I cant save some facebook images to my server as it does not understand the file
I am using the facebook graph api and it was working well until I realised that some of the jpg files have a query string at the end that is making them unusable. e.g. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/487872_451835128174833_1613257199_n.jpg?oh=621bed79f5436e81c3e219c86db8f0d9&oe=560F3D0D I have tried stripping off everything after .jpg in the hope that it would still load the image but unfortunately it doesnt. In the following code take the $facebook_image_url to be the one above. This works fine when the url ends in .jpg but fails on the above. As a note, I am converting