

我们两清 提交于 2020-04-18 11:33:47
问题: In countless places online I have seen the recommendation to include CSS prior to JavaScript. 在网上无数的地方,我已经看到了在JavaScript之前包含CSS的建议。 The reasoning is generally, of this form : 一般来说,推理 的形式 如下: When it comes to ordering your CSS and JavaScript, you want your CSS to come first. 在订购CSS和JavaScript时,您希望首先使用CSS。 The reason is that the rendering thread has all the style information it needs to render the page. 原因是渲染线程具有渲染页面所需的所有样式信息。 If the JavaScript includes come first, the JavaScript engine has to parse it all before continuing on to the next set of resources. 如果首先包含JavaScript

Get Live logs in front end on rails application

故事扮演 提交于 2020-03-21 16:01:56
问题 Here in the rails 3.x app,I am using net::ssh and running some commands to remote pc.I would like to display the live logs to the user's browser.like,If two commands are running in net::ssh to execute i.e echo "Hello" , echo "Bye" is passed then "Hello" should be displayed in the browser immediately finishing after its execution.Here is the code I am using for ssh connection and running commands in ruby on rails application Net::SSH.start( @servers['local'] , @machine_name, :password =>

Get Live logs in front end on rails application

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-03-21 16:01:02
问题 Here in the rails 3.x app,I am using net::ssh and running some commands to remote pc.I would like to display the live logs to the user's browser.like,If two commands are running in net::ssh to execute i.e echo "Hello" , echo "Bye" is passed then "Hello" should be displayed in the browser immediately finishing after its execution.Here is the code I am using for ssh connection and running commands in ruby on rails application Net::SSH.start( @servers['local'] , @machine_name, :password =>

EventMachine and Ruby Threads - what's really going on here?

随声附和 提交于 2020-03-18 12:47:10
问题 we use Rails and EventMachine together, and when using that combo with Passenger there is some very specific setup that needs to be done. After a lot of trial and error, I got EventMachine initialization working well, but I would like to understand the code a little better. As you can see below in this code snippet, our initializer checks for Passenger, and then checks if it's a forked process before restarting EventMachine. if defined?(PhusionPassenger) PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting

Rails gem tweetstream with Encryption not available on this event-machine error

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2020-01-24 10:49:55
问题 I'm trying to display tweets using gem tweetstream and following the guide at https://github.com/tweetstream/tweetstream In my tweets_helper.rb require "twitter" require 'tweetstream' module TweetsHelper @@client = Twitter::REST::Client.new do |config| config.consumer_key = Rails.application.config.twitter_key config.consumer_secret = Rails.application.config.twitter_secret config.access_token = Rails.application.config.twitter_oauth_token config.access_token_secret = Rails.application.config

gem eventmachine fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found

孤街浪徒 提交于 2020-01-19 01:52:07
问题 Just installed El Capitan and can't install gem eventmachine 1.0.7 . openssl is at 1.0.2a-1 . Tried to use --with-ssl-dir but it seems ignored. Reported it to their github repo as well. Any suggestions are really appreciated. Thanks. $ ls /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2a-1/include/openssl/ssl.h /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2a-1/include/openssl/ssl.h $ gem install eventmachine -v '1.0.7' -- --with-ssl-dir=/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2a-1/include /Users/pain/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/ruby -r

How to get the EventMachine gem to compile on OSX Lion 10.8.2 with Xcode 4.5.1

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-01-14 09:52:09
问题 I looked everywhere I can find but can't seem to find a solution to this. I'm using Xcode 4.5.1 on Lion 10.8.2, and am trying to run bundle for a Rails project and it keeps jamming up on this. I'm using the Thin gem for Heroku. Bolanos@Jeremys-Mac-mini ⦿-1.9.3 fishfarm $ sudo gem install eventmachine Password: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing eventmachine: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /Users/Bolanos/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin

How to decode a cookie from the header of a websocket connection handshake? (Ruby)

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-10 04:14:27
问题 I am running a Sinatra app within an EventMachine.run loop and in my ws.onopen method I wish to check the handshake header's cookie to ensure that the incoming request is coming from a registered user of my webapp. My Sinatra app includes the following: use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => COOKIE_KEY, :path => '/', :expire_after => 2592000, #30 days :secret => COOKIE_SECRET and my ws.onopen method looks like this (trimmed) ws.onopen { |handshake| cookie, bakesale = handshake.headers['Cookie']

close does not seem to work with WebSocket

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-01-03 17:48:38
问题 I have this simple javascript code : window.ws = new WebSocket('ws://'); ws.onopen = function() { ws.send('hello'); } And a server in Ruby like this : require 'em-websocket' class Websocket def run EventMachine.run do EM::WebSocket.start(host: '', port: '8000') do |ws| ws.onopen do |handshake| puts "Connected" end ws.onclose do puts "Closed" end ws.onmessage do |msg| p msg end end end end end When a connection is close, the server should print "Closed". In the browser,

Rubyracer (V8 binding for Ruby) performs really slow

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2020-01-02 14:12:55
问题 So, I have a TCP server in eventmachine and therubyracer is used as a way to pre-pend operations (like filters or extensions) to the server. It all works charming when the server is not receiving a lot of data, but when it's being flooded (it is required sometimes) it becomes really slow. So, I did a small benchmark to see how slower the rubyracer is compared to Ruby, and I was shocked when I saw the results: user system total real V8: 0.060000 0.000000 0.060000 ( 0.059903) Ruby: 0.000000 0