
学习在 Linux 上使用 JOE 文本编辑器 | Linux 中国

孤人 提交于 2021-01-09 14:17:37
Joe's Own Editor (JOE)是一款简单易学和使用的通用文本编辑器。 来源: https:// linux.cn/article-12993- 1.html 作者:Seth Kenlon 译者:geekpi (本文字数:1653,阅读时长大约:2 分钟) 我很喜欢那些能让你轻松学会如何使用的文本编辑器。GNU nano 是我最喜欢的例子:你启动 nano,你会在整个会话的窗口底部看到一个最常用的命令列表。Joe's Own Editor(简称 joe )是另一个很好的例子。 joe 编辑器使用了一个基于终端的界面,提供了简单的文本编辑功能和一个易于访问的帮助屏幕。它用 C 语言编写,体积小,只对 libc 有硬性依赖(ncurses 是可选的),并且采用 GPL 许可证。 安装 在 Linux 上,你也许能在你的发行版软件仓库中找到 JOE。虽然它有点小众,并不是所有的发行版都打包了它。如果是这样的话,你可以从 SourceForge 下载源码,然后自己编译。这是个简单的过程: $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install 使用 JOE 据其作者介绍,JOE 的灵感来自于一个叫 WordStar 的应用和 GNU Emacs 。它的大部分基本编辑键都与 WordStar 的快捷键相同,编辑器本身也在努力向 WordStar 靠拢

试试 GNU nano,一个轻量级的 Vim 替代品 | Linux 中国

拟墨画扇 提交于 2021-01-05 08:16:31
轻巧而直接,nano 提供了一个简单、直观的编辑器,没有额外的麻烦。 来源: https:// linux.cn/article-12982- 1.html 作者:Seth Kenlon 译者:Xingyu.Wang (本文字数:1434,阅读时长大约:2 分钟) 许多 Linux 发行版都捆绑了 Vim 作为默认的文本编辑器。这吸引了很多长期使用 Linux 的用户,反正那些不喜欢它的用户也可以在安装后及时更换。不过 Vim 是一个很有趣的编辑器,因为它是少数几个打开时的模式不允许输入文字的编辑器之一。这对任何用户来说都是一个令人费解的选择,对一个新用户来说也是很困惑的。 多亏了 GNU nano,才有了 Vim 之外的另一种轻量级终端文本编辑器,而且使用起来非常方便 —— 它的窗口底部列出了最重要的命令。 Black nano terminal with white text 安装 在 Linux 和 macOS 上,你可能已经安装了 GNU nano。你可以用 which 命令来验证: $ which nano /bin/nano 如果你没有安装它,你可以从你的软件库中安装,或者你可以自己 下载它的源代码并编译 。 在 Windows 上,你可以使用 Chocolatey 来 安装 GNU nano 。 启动 nano 从终端启动 nano,要么单独打开它: $ nano

Symbol's value as variable is void: dired-mode-map

梦想的初衷 提交于 2021-01-02 20:12:14
问题 I'm trying to remap some keys in dired like this: (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'dired ) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-o") nil))) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-o") 'other-window) )) Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work, I get this error Symbol's value as variable is void: dired-mode-map Which is werid, because I should be loading in dired. What could I be doing wrong? 回答1: The original poster has two (2) many [pun intended] closing parentheses at this point:

Symbol's value as variable is void: dired-mode-map

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-01-02 20:11:02
问题 I'm trying to remap some keys in dired like this: (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook (lambda () (require 'dired ) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-o") nil))) (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-o") 'other-window) )) Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work, I get this error Symbol's value as variable is void: dired-mode-map Which is werid, because I should be loading in dired. What could I be doing wrong? 回答1: The original poster has two (2) many [pun intended] closing parentheses at this point:


杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2021-01-01 22:57:38
家里电脑(ubuntu20.04)上emacs(26.3)的manual显示不太正常,每次试图打开manual时,总是显示这个,里面只能找到一个Emacs FAQ,并没有多少信息。真不知道TUTORIAL中为什么推荐这个。 后来经过一番搜索,才知道是我本地缺少了emacs的info文件,从emacs官网下载一份emacs.info.gz,放到/usr/share/info/emacs目录下,manual的显示就正常 了。可以通过emacs原生查看manual,方便多了。 sudo mv emacs.info.gz /usr/share/info/emacs/ 参考链接: GNU Emacs manual (下载Info document文件) 给emacs安装info manual 来源: oschina 链接: https://my.oschina.net/u/4115950/blog/4873308

How to redirect message/echo output to a buffer in Emacs?

无人久伴 提交于 2020-12-31 04:39:24
问题 I'm writing a couple of helper functions for my use. They first call up org-publish-project and then call external scripts on that output. I'd like to collect all output from the execution in a temp buffer that pops up. The external stuff is easier. The function shell-command accepts a second argument about a buffer where to send stdout. But org-publish-project only echoes stuff to minibuffer and it shows on *Messages* if anywhere. Could I somehow redirect all echoes to a given buffer? 回答1:

How to redirect message/echo output to a buffer in Emacs?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-12-31 04:38:15
问题 I'm writing a couple of helper functions for my use. They first call up org-publish-project and then call external scripts on that output. I'd like to collect all output from the execution in a temp buffer that pops up. The external stuff is easier. The function shell-command accepts a second argument about a buffer where to send stdout. But org-publish-project only echoes stuff to minibuffer and it shows on *Messages* if anywhere. Could I somehow redirect all echoes to a given buffer? 回答1:

How to redirect message/echo output to a buffer in Emacs?

丶灬走出姿态 提交于 2020-12-31 04:37:37
问题 I'm writing a couple of helper functions for my use. They first call up org-publish-project and then call external scripts on that output. I'd like to collect all output from the execution in a temp buffer that pops up. The external stuff is easier. The function shell-command accepts a second argument about a buffer where to send stdout. But org-publish-project only echoes stuff to minibuffer and it shows on *Messages* if anywhere. Could I somehow redirect all echoes to a given buffer? 回答1:

Is there an apply-command-to-each-line-in-region in emacs?

最后都变了- 提交于 2020-12-29 12:25:54
问题 I have a bunch of links saved in an orgmode file, say... http://www.stackoverflow.com http://www.google.com http://www.github.com I can open each one by having the cursor on the link and doing C-c C-o , and it conveniently pops up my default browser and opens that link in a tab. Now suppose I have like 20 of these links. Is there a convenient way to apply a function like this to each line within a selected region, without recording an explicit macro? I'd imagine it looking something like...