Keras实例目录 运行生成文件 效果展示 plot_epoch_073_generated(图片文件) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Train an Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (ACGAN) on the MNIST dataset. See https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.09585 for more details. 基于MINIST数据集训练辅助分类器ACGAN(生成对抗网络) 详情见:https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.09585 You should start to see reasonable images after ~5 epochs, and good images by ~15 epochs. You should use a GPU, as the convolution-heavy operations are very slow on the CPU. Prefer the TensorFlow backend if you plan on iterating, as the compilation time can be a blocker using Theano. 5周期后,开始看到合理的图像