
Get rid of gray line in R density plot density at y = 0

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-02 12:16:22
问题 I have a density plot that I want to save in an eps file. My density plot is something like setEPS() postscript("myfile.eps") plot(density(rnorm(1000))) dev.off() just with my data and a little bit more complex (changing labels and margins, more lines on top of it, etc). My problem is that I get an annoying, horizontal thin gray line on top of my density plot at y = 0, and I'd like to get rid of it. When plotting directly to the X device I don't get this horizontal gray line, but in

Making a .deb file from a Python file

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-02 12:01:14
After following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=406069 I got to know how to make a .deb file which automatically places the Python file as an executable to /usr/bin directory. I want my program to have a structure like that of "grep". Which libraries should I use, and what should be the structure of the programs. At libraries, do I have to use Get::Opt library? By the "grep structure" I mean the following: program-name func-name -a arg1 --b arg2 should work man program-name should open the man page and program-name should open an in interactive help shell... pwan There are lots of

RMagick: Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparent background

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-01 21:16:49
问题 I've spent a long time trying to go from a CMYK EPS to a RGB PNG using RMagick and Rails. Hopefully this will be of use to someone: def convert_image_from_cmyk_to_rgb( image ) #puts image.alpha? if image.colorspace == Magick::CMYKColorspace image.strip! image.add_profile("#{Rails.root}/lib/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc") image.colorspace == Magick::SRGBColorspace image.add_profile("#{Rails.root}/lib/sRGB.icc") end image end You can download the ICC files direct from Adobe at http://www.adobe.com

RMagick: Convert CMYK EPS to RGB PNG maintaining transparent background

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-01 19:44:28
I've spent a long time trying to go from a CMYK EPS to a RGB PNG using RMagick and Rails. Hopefully this will be of use to someone: def convert_image_from_cmyk_to_rgb( image ) #puts image.alpha? if image.colorspace == Magick::CMYKColorspace image.strip! image.add_profile("#{Rails.root}/lib/USWebCoatedSWOP.icc") image.colorspace == Magick::SRGBColorspace image.add_profile("#{Rails.root}/lib/sRGB.icc") end image end You can download the ICC files direct from Adobe at http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/iccprofiles/iccprofiles_win.html The only thing I haven't been able to suss is how to

How can I create EPS files in C#?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-01 17:57:54
How can I create EPS files in C#? Are there any opensource libraries available or do I have to resort to the spec and do it by hand? Rune Grimstad You can use the same principle as I suggested in the HTML to Postscript question here: html-to-postscript-conversion It is clumsy to set up, but once it is done it works quite well. If you don't have a printer driver that creates EPS files you can download some of the freeware pdf creator printer drivers. I believe some of these allow you to create EPS files as well. The cairo library http://www.cairographics.org generate all kinds of graphical

How can I create EPS files in C#?

不打扰是莪最后的温柔 提交于 2019-12-01 17:46:33
问题 How can I create EPS files in C#? Are there any opensource libraries available or do I have to resort to the spec and do it by hand? 回答1: You can use the same principle as I suggested in the HTML to Postscript question here: html-to-postscript-conversion It is clumsy to set up, but once it is done it works quite well. If you don't have a printer driver that creates EPS files you can download some of the freeware pdf creator printer drivers. I believe some of these allow you to create EPS


耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-01 15:13:55
在Ubuntu系统下,利用Inkscape已将图排列、修整完毕。 1. 要求:图的字体需要Arial。(Inkscape没有该字体) 解决:在windows下用AI修改字体。 2. 要求:eps格式的图。 解决:在AI下,保存副本,选择eps格式即可。 问题:如果,直接将Inkscape的图在AI中保存为eps格式,会出现图的字体很丑的情况。这是AI下没有Inkscape的字体导致的。所以,如果将Inkscape下的图在AI中保存为eps格式,需要在AI中转换字体。 注意:如果直接在Inkscape中将图保存为eps格式,那么,保存后的eps图的字体丑,且图片显示不全。 3 问题:将eps图提交到杂志网站时,提示错误:Fig2.eps - conversion failed. Remove file(s), then re-upload and try again. 思考:提交修改前的eps图,不会报错。提交修改后的图,会报错。为什么呢? 解决: 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zypiner/p/11690109.html

How can I extract color values from an EPS file?

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2019-12-01 13:40:17
I'm trying to find all fill and stroke values used in an EPS file. I can parse the file, I just can't figure out how color values are defined in the EPS postscript section. I have converted the file to SVG (using ghostscript) and I can get the hex values, but an EPS to SVG conversion with a gradient produces files 20x the size. Is there a standard format for color values in postscript that I can extract from an EPS file? KenS PostScript is a programming language, not a simple file format, so there is no simple way to determine what is going on in the program. A gradient may well be defined as

Aliasing when saving matplotlib filled contour plot to .pdf or .eps

北城以北 提交于 2019-11-30 14:39:46
I'm generating a filed contour plot with the matplotlib.pyplot.contourf() function. The arguments in the call to the function are: contourf(xvec,xvec,w,levels,cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet) where xvec = numpy.linspace(-3.,3.,50) levels = numpy.linspace(-0.01,0.25,100) and w is my data. The resulting plot looks pretty good on screen, but when I save to pdf using a call to matplotlib.pyplot.savefig(), the resulting pdf has a lot of aliasing (I think that is what it is) going on. The call to savefig is simply savefig('filename.pdf') . I have tried using the dpi argument, but without luck. A call to

How to adjust BoundingBox of an EPS file?

假装没事ソ 提交于 2019-11-30 05:37:59
问题 I want to crop main area of a PS or PDF file to create an EPS file without white space. Commands of ghostrcipt , ps2pdf , epstools can crop the main drawing out of the document file. The problem is that they only crop in its original form, but I want to create an EPS file with BoundingBox 0 0 x y ; cropped and moved to the bottom left corner. The difference i when we want to insert the resulting EPS file inside a PS document. When having BoundingBox x0 y0 x y , the PS document inserts the EPS