
Creating Vector Graphics with PHP

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-04 12:02:56
问题 Im trying to create vector graphics in PHP. Ive tried Cairo and I havn't been able to get it to work. I understand that imageMagick has vector functionality but the documentation on php.net is very poor can some one lead me in the right direction? The ideas is to be able to save the graphic to EPS. I also need to be able to use different fonts to output text. 回答1: Although you're looking to create eps I would still aim to create a PDF. PDF's are fully editable in any major package: Adobe

How to covert svg to eps in ghostscript

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-04 04:57:36
Can you please help me with a command to convert svg file to eps in ghostscript? I tried to open the svg file in Gimp but it is very big so it looks like gimp cannot open it or it take too long. I have two files which I want to convert. Note: I have done a conversion from png to svg to convert raster to vectors and the convertion take most of my system disk space (almost 2GB). There for is it possible to use external cache drive for the command? You'll need the 'sister' application to Ghostscript, called GhostPDL. GhostPDL includes an executable named gsvg (or gsvg.exe on Windows) which can


爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-04 01:27:20
最近看了一篇论文,涉及到数据挖掘的聚类算法,这里总结一下 一、聚类算法的简介 聚类算法是一种典型的无监督学习算法,主要用于将相似的样本自动归到一个类别中。聚类算法与分类算法最大的区别是:聚类算法是无监督的学习算法,而分类算法属于监督的学习算法。在聚类算法中根据样本之间的相似性,将样本划分到不同的类别中,对于不同的相似度计算方法,会得到不同的聚类结果,常用的相似度计算方法有欧式距离法。 1、 K-Means 算法的概述 基本 K-Means 算法的思想很简单,事先确定常数 K ,常数 K 意味着最终的聚类类别数,首先随机选定初始点为质心,并通过计算每一个样本与质心之间的相似度( 这里为欧式距离),将样本点归到最相似的类中,接着,重新计算每个类的质心(即为类中心),重复这样的过程,知道质心不再改变,最终就确定了每个样本所属的类别以及每个类的质心。由于每次都要计算所有的样本与每一个质心之间的相似度,故在大规模的数据集上 , K-Means 算法的收敛速度比较慢。 1.1、 K-Means 算法的流程 l 初始化常数 K ,随机选取初始点为质心 l 重复计算一下过程,直到质心不再改变 l 计算样本与每个质心之间的相似度,将样本归类到最相似的类中 l 重新计算质心 l 输出最终的质心以及每个类 2. DBSCAN算法 2.1基本概念 ( 1 ) Eps 邻域:给定对象半径 Eps

.NET Open Source Contour Plotting

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-12-03 15:14:30
问题 I am looking for an Open Source .NET Library (or wrapper to a library) that will create contour plots from a set of values along a grid/mesh. ZedGraph is the closest thing I could find (http://zedgraph.org/). It would also be great if it could export to EPS. 回答1: With D3 you can plot contour lines (isolines) for WPF. I am not sure about contour surfaces. WPF has great printing capabilities so I think that printing to EPS would not be a problem. Edit: recently found this one WinForms example

Creating Vector Graphics with PHP

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-03 06:43:31
Im trying to create vector graphics in PHP. Ive tried Cairo and I havn't been able to get it to work. I understand that imageMagick has vector functionality but the documentation on php.net is very poor can some one lead me in the right direction? The ideas is to be able to save the graphic to EPS. I also need to be able to use different fonts to output text. Although you're looking to create eps I would still aim to create a PDF. PDF's are fully editable in any major package: Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Xara Pro etc TCPDF works well and there is a bunch of code samples including fonts and

Cannot edit text in chart exported by Matplotlib and opened in Illustrator

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-03 05:06:35
问题 I am exporting charts from matplotlib and editing them in Illustrator. It's great that I can edit the lines, but the text also comes in as lines, so I cannot change fonts, edit text, etc. I've exported as EPS, PDF, and PS with the same issues. I'm using matplotlib version 1.0.1 with python 2.7.1 on OSX Snow Leaopard. I appreciate any insights offered! I tried using pdf2ps as suggested here, but all that did was degrade the quality of the image without making the text rendered as real text.

.NET Open Source Contour Plotting

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2019-12-03 04:58:14
I am looking for an Open Source .NET Library (or wrapper to a library) that will create contour plots from a set of values along a grid/mesh. ZedGraph is the closest thing I could find ( http://zedgraph.org/ ). It would also be great if it could export to EPS. With D3 you can plot contour lines (isolines) for WPF . I am not sure about contour surfaces. WPF has great printing capabilities so I think that printing to EPS would not be a problem. Edit: recently found this one WinForms example around a .dll which calculates isolines. The contour extraction routine ConRec worked very well (fast and

Inkscape command line: Need to convert SVG to eps without filter rasterisation

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-03 02:42:04
问题 I need to convert an SVG to EPS and currently use inkscape to do this. To convert the SVG using the Inkscape GUI version, I simply open the svg, and "Save As" 'logo.eps', unselecting the "Rasterize filter effects" option. However, I want to automate this process using the command line. Using inkscape logo.svg -E logo.eps works but does not disable filter rasterisation. I have done some research but can't figure out how to do this can anyone provide me the correct command? Thanks 回答1: The

Cannot edit text in chart exported by Matplotlib and opened in Illustrator

半世苍凉 提交于 2019-12-02 18:19:40
I am exporting charts from matplotlib and editing them in Illustrator. It's great that I can edit the lines, but the text also comes in as lines, so I cannot change fonts, edit text, etc. I've exported as EPS, PDF, and PS with the same issues. I'm using matplotlib version 1.0.1 with python 2.7.1 on OSX Snow Leaopard. I appreciate any insights offered! I tried using pdf2ps as suggested here , but all that did was degrade the quality of the image without making the text rendered as real text. pdftops looked nicer, but still can't edit the text results. You can edit the text in Acrobat

Inkscape command line: Need to convert SVG to eps without filter rasterisation

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-02 16:15:16
I need to convert an SVG to EPS and currently use inkscape to do this. To convert the SVG using the Inkscape GUI version, I simply open the svg, and "Save As" 'logo.eps', unselecting the "Rasterize filter effects" option. However, I want to automate this process using the command line. Using inkscape logo.svg -E logo.eps works but does not disable filter rasterisation. I have done some research but can't figure out how to do this can anyone provide me the correct command? Thanks The command I had to use to fix this problem was inkscape in.svg -E out.eps --export-ignore-filters --export-ps