFile(FTPSClient ftpClient, String remoteFilePath, File downloadFile) { OutputStream outputStream; Log.i("t1", remoteFilePath + " - " + downloadFile.getAbsolutePath()); try { outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream( downloadFile)); ftpClient.setFileType(FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); boolean

ftp_login() : SSL/TLS handshake failed

£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-01-24 01:50:07
问题 I have to retrieve a file by using FTPS : $ftp = ftp_ssl_connect($ftp_server, 9921, 10); $bool = ftp_login($ftp, $login, $pass); ftp_pasv($ftp, true); $files = ftp_nlist($ftp, "/"); var_dump($files); die(); But I have this warnings, and $files is false Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: SSL/TLS handshake failed in xxx\view.importfromadmin.php on line 81 Warning: ftp_login() [function.ftp-login]: Using authentication type TLS in xxx\view.importfromadmin.php on line 81 How can I fixe it

Is there a way to use FtpWebRequest to authenticate to FTP using client certificates in C#?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2020-01-13 06:31:08
问题 I am trying upload a file to a FTP server and I need to use client certificate to authenticate and not the username and password. var fullFtpPath = String.Concat(ftpItem.FtpAddress, "/", record, ".txt"); FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(fullFtpPath); request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(ftpItem.Username, ftpItem.Password); request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile; request.UseBinary = true; request.UsePassive = ftpItem.UsePassive; request.EnableSsl =

Alternatives to commons-net FTPSClient?

可紊 提交于 2020-01-12 19:26:31
问题 Do you know any good open source library other than Apache commons-net FTPSClient to interact with a FTPS site Regards, 回答1: ftp4j provides FTPS functionality and is, IMHO, easier to work with than the apache commons ftp client. Ftp4j is under active development (not by me). 回答2: Take a peek at this comparison chart from JavaWorld. It breaks down all of the types of clients by feature, license, and cost. As pointed out below, this chart does seem to be somewhat old (from 2003). 来源: https:/