
.net core实践系列之短信服务-架构优化

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-12-13 16:36:16
前言 通过前面的几篇文章,讲解了一个短信服务的架构设计与实现。然而初始方案并非100%完美的,我们仍可以对该架构做一些优化与调整。 同时我也希望通过这篇文章与大家分享一下,我的架构设计理念。 源码地址:https://github.com/SkyChenSky/Sikiro.SMS/tree/optimize (与之前的是另外的分支) 架构是设计的还是演变的? 架构 该词出自于建筑学。软件架构定义是指软件系统的基础结构,是系统中的实体及实体(服务)之间的关系所进行的抽象描述。而架构设计的 目的 是为了解决软件 系统复杂度 带来的问题。 复杂度 系统复杂度主要有下面几点: 高可用 高性能 可扩展 安全性 维护成本 用户规模 业务规模 系统的复杂度导致的直接原因是业务规模。为了用户流畅放心的使用产品,不得不提高系统性能与安全。当系统成为人们生活不可缺一部分时,避免机房停电、挖掘机挖断电缆导致的系统不可用,不得不去思考同城跨机房同步、异地多活的高可用方案。 答案并非二选一 我认为架构,需要在已知可见的业务复杂度与用户规模的基础上进行 架构设计 ;伴随着技术积累与成长而对系统进行 架构优化 ;用户的日益增长,业务的不断扩充,迫使了系统的复杂度增加,为了解决系统带来新的复杂度而进行 架构演变。 因此,架构方案是在已有的业务复杂度、用户规模、技术积累度、人力时间成本等几个方面的 取舍 决策


放肆的年华 提交于 2020-08-13 09:10:22
  MessageQueue,顾名思义消息队列,在系统开发中也是用的比较多的一个中间件吧。我们这里主要用它来做日志管理和订单管理的,记得老老大(恩,是的,就是老老大,因为他已经跳槽了)还在的时候,当时也是为了赶项目进度,他也参与开发了,那时候我才刚刚入职,他负责写后端这块,我来了就把他手上的任务接过来了,(接着接着……就辞职了)。 之后我们的开发仍然有条不紊的开发着,直到今年的一月份吧,才上线开始运行,然后就出现了常规状态,上线之后就开始爆炸, 这个页面打不开呀,那个内容没东西呀,第三方登录问题呀,支付问题呀,临时再改需求呀……(该来的都来了),加班、debug、测试、再debug……,然后经过几天的修复,终于完成了跟自己电脑一样稳定的运行,组员们都美滋滋的,今晚加个鸡腿才行。 都说祸不单行,古人是不会骗我们的,Bug怎么会修得完呢?天真,要是Bug能修得完还要我们来干啥,好景不长,果然,过了一周之后,组员突然群里叫喳喳, what is it ? 来了,今天的主角登场了,我也要开始加班了。 RabbitMQ   这个是今天要说的东西,基础概念什么的不是今天要说的重点,重点是: RabbitMQ 内存 暴 涨 ! 使得整个服务器濒临瘫痪,远程登录服务器都差点挤不进去的状态,别看截图目前才1.3G,吃个午饭回来,就2.3G了,可怕不可怕?咋回事? 老板喊你回来加班啦   先不管了

How to do error handling with EasyNetQ / RabbitMQ

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-31 12:43:08
问题 I'm using RabbitMQ in C# with the EasyNetQ library. I'm using a pub/sub pattern here. I still have a few issues that I hope anyone can help me with: When there's an error while consuming a message, it's automatically moved to an error queue. How can I implement retries (so that it's placed back on the originating queue, and when it fails to process X times, it's moved to a dead letter queue)? As far as I can see there's always 1 error queue that's used to dump messages from all other queues.

Published and waiting for response on a topic with RabbitMQ / EasyNetQ - how to get only yours?

点点圈 提交于 2019-12-24 15:09:31
问题 When a publisher expects an answer to a message, how to ensure it will get only relevant answers (to its own messages) when you scale it out? We have a client process that publishes a message for a server process to answer. Additionally, we have a "listener" process that just needs to consume both the questions and the answers without publishing anything. Also, the server process might be broken to several ones on the future, creating a message cascade. We can't use the request/response,

EasyNetQ model shutdown

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-24 00:58:55
问题 I implement a simple client to RabbitMQ, using EasyNetQ. After a connection, I get a notification "Model shutdown for queue" . Here is my code: var _bus = RabbitHutch.CreateBus(String.Format("host={0}", hostName)).Advanced; var _exchange = Exchange.DeclareFanout(exName); var _queue = Queue.DeclareTransient(); _queue.BindTo(_exchange, "_"); _bus.Subscribe( _queue, (msg, properties, messageReceivedInfo) => { return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { Console.WriteLine(msg.Length.ToString()); }); });

Is there a way to specify a different Error Queue when using EasyNetQ.Hosepipe?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-24 00:56:47
问题 I recently posted the following question... Custom Error Queue Name when using EasyNetQ for RabbitMQ? ... and was provided with a solution on how to use different, application specific Error Queue names when using EasyNetQ, rather than having all unhandled exceptions go into the default error queue (EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue). What I'd now like is to be able to use EasyNetQ.Hosepipe.exe to dump all of the error messages from whichever Error queue I specify, as its default behaviour when

Re-queue message on exception

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-20 11:32:12
问题 I'm looking for a solid way of re-queuing messages that couldn't be handled properly - at this time. I've been looking at http://dotnetcodr.com/2014/06/16/rabbitmq-in-net-c-basic-error-handling-in-receiver/ and it seems that it's supported to requeue messages in the RabbitMQ API. else //reject the message but push back to queue for later re-try { Console.WriteLine("Rejecting message and putting it back to the queue: {0}", message); model.BasicReject(deliveryArguments.DeliveryTag, true); }

Custom Error Queue Name when using EasyNetQ for RabbitMQ?

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-18 13:23:12
问题 Rather than having my unhandled exceptions go into EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue I wondered if there is a way that I can explicitly state the name of an Error Queue that should be used for a given application, so errors don't ALL end up in this one EasyNetQ_Default_Error_Queue ? I can see how to specify regular message queue names but haven't managed to find anything about Error Queue names. 回答1: Yes, you can customize the naming conventions by overriding the delegates on the IConventions

How do I deserialize a dead lettered message when dead lettering changes the type?

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-12 04:25:42
问题 I'm trying to write a dead letter handler service that reads messages off of a dead letter queue and then does something with the message based on the type, contents, etc. In my C# application, I'm using EasyNetQ. I have a basic message type called MyMessage, and then a number of subtypes. EasyNetQ doesn't have a problem serializing the messages, sending them to an exchange, pulling them off the queue and then deserializing the message back into the original type. However, if I setup the

Do I avoid using Async methods if I want to preserve message order with EasyNetQ?

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-11 18:48:49
问题 I have seen this in the documentation of EasynetQ" EasyNetQ implements a single consumer thread per IBus instance, so if you use the standard non-async subscribe method your message handler will fire synchronously in the same order that messages are delivered by RabbitMQ. There shouldn't be any need to implement a lock. If you use the async subscribe, the handlers will still be called in order, but of course they may ACK out of order depending on how you implement your async handler. Now,