
Fiware: NGSI v2 susbcription: getting notified only about the attribute that has changed

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-24 07:28:23
问题 I have this subscription: { "id": "5a27abba56256c402cec5654", "description": "my subscription", "status": "active", "subject": { "entities": [ { "idPattern": ".*" } ], "condition": { "attrs": [] } }, "notification": { "timesSent": 56939, "lastNotification": "2018-01-29T09:06:45.00Z", "attrs": [], "attrsFormat": "normalized", "http": { "url": "http://notif_url" }, "lastFailure": "2018-01-24T15:10:08.00Z", "lastSuccess": "2018-01-29T09:06:45.00Z" } } Using it I can get notified about new

How to configure Cygnus in relation to Orion and Cosmos

孤人 提交于 2019-12-24 05:28:10
问题 We have Orion, Cygnus, and Cosmos installed, and are trying to get the connections between them working: via the broker Orion messages are to be forwarded to Cygnus, which in turn is to write those to the Cosmos database. We know that Orion is working properly (it has been tested and used before), and have tested Cygnus with the test python script (as explained in Currently we are trying to configure Cygnus

SSH access for the headnode of FIWARE-Cosmos

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-24 05:07:06
问题 I am following this guide on Hadoop/FIWARE-Cosmos and I have a question about the Hive part. I can access the old cluster’s ( ) headnode through SSH, but I cannot do it for the new cluster. I tried both and and failed to connect. My intention in trying to connect via SSH was to test Hive queries on our data through the Hive CLI. After failing to do so, I checked and was able to connect to the 10000 port of

Warning on Cygnus avoids data persistence on Cosmos

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-24 04:53:11
问题 This is a cygnus agent log: 16 Sep 2015 12:30:19,820 INFO [521330370@qtp-1739580287-1] ( - Received data (<notifyContextRequest><subscriptionId>55f932e6c06c4173451bbe1c</subscriptionId><originator>localhost</originator>...<contextAttribute><name>utctime</name><type>string</type><contextValue>2015-9-16 9:37:52</contextValue></contextAttribute></contextAttributeList></contextElement><statusCode><code>200</code><reasonPhrase>OK<

Java client implementation for NGSI and ContextBroker communications

≡放荡痞女 提交于 2019-12-24 04:26:11
问题 In order to not reinventing the wheel I am looking for some existing library for connecting to Orion Context Broker from Java code. I have found that at there is published sample code but I do not like it as it does not hide raw XML usage. I have also found some code at github Some people seems to have worked on it but I did not find the sources. Is there some open library becoming popular reference on it? being API clean and easy to use and hiding low level things? (XML parsing,

Fiware Ultralight 2.0 IoTAgent: How to send measure from a device?

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-24 02:55:09
问题 I am working on a POC to create Smart City IoT project using Fiware platform. I am trying to run end to end flow. I have following Docker containers running. CONTAINER ID PORTS NAMES 24f036202f78>4041/tcp,>7896/tcp fiware_iotagent_1 81e16c78312e>1026/tcp fiware_orion_1 bf699e1acdd3>1883/tcp fiware_mosquitto_1 bfc256deddd0>27017/tcp fiware_mongo_1 I am using following tutorials.

Perseo fe docker instance fail to start

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:52
问题 I am facing with the following issue: I am trying to deploy FIWARE-Perseo to my Centos 7 server as docker instances. Although the perseocore instance runs without a problem, it doesn't happen the same with the perseo front end. It is created but fails to start. From the logs it is clear that the problem is associated to the mongodb: Changing PERSEO_CORE_URL to environment value: http://localhost:8080 Changing PERSEO_ORION_URL to environment value: http://myip:1026/v1/updateContext Changing

Perseo fe docker instance fail to start

我们两清 提交于 2019-12-24 02:09:37
问题 I am facing with the following issue: I am trying to deploy FIWARE-Perseo to my Centos 7 server as docker instances. Although the perseocore instance runs without a problem, it doesn't happen the same with the perseo front end. It is created but fails to start. From the logs it is clear that the problem is associated to the mongodb: Changing PERSEO_CORE_URL to environment value: http://localhost:8080 Changing PERSEO_ORION_URL to environment value: http://myip:1026/v1/updateContext Changing

Why cygnus crashes when using ngsiv2 in orion?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-24 01:27:10
问题 Recently I start working with NGSIV2 but cygnus start crashing. May I have something not cofigurated right? With the v1 works flawless. My startup trace with the error is in here: The error said: Error appending event to channel. Channel might be full. Consider increasing the channel capacity or make sure the sinks perform faster. time=2016-05-09T05:58:28.866CDT | lvl=WARN | trans=1462791485-602-0000000000 | srv=papel-club | subsrv=events | function=intercept |

How to know the Cygnus notifications table name in Cosmos?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-24 01:08:41
问题 I'm using Cygnus to send Orion Context Broker notifications to Cosmos via httpfs. Where are stored the data sent to Cosmos in the Hive history? What's the name of the table where Cygnus data are stored? 回答1: The Orion context data persisted by Cygnus in Cosmos is stored in plain text HDFS files. The content of this files, if properly structured, can be loaded into Hive tables which can be queried by using HiveQL, a SQL-like language. The way the Hive tables are created depends on the Cygnus