
Google calendar API move event

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-17 02:21:15
问题 Heres the deal, On googles developer website they have at the bottom of each api function description a tool to try out the api, specifically I am using the calendar api (where it says " Use the APIs Explorer bellow to ...): https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/get This call returns an event when you enter a calendar ID and an eventID. After switching the little OAuth2.0 switch on and entering my calandarID and an event ID of mine it returns a nice 200 ok

Google calendar API move event

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-17 02:21:06
问题 Heres the deal, On googles developer website they have at the bottom of each api function description a tool to try out the api, specifically I am using the calendar api (where it says " Use the APIs Explorer bellow to ...): https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/get This call returns an event when you enter a calendar ID and an eventID. After switching the little OAuth2.0 switch on and entering my calandarID and an event ID of mine it returns a nice 200 ok

Must pouchdb _id property values be globally unique?

房东的猫 提交于 2019-12-24 09:18:42
问题 The PouchDB Manual suggests using Date().toJSON() to generate a new id for each document. However this an result in _id values that are identical.. Does PouchDB have a built in mechanism for dealing with this or should we be using something like eventid? Specifically the Date().toJson() could produce id values are at the same instant in time like this: 2018-01-26T21:12:15.574Z 2018-01-26T21:12:15.574Z 2018-01-26T21:12:15.575Z If a document already has an _id of 2018-01-26T21:12:15.574Z and

Unusual event.EventID numbers like -2147481364 in Python using win32evtlog from Pywin32

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-11 19:09:18
问题 I wrote a python(3.2) script to ban ips on certain events from the event logs on a Windows 2008 server and I was trying to test if it would ban ips from sql brute forcing attempts properly. Unfortunately so far it's not getting to that part of the code because the event ID it is looking for never appears (although it should as it's in the log file). def run_script_application_log(): eventIds = [18456] #look for these events to process for possible ip bans 18456 = failed login server =

What event ids precede Windows 7 restart?

假如想象 提交于 2019-12-11 03:42:59
问题 I am looking for the major event ids that precede Windows 7 restart. In my event viewer i could find only one unique event id that always preceds the restart: 7040 . Am I correct ? I looked up this event but I am not sure about it, the documentation says : This event is written when an application causes the system to restart Is this the only unique event that precedes the restart ? I need this to answer my previous question 来源: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31728377/what-event-ids