
Foursquare Trending API Not giving result

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-08-26 05:01:30
问题 I have checked in to few Nearby places from Foursquare app. Now if I am hitting the foursquare trending api it does not give me the list of checked in venues. Can any one help. This is the api I have used:,72.58&oauth_token=FMT04M2BJ1.............&v=201.... I have tried this also : I am Getting such response. {"meta":{"code":200,"requestId":

文科出身敲出 Instagram,被小札“挤”走,建新冠追踪网站,这个程序员有点牛!...

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2020-04-26 18:22:53
作者 | 年素清 责编 | 伍杏玲 出品 | 程序人生(ID:coder_life) Instagram以滤镜和图片质量为核心,是全球最火的在线图片及视频分享的社交应用软件之一,而Instagram也是硅谷的一个传奇。 说起来你可能不信,这个传奇的缔造者叫凯文•斯特罗姆(Kevin Systrom),妥妥的80后,他从未接受过任何正式的编程学习,管理工程出身的文科生却编写出这般出色的软件,下面我们一起来看看他“弃文从猿”的不凡经历: 维基百科 管理学高材生转行学编程 1983年,斯特罗姆出生在美国马萨诸塞州,自小家境优渥,这使得他接受了良好的家庭教育,并且学校教育也是一路名校。2002年,斯特罗姆进入斯坦福大学管理科学与工程系就读。 在大学期间,他加入了斯坦福大学的梅菲尔德研究员项目,通过这个项目,斯特罗姆不仅接触到了融资和交易方面的许多知识和经验,他还认识Twitter的创始人杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey),他们一起研究怎样开发应用程序。他还因此获得了播客公司Odeo的实习职位,他很喜欢那儿的创业氛围。 大学里,斯特罗姆还认识到Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg), 小扎开出价值现在数千万美元的期权,想邀请他来Facebook开发图片服务。 斯特罗姆拒绝了小扎的好意,转而选择继续他的学业。 大学毕业后,斯特罗姆先后进入Google、Next

foursqaure photo add against checkin

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2020-01-17 07:10:13
问题 Me having strange problem while adding photo to foursquare checkin via node.js. When I use image files less than 10KB the photo got uploaded to that checkin but anything more than that in size just give me a BAD Gateway response from foursquare api server... var http = require('http'); var step = require('step'); var request = require('request'); exports.foursquarephoto = function(req, res){ step( function(){ //var image_url = '

Invalid geo coordinates when searching for venues

别说谁变了你拦得住时间么 提交于 2020-01-11 12:34:09
问题 when searching for venues (intent "browse", southwest and northeast provided) I receive the following error: Invalid geo coordinates (0.400000,0.000000) What's wrong with these coordinates? I thought latitude is supposed to be in the range -90 to +90 and longitude in the range -180 to +180 ... Any help is appreciated! Thanks, Carl 回答1: This is intended behavior. The vast majority of cases where people send us 0.00 as a lat/long coordinate, it's because of some programming error/mistake, with

Authentication error in nested API request

半世苍凉 提交于 2020-01-07 09:56:24
问题 I'm trying to pass Foursquare venue details to a Venue listing page (parent) but am receiving an error from the nested function that pulls the details. The initial listing request returns data as expected without error. How can I resolve the authentication error on the nested request? This is the error - { code: 400 errorDetail: "Missing access credentials. See for details." errorType: "invalid_auth" } I'm calling this

rhomobile and oauth2

一世执手 提交于 2020-01-06 19:30:51
问题 Based on this stackoverflow question foursquare oauth2 for IOS I need to send user from my app to foursquare. Get permission and redirect to my web server. I get the access token, but how do I redirect to a view? In my rhomobile controller I have def fsq_login WebView.navigate(' CLIENT_IT&response_type=code&redirect_uri=') end Once I have the access_token, how can I get my webserver to trigger a rhomobile view?

searching query in whole of world by foursquare venue api

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-01-06 19:29:35
问题 I take an string from user and must search its places in whole of world. I want to use foursquare venues api. but in that endpoint I must set search ranges by (ll and radius) or (sw and ne) or (near and radius). now how search places for an string in whole of world ? 回答1: You can set the intent parameter to "global": intent=global See Venue Search Parameters: global Finds the most globally relevant venues for the search, independent of location. Ignores all parameters other than query and

Dealing with JSON result

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2020-01-05 12:08:10
问题 I'm having trouble reading the JSON data from a venues search. Here is my code: xmlhttpRC = new XMLHttpRequest(); url = ""+pointStrr+"&oauth_token=V5PI2GJ0KDOVH2GAHNHJ5DVLMRKNF440FR1N1HPG0XHX2OBQ&v=2015643& callback=JSONP";"GET", url, true); xmlhttpRC.onreadystatechange = recCb; xmlhttpRC.send(null); //return recommendedArr; } function recCb(data){ //console.log(data); if(xmlhttpRC.readyState == 4){ if(xmlhttpRC.status == 200){

Omniauth with FourSquare issue

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2020-01-05 07:40:28
问题 UPDATE 2011/05/01: I later carefully read through FourSquare's API document, and found it says: (Note that the request parameters are not JSON, they are standard HTTP keys and values.) All authentication is via OAuth2, which means that all requests MUST be https. Could this be the problem that I don't have a SSL connection in my development machine? Hi all! I am trying to connect FourSquare via Omniauth, I followed the Railscast toturial below, and change the provider into foursquare. But the