
Programmatically creating edges in ArangoDB

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-06 05:11:34
What is the simplest way to quickly create edges in ArangoDB programmatically? I would like to create relationships between documents based on a common attribute. I'd like to be able to select an attribute, and for every document in collection A, create an edge to every document in collection B that has the same value in an equivalent attribute. For example, if I've imported email messages into a collection and people into another collection, I would like to generate edges between the emails and collections. An email's schema might look like this: { "_key": "subject": "body": "from": "to": }

ArangoDB Foxx and Clojure script

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-04 12:53:09
I'd like to implement a Foxx service using ClojureScript. I've read that one can use Typescript and Coffeescript by running the transpiler during each development step; Can I do similar for ClojureScript ? As far as we know, it is not possible to write ClojureScript applications in such a way that they could run in ArangoDB/Foxx. Unlike TypeScript and CoffeeScript, ClojureScript is not just a language but an application runtime. It's better to think of it not as an alternative syntax for JavaScript but as a way to write applications that happen to be executed on a JavaScript engine. In other