
Efficient collision detection in AS3

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2020-04-30 10:57:18
问题 I have a problem with a game that I'm doing. I basically have objects that are in a map and I have to check for each of them if they collide with the walls (and then do something). Since was working with AS2, I thought about doing the same way: I drew a picture with only the walls, so with only rectangles and everything else in between is transparent (does not exist, then the floor for example). In AS2 I put the image to the screen, let's call it wall, and then I did a hitTest to wall with

在 Linux 上安装 Adobe Flash Player

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-04-06 06:04:00
1、访问flash官网,点击下载,选择你的操作系统和flash版本 2、下载后,解压下载的压缩包 tar -zx -f install_flash_player_11_linux.x86_64.tar.gz #解压下载好的压缩包 3、安装火狐浏览器插件 cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins #复制插件到火狐浏览器插件文件夹 4、因为插件的安装涉及到更改权限问题,所以设置下插件的权限 cd /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins #定位到插件目录 chmod 755 libflashplayer.so #更改插件权限 5、之后重新打开火狐浏览器,即可支持flash视频了。 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/linuxmeng/blog/3218179


£可爱£侵袭症+ 提交于 2020-04-06 05:55:11
对于非ie浏览器他是用flash来实现的,js代码如下: < script type = " text/javascript " > function copy_code(copyText) { if (window.clipboardData) { window.clipboardData.setData( " Text " , copyText) } else { var flashcopier = ' flashcopier ' ; if ( ! document.getElementById(flashcopier)) { var divholder = document.createElement( ' div ' ); divholder.id = flashcopier; document.body.appendChild(divholder); } document.getElementById(flashcopier).innerHTML = '' ; var divinfo = ' <embed src="../js/_clipboard.swf" FlashVars="clipboard= ' + encodeURIComponent(copyText) + ' " width="0" height="0" type="application/x

宏旺半导体科普SPI NAND Flash和SPI NOR Flash的区别

为君一笑 提交于 2020-03-27 19:01:14
我们在购买电子产品时,常常听到FLASH闪存这个词。但对于基础小白来说,可能常常搞不清楚SPI Flash、Nand Flash、Nor Flash等都是指什么,今天宏旺半导体就跟大家通俗易懂地讲解一下。 首先,我们了解一下Flash闪存本身,它则是一种非易失性存储,在没有电流供应的条件下也能够长久地保持数据,其存储特性相当于硬盘,这项特性正是闪存得以成为各类便携型数字设备的存储介质的基础。Flash按照内部存储结构的不同,可以分为两种:Nor Flash和Nand Flash。 宏旺半导体打个比方说,Nor Flash更像内存,有独立的地址线和数据线,但价格比较贵,容量比较小;而NAND型更像硬盘,地址线和数据线是共用的I/O线,类似硬盘的所有信息都通过一条硬盘线传送一般,而且NAND的成本较NOR来说很低,而容量却大很多。 因此,NOR型闪存比较适合频繁随机读写的场合,通常用于存储程序代码并直接在闪存内运行,手机就是使用NOR型闪存的大户,所以手机的“内存”容量通常不大;NAND型闪存主要用来存储资料,我们常用的闪存产品,如闪存盘、数码存储卡都是用NAND型闪存。 首先,SPI是指一种通信接口。那么严格的来说SPI Flash是一种使用SPI通信的Flash,即,可能指NOR也可能是NAND。但现在大部分情况默认下人们说的SPI Flash指的是SPI Nor Flash

Random Start Times for Move Clips

不问归期 提交于 2020-03-27 10:31:14
问题 I want these growing circle movie clips to start at random times within a set amount of time and then not repeat again until the whole movie loops. Does that make sense? Attached is a fla and swf to show what I want except, over course, they're not yet starting at random times. animation should be a set amount of time long animation should repeat but with random start times for each mc all mc should play before animation loops again no mc should play until 10 frames in fla https://mega.co.nz/

Express.js application bug: flash messages are not rendered

纵饮孤独 提交于 2020-03-25 16:07:36
问题 I am working on a blogging application (click the link to see the GitHub repo) with Express, EJS and MongoDB. I run into trouble while trying to add flash messages after every CRUD operation. For Add Post (the operation itself works ), I have: exports.addPost = (req, res, next) => { const post = new Post(); post.title = req.body.title; post.short_description = req.body.excerpt post.full_text = req.body.body; post.save(function(err){ if(err){ console.log(err); return; } else { // Confirmation

Express.js application bug: flash messages are not rendered

家住魔仙堡 提交于 2020-03-25 16:07:01
问题 I am working on a blogging application (click the link to see the GitHub repo) with Express, EJS and MongoDB. I run into trouble while trying to add flash messages after every CRUD operation. For Add Post (the operation itself works ), I have: exports.addPost = (req, res, next) => { const post = new Post(); post.title = req.body.title; post.short_description = req.body.excerpt post.full_text = req.body.body; post.save(function(err){ if(err){ console.log(err); return; } else { // Confirmation

Express.js application bug: flash messages are not rendered

自作多情 提交于 2020-03-25 16:06:43
问题 I am working on a blogging application (click the link to see the GitHub repo) with Express, EJS and MongoDB. I run into trouble while trying to add flash messages after every CRUD operation. For Add Post (the operation itself works ), I have: exports.addPost = (req, res, next) => { const post = new Post(); post.title = req.body.title; post.short_description = req.body.excerpt post.full_text = req.body.body; post.save(function(err){ if(err){ console.log(err); return; } else { // Confirmation

已安装的Flash Player不支持FlexBuilder调试

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2020-03-24 07:00:06
Flex builder 3.0中使用trace( )调试时(debug方式运行,也可直接按F11运行。如果不是debug方式运行,trace函数的内容是不会输出的),弹出提示: Installed Flash Player Is Not a Debugger C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\Flash10a.ocx Flex Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Flash Player. You might need to install the debugger version of Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder. Do you want to try to debug with the current version? 这是因为:flex builder 3 默认安装的是flash player debugger 9.而最新的是 player 10 debugger版。如果安装的是10a,也会偶尔提示这个错误。 下载 http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/10/flashplayer_10_ax_debug.exe 或者 www.adobe

Session is different if flash uploads photo to the aspx page

随声附和 提交于 2020-03-23 17:38:33
问题 I have a aspx called user-photo-upload.aspx and another aspx called get-photo.aspx. I set the Session["PhotoId"] in the page_load method of user-photo-upload.aspx. If I visit the user-photo-upload.aspx through the browser normally, the session can be retrieved in get-photo.aspx. But if the flash uploads photo to the user-photo-upload.aspx page, I can't get the Session["PhotoId"] in get-photo.aspx. I discover that the Session ID is different when visiting the page using browser normally or by