
Windows 10 周年版尝鲜

北战南征 提交于 2020-01-07 05:03:42
【推荐】2019 Java 开发者跳槽指南.pdf(吐血整理) >>> 早在今年的 Build 大会上,微软就开始宣传最新的 Windows 10 周年版更新,炫了不少特技,直到昨天(2016/8/2 PST)才正式放出,相关新闻可以参考 这里 ,正式的版本为 Version 1607,系统编译版本为 Build 14393.10。 文章来源: 葡萄城产品技术社区 目前可以通过下面的多种方式开始更新: 1. Windows Update,面向所有用户,但是微软要分批初步推送,估计很多人不会立即刷到。你可以到“更新和安全”设置里 Roll up,幸运的话就可以看到类似下面的画面。 2. Media Creation Tool,微软推出的一个系统更新工具,可以自动选择并下载镜像来更新,需要注意的是必须保留8-10G的可用空间。 3. MSDN 订阅,所有的订阅用户可以直接选择自己需要的任意版本,包括公众版,企业版,教育版,IoT 版等等。 4. 从 Windows 官方下载 iso。 下面开始尝鲜,我选择的是从 MSDN 订阅下载,安装的是中文企业版,重要的是在虚拟机里进行的(毕竟对 windows 的稳定性不抱太大的期望)。 下载好镜像之后创建虚拟机,插入镜像并启动,很快就看到安装界面,没有什么变化的地方,但是加载速度快了不少。在我的机械硬盘的机器上,整个安装拷贝的过程大约10分钟

Add a point to expand polygon without appending it in Google Maps?

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-01 11:58:11
问题 I'm building a polygon in Google Maps through markers that can be dragged to reshape it. So, when there are 3 markers, the polygon is drawn, and further markers are appended in the shape, expanding it. That's fine when the user just want to follow a simple clockwise/counterclockwise pattern, but when he wants to expand the polygon through one of its edges, instead it will append the marker, twisting itself. Here in this example, if we add markers 1, 2 and 3, it will be drawn a simple triangle

Using freeze in JIProlog

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-24 22:46:54
问题 I want to do a graph search with JIProlog. The below example works fine without the memberchk , but then it returns paths with cycles, which I don't want. When I do include it, however, Prolog freezes, probably because of the infinite search. connected(ac,a,b). connected(ac,a,c). connected(ac,b,c). connected(ac,b,a). connected(ac,c,a). connected(ac,c,b). path(A,B,[AB]) :- connected(AB,A,B). path(A,C,[H|T]) :- connected(H,A,B), path(B,C,T), \+ memberchk(H,T). In this answer I found why (the

Overlapping edges in graphviz

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-23 02:01:57
问题 I've two overlapping edges and don't know why: digraph G { graph [rankdir=LR, overlap=false]; subgraph cluster1 { d1; n1; } subgraph cluster2 { n2; d2; } n1 -> n2; n2 -> n1; d0 -> d1; d0 -> d2; } Is there any way to display both edges n1 -> n2 and n2 -> n1 separately? Removing the clusters is not an option but would help ... 回答1: Trial-and-error solution (don't ask me why this works...): digraph G { graph [rankdir=LR, overlap=false]; subgraph cluster1 { d1; n1; } subgraph cluster2 { n2; d2; }

Fold/curl edge of UIImageView

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-22 09:55:43
问题 I need to fold/unfold the edge of UIImageView to mark as a favorite. I searched across multiple sites, but have not found anything about it. I attached some example images, and, If possible, with animation effect. Thanks!! 回答1: One way to do it would be to animate the view usign OpenGL. There is a nice library for that called XBPageCurl However, you could achieve a much lighter solution by creating a mask for the curl effect and animate your view while transitioning to it. Here is what it

How to update MST after deleting an edge from the graph?

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-12 08:59:12
问题 I have a graph represented with adjacency lists and his MST represented by parent array. My problem is that I need to delete an edge from the graph and update parent array. I've already manage to do the cases when: the edge doesn't exist; the edge is in graph but not in MST (MST doesn't change); and the edge is the only path from two nodes(in this case I return null, because the graph is not connected). What can I do when the edge is in MST and the edge in graph is in a cycle? I need to do

UIScrollView UIPangestureRecognizer dead zone on top edge of screen

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-12 00:52:31
问题 as shown in the picture below the UIPanGestureRecognizer will not pan when the drag started inside the "dead zone" on the top of the screen. This is most likely caused by the notification center. The touchesMoved:withEvent: method however does get called, so there should be a way to get pan gestures recognized in this area. Has anyone else came across this issue, are there any workarounds out there yet? Thanks for any help! 回答1: It is possible that on the top edge of the screen you have

Plot points linked with edges using gnuplot

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2019-12-11 15:04:13
问题 I have a file of points (x, y) that I plot using gnuplot. If I have another file that shows which point is linked with which other point by an edge (e.g. (3.8, 6) linked to (4,7)), is it possible to visualise/plot this edges between points ? 回答1: depending on how your data is organized, you may want to look into plotting with vectors . For example, if your datafile looks like: #x1 y1 x2 y2 1 1 3 3 You can plot this using: set style arrow 1 nohead plot "my_arrows.dat" using 1:2:($3-$1):($4-$2)

JGraphX - change edge rooting style

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-11 11:06:06
问题 I am using eclipse as editor and jgraphx v1.1. I am trying to change the edge style to sidetoside. For some reason I keep getting errors in setStyle. I have also tried edgeStyle[mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE] = mxEdgeStyle.SideToSide but still nothing. Any ideas what I do wrong? Thanks in advance public Design() { super("Path Followed"); AAA aaa = new AAA() ; mxGraph graph = new mxGraph(); Object parent = graph.getDefaultParent(); Object edgeStyle = graph.getStylesheet().getDefaultEdgeStyle() ;

Edges between two subgraphs in pydot

旧时模样 提交于 2019-12-10 08:14:19
问题 Does anyone know how to add an edge between two subgraphs (clusters) in pydot? callgraph = pydot.Dot(graph_type='digraph',fontname="Verdana") cluster_foo=pydot.Cluster('foo',label='foo') cluster_foo.add_node(pydot.Node('foo_method_1',label='method_1')) callgraph.add_subgraph(cluster_foo) cluster_bar=pydot.Cluster('bar',label='Component1') cluster_bar.add_node(pydot.Node('bar_method_a')) callgraph.add_subgraph(cluster_bar) I tried: callgraph.add_edge(pydot.Edge("foo","bar")) but doesn't work.