
How to implement a feature: Post to a forum via email?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-06 15:12:54
I'm investigating the development of a new forum and found via user feedback that posting to the forum via their email client would be a very useful feature. I'm wondering: is it possible? Can php check for an inbox folder and turn each email into a forum post? And if so, how to do that in a LAMP environment? Setting up a script triggered by receipt of email to a particular address would be the simplest. That way you don't need to write a new cron script. You would want to create a special email address dedicated to receiving such emails. The thread could be identified by something in the

Resizing images

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-06 02:11:27
I'm working on a forum application in PHP. In signature field I have " <img src='randomimage.png'><br>bla blah " If an image is bigger than the field it stretches my tables and looks bad. Is there any way to re size the image if its too big? Sorry for my poor English and thank you for reading Edit: The thing is that it's not only the image. It's the image and the text "the big text". Respectfully, Tom Sampson PHP... You can re-size images with the gdlibrary (See: PHP/GD - Cropping and Resizing Images ), but that may be complicated if you're not already pretty familiar with PHP. jQuery

What is a good Ruby on Rails forum that can easily integrated to an existing application?

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-05 07:47:34
What is a good, open source RoR 3 forum that can easily integrated to an existing application? Optional features: OpenID support Haml/SCSS templates Support for smilies, YouTube, images, etc I'm probably going to change it alot, and I'm still pretty weak in Ruby, so clean, commented code with good practices would be great. Thanks :) The Rails community has never been focused on developing Ruby/Rails forums, conversely to other languages such as PHP. The evidence of that is a really old news talking about one of the forums prototype ever produces in Rails. You can still found traces of Beast

PHP forum software that integrates easily with existing website? [closed]

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-05 07:16:39
Closed. This question is off-topic . It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 5 years ago . I have an existing php website with a user system already set up (registration, authentication, lost password, etc.). I've decided that I want to add a message board and integrate it with the existing website: registration on one should register on the other, and similarly with logging in and changing user information. Is there a good forum that would make such integration easy? It seems that the most common way

Store text in BLOB?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-05 00:38:18
问题 I'm making a little forum for my clans website. I'm wondering if I should store the thread text in TEXT or BLOB? Whats the difference? I've seen that phpBB does that. What is BLOB anyway? cant find much about it on Google. 回答1: A blob is just a bunch of bytes. An arbitrary number of bytes, nothing more. If you were to store text as a blob, you'd have to worry about encoding (the process of translating text to bytes). But if you store things as text whatever database transport your using will

Promote a free library on the web [closed]

旧城冷巷雨未停 提交于 2019-12-04 20:55:24
I have nearly finished a free spellchecker library for Windows Mobile, and there are a few great forums around (both for developers and end-users), such as XDA , where you can promote your creations for Windows Mobile. However, I have been thinking that I'd like to make a version of my library available for Windows desktop developers as well. Once I have finished the same, I'd like to distribute and promote it to get feedback, bug reports, and suggestions. Are there good developer forums for promoting and distributing applications or libraries in this way? You might want to consider writing an

custom php forum - showing new/unread posts

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-04 19:30:46
问题 I have written myself a custom forum script using php. I decided against using phpbb and others as I wanted 100% flexibility with what I was doing. I've hit a problem though: How do I show a user if a post is new/unread or not. Two solutions come into mind: 1) Cookies 2) Database I don't want to use cookies because they can be deleted by the user and the firefox side of things means they are auto deleted. Either way, I don't want to use cookies. The database is causing me a problem because I

RESTful interface to PHP forum software

江枫思渺然 提交于 2019-12-04 11:31:10
I'm looking to integrate a light-weight forum feature into an existing GWT website. The front-end is written in GWT/SmartGWT and the backend is written in PHP. The communication is through a RESTful API using JSON. I have looked into the forums of some popular software (SMF, phpBB, etc.) but was unable to find any references to a RESTful web API to make integration into an existing non-PHP site easier. The closest I came is to vBulletin's Mobile API - . Unfortunately, vBulletin isn't free. Some recent threads I have seen on some of the

Creating a forum in phpBB3 from PHP and settings permissions

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-04 09:23:38
I'm attempting to create a new forum on an existing forum. I can create the new forum quite easily and view it from the admin console. The problem is I need it to show up at the front end as well for users. This is done via permissions. What I am attempting to do therefore is copy the permissions of the parent forum (which is public) to the forum I create. However the forum still doesn't appear to be showing up on the public facing side. Here's my code (please note the phpBB include files have been loaded previously): // $forum_name = name of the new forum // $parent_id = the forum which this

MySQL - how to show the latest topic per thread

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-03 22:36:35
问题 I am trying to create SQL for retrieveing a list of latests posts for the forum thread. I have the following code: SELECT item_discuss_thread_id , item_discuss_post_title , COUNT(item_discuss_thread_id) AS nb_posts FROM item_discuss_posts GROUP BY item_discuss_thread_id Obviously this will group without the respect of if the post is latest or not. item_discuss_post_title will just get the first row in the group. I wonder if there's some way around this? If not, what is the best way to solve