
CrackMe160 学习笔记 之 002

五迷三道 提交于 2020-01-18 19:20:52
前言 打开程序,是一个很简单的界面。看来是要我们根据 用户名 写出对应的 序列号 。 如图。 分析 输入任意字符,搜索字符串 "You get Wrong" "Try Again" , 找到 判断关键跳转 的地方。 00402579 . 66:85F6 test si, si 0040258B . 74 58 je short 004025E5 0040258D . 68 801B4000 push 00401B80 ; UNICODE "You Get It" 00402592 . 68 9C1B4000 push 00401B9C ; UNICODE CR,LF 00402597 . FFD7 call edi 00402599 . 8BD0 mov edx, eax 0040259B . 8D4D E8 lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp-18] 0040259E . FFD3 call ebx 004025A0 . 50 push eax 004025A1 . 68 A81B4000 push 00401BA8 ; UNICODE "KeyGen It Now" 004025E5 > 68 C81B4000 push 00401BC8 ; UNICODE "You Get Wrong" 004025EA . 68 9C1B4000 push 00401B9C ;


允我心安 提交于 2020-01-11 00:14:59
用汇编编写一个病毒 在github上看到大神用汇编编写的linux病毒,学习一下 github地址: 源码分析: ;; nasm -f elf -F dwarf -g cranky_data_virus.asm ;; ld -m elf_i386 -e v_start -o cranky_data_virus cranky_data_virus.o section .text global v_start ;代码开始处 v_start: ; virus body start ; make space in the stack for some uninitialized variables to avoid a .bss section mov ecx, 2328 ; set counter to 2328 (x4 = 9312 bytes). filename (esp), buffer (esp+32), targets (esp+1056), targetfile (esp+2080) ;不断向栈上push 0,用作全局未初始化变量空间,依次push是4个字节loop_bss: push 0x00 ; reserve


落花浮王杯 提交于 2020-01-05 09:56:41
用汇编编写一个病毒 在github上看到大神用汇编编写的linux病毒,学习一下 github地址: 源码分析: ;; nasm -f elf -F dwarf -g cranky_data_virus.asm ;; ld -m elf_i386 -e v_start -o cranky_data_virus cranky_data_virus.o section .text global v_start ;代码开始处 v_start: ; virus body start ; make space in the stack for some uninitialized variables to avoid a .bss section mov ecx, 2328 ; set counter to 2328 (x4 = 9312 bytes). filename (esp), buffer (esp+32), targets (esp+1056), targetfile (esp+2080) ;不断向栈上push 0,用作全局未初始化变量空间,依次push是4个字节loop_bss: push 0x00 ; reserve

Varnish and ESI HTTP AUTH

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-21 22:34:40
问题 I'm very lost on this problem, and I don't know where could be the problem, so, I hope that you could help me. I have an HTTP BASIC authentification with symfony, and I'm trying to reach an url which is protected by this auth, with an tag in a Drupal page. Every requests are send to a Varnish I give username and password in the url like that : <esi:include src=""/> In my varnish configuration file, I have only that lines for auth.http: if (req

Symfony2.2 render ESI template

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2019-12-14 03:42:36
问题 From the documentation, there is no example of how to render a template inside template using ESI. Is it possible to do that? For example, I have a template index.html.php and I want to render form.html.php template with ESI. How to do that? 回答1: As the documentation page you provided, you can render one controller within another using: {{ render_esi(controller('YourBundle:Default:news', { 'max': 5 })) }} You can also use a route name instead of the controller reference: {{ render_esi(url(

Is it good practice to put Edge Side Includes into my templates?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2019-12-11 04:37:00
问题 In our Symfony2 Application we render reusable blocks with render_esi. We have this kind of templates: {% for products as product %} <div class="product"> <h4>{{ }}</h4> <div class="ratings"> {{ render_esi(controller('AcmeDemoCommunityBundle:Rating:ratingStars', { objectType: 'product', objectId:, readOnly: true })) }} </div> </div> {% endfor %} And of cause we use the render_esi also in the detail page of the product. 回答1: I would like to differentiate different types

Varnish not processing ESI includes

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2019-12-10 11:52:38
问题 I'm trying to setup Varnish to process ESI includes on a local environment. I am running varnish in a virtual machine and the content is running on the host machine. I have two files "index.html" and "test.html". These are both stored in a folder called "esi" in the docroot of an apache server. index.html <h1>It Works!</h1> <esi:include src="test.html" /> test.html <p>ESI HAS BEEN INCLUDED</p> Varnish is running on the virtual machine on port 8000. So I access it here:

Security ESI issue with symfony2

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-08 07:44:46
问题 I'm facing a security problem with ESI on Symfony2 (2.2) : Some ESI of my application don't require to be logged and are public, but other ESI required the user to be logged and have the role ROLE_USER, for example. The problem is that every guy can display an ESI, by writing its URL in the address bar of the navigator... So a man can access to a ESI (that is called inside an action which requires an admin role), even none logged ! For example, my ESI "SybioWebsiteBundle:Controller

Symfony2: ESI setMaxAge Cache

浪子不回头ぞ 提交于 2019-12-07 18:56:38
问题 I have a Controller whose Action is rendered in twig with {{ render_esi(controller('MyWebsiteBundle:Element:header')) }} The Action itself looks like this: /** * @return Response */ public function headerAction() { $currentLocale = $this->getCurrentLocale(); $response = $this->render('MyWebsiteBundle:Element:header.html.twig', array( 'currentLocale' => $currentLocale, 'myTime' => time() )); $response->setPublic(); $response->setSharedMaxAge(3600); return $response; } When I reload my Browser,

With Symfony2 why are ESI tags inside cached responses ignored?

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-06 10:21:33
问题 I have an ecommerce application that I'm try to set up for caching - initially via the Symfony2 Reverse Proxy, but then ultimately via Varnish in production. I'm using Symfony 2.1.8 on Apache2. My problem is I cannot get the ESI tags to be re-checked for each request when the primary controller action is cached (important for private content like the basket contents), but I don't understand why. For example, I cache the homepage with the following code: public function indexAction(Request