
File upload endpoint need to close InputStream?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2021-02-18 18:20:25
问题 @POST @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @Path("/upload") public String upload(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream inputStream) { ... inputStream.close(); // necessary? } For an API endpoint that accepts a file input, do we need to manually close the InputStream or does the framework do it for us? I have checked the Jersey docs but could not find any information about it. Looking for credible source or some way to validate it. 回答1: It is your responsibility to close InputStream. Jersey

File upload endpoint need to close InputStream?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2021-02-18 18:20:07
问题 @POST @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA) @Path("/upload") public String upload(@FormDataParam("file") InputStream inputStream) { ... inputStream.close(); // necessary? } For an API endpoint that accepts a file input, do we need to manually close the InputStream or does the framework do it for us? I have checked the Jersey docs but could not find any information about it. Looking for credible source or some way to validate it. 回答1: It is your responsibility to close InputStream. Jersey

Upload path based on a record value for Carrier wave Direct

江枫思渺然 提交于 2021-02-18 18:11:35
问题 I want to configure an upload path for Carrier wave Direct,which I am using to upload files directly to Amazon s3.In app/uploaders/myuploader.rb ,I have, def store_dir "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}" end I want to modify this so that,the path looks like, "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{}". so it will be some thing like, "uploads/Users/avatar/michael_jordan/.." Where User is the model in which the uploader is mounted. I have

Flask file upload limit

强颜欢笑 提交于 2021-02-18 11:54:12
问题 I have a file upload handler for multiple file uploads, and have set the MAX_CONTENT_SIZE. The docs mention that Flask throws a 413 exception when the total file size exceeds the limit, so I've also written a 413 error handler with a custom 413 page. However, when testing the file upload, I can see that the 413 error is definitely thrown, but the connection seems to break everytime instead of rendering my error page. FYI, I'm using the Flask dev server currently. Code: app.config['MAX_CONTENT

How to upload image using multer through browser?

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-02-17 06:09:37
问题 I am trying to upload an image through the browser, but couldn't, I have got this working in Postman but couldn't figure out through browser. I am getting this error when trying with my code below : Response {type: "basic", url: "http://localhost:3000/users/me/avatar", redirected: false, status: 400, ok: false, …} My HTML code is : <h1>Upload Profile Avatar</h1> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload-avatar-form"> <input type="file" id="avatar-image" name="avatar"> <button id="avatar

How to upload image using multer through browser?

十年热恋 提交于 2021-02-17 06:09:24
问题 I am trying to upload an image through the browser, but couldn't, I have got this working in Postman but couldn't figure out through browser. I am getting this error when trying with my code below : Response {type: "basic", url: "http://localhost:3000/users/me/avatar", redirected: false, status: 400, ok: false, …} My HTML code is : <h1>Upload Profile Avatar</h1> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload-avatar-form"> <input type="file" id="avatar-image" name="avatar"> <button id="avatar

How to upload image using multer through browser?

南楼画角 提交于 2021-02-17 06:09:13
问题 I am trying to upload an image through the browser, but couldn't, I have got this working in Postman but couldn't figure out through browser. I am getting this error when trying with my code below : Response {type: "basic", url: "http://localhost:3000/users/me/avatar", redirected: false, status: 400, ok: false, …} My HTML code is : <h1>Upload Profile Avatar</h1> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload-avatar-form"> <input type="file" id="avatar-image" name="avatar"> <button id="avatar

Call to undefined function curl_file_create() [file handling]

只愿长相守 提交于 2021-02-17 04:52:19
问题 I'm trying to upload a file with curl, and in the PHP documentation it says: To post a file, prepend a filename with @ and use the full path. The filetype can be explicitly specified by following the filename with the type in the format ';type=mimetype'. This parameter can either be passed as a urlencoded string like 'para1=val1&para2=val2&...' or as an array with the field name as key and field data as value. If value is an array, the Content-Type header will be set to multipart/form-data.

widgetVar cannot be used in p:fileUpload

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2021-02-16 18:51:29
问题 I want to remove the error message when choosing a wrong type of file. I followed the link . <p:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{userProfileUpdateController.upload}" widgetVar="fileuplaodWgt" allowTypes="/(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/" description="Select Images" update="userPhoto" mode="advanced"/> and I import <h:outputScript name="library.js" library="script"></h:outputScript> In library.js $(document).ready(function(){ alert(fileuplaodWgt);

How to upload files on Yammer API via the Azure Upload Small File API

眉间皱痕 提交于 2021-02-15 07:13:18
问题 How to upload an attachment along with a Yammer message? Any legacy method through attachment1 etc. fields of the /messages.json endpoint won't work anymore. The new method is not so well documented: I'm giving here an example in PHP below, but you can do the same in any language. 回答1: You have to do it in two part First upload the picture to and get the picture's id. Send your