
AOP for C# dotnet core 2.0, access method parameter values before method body runs

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-04 17:06:40
This is my method, I am trying to validate componentToSave (or access method parameter values) and throw an exception before method body even runs. public Component SaveComponent(Component componentToSave) { ... } I tried using PostSharp but it is not free and also there were other libraries that rely on AutoFac as IoC but in my current setup I am using dotnet core's built-in dependency injection. I tried NConcern and it relies on CNeptune and CNeptune itself relies on a .exe file for post-compile binding and I currently use Linux for both development and production so I cannot use it, even I

How to intercept a call to a nonvirtual method from/to thirdy-party libraries in .Net?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-04 09:39:19
I think what I need is something the .net folks call "transparent dynamic proxy", but all the implementations I've seen this far (Castle DynamicProxy, Spring.NET AOP, etc) require me to do at least one of these: Declare intercepted method as virtual Wrap class and create instances of the wrapper instead of wrapped class Change inheritance or implement interfaces Obviously, if both caller and callee are nonvirtual and from thirdy-party closed source libraries, which is the case, there is nothing I can do. If C# were a dynamic language like Python I would do something like this: foo =

Is there a way to create a DynamicObject that supports an Interface?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-04 00:35:52
Can I define a class which derives from DynamicObject and supports an interface (ICanDoManyThings) without having to implement each method in the interface? I'm trying to make a dynamic proxy object, and want the method invocations on this class to be handled by the implementation of MyProxyClass.TryInvokeMember, which may or may not pass them on to a wrapped object. Is this possible? Thanks ImpromptuInterface does exactly this and it works with ANY IDynamicMetaObjectProvider including DynamicObject subclasses and ExpandoObject. using ImpromptuInterface; using ImpromptuInterface.Dynamic;

Dynamic proxy and checked exceptions

我的梦境 提交于 2019-12-03 12:10:58
How can I make my dynamic proxy throw checked exceptions? I need a transparent wrapper for an interface which sometimes throws checked exceptions such as IOException . Is it possible without 3rd party AOP or writing my own proxy? Modifying all 20 methods of the interface by hand is not an option either. You can use a dynamic proxy. As long as the checked exceptions are part of the interface you can throw the checked exceptions from the invocation handler. Otherwise this is illegal and will create an UndeclaredThrowableException that wraps the thrown checked exception. interface A{ void x()

Why does JDK dynamic Proxy only work with Interfaces?

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-03 06:04:31
问题 The JDK Proxy class only accepts interfaces in the factory method newProxyInstance(). Is there a workaround available, or alternative implementations? The use cases are limited if I have to extract methods to an interface in order to enable them for use with a proxy. I would like to wrap them to apply annotation based actions during runtime. public static <T> T getProxy(T obj) { InvocationHandler ih = new InjectProxy( obj ); ClassLoader classLoader = InjectProxy.class.getClassLoader(); return

What is the meaning of using proxy ( dynamic proxy) in spring framework?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-03 05:03:00
问题 I don't know the meaning of using proxy in spring. what is efficient? 回答1: The dynamic proxy is a feature of the JDK. It can be used to implement an interface using an invocation handler. A dynamic proxy class (simply referred to as a proxy class below) is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime when the class is created, with behavior as described below. A proxy interface is such an interface that is implemented by a proxy class. A proxy instance is an instance of a

Why won't DynamicProxy's interceptor get called for *each* virtual method call?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2019-12-03 03:25:37
An example explains it best : public interface IA { void foo(); void bar(); } public class A : IA { public virtual void foo(){ Console.Write("foo"); bar(); //call virtual method } public virtual void bar(){ Console.Write("bar"); } } public class Interceptor : IInterceptor { public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) { Console.WriteLine("Intercepted: " + invocation.Method.Name); invocation.Proceed(); } } Main(){ IA a = new A(); //proxy-ing an interface, given an implementation IA proxy = new Castle.DynamicProxy.ProxyGenerator() .CreateInterfaceProxyWithTarget(a, new Interceptor()); proxy.foo

Performance cost of Java dynamic proxy

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-03 01:21:37
问题 Many modern frameworks (Spring, Hibernate) provide very nice dynamic behaviors with use of Java dynamic proxies, but what's the exact performance cost associated with it? Are there public benchmarks available for Sun JVM? 回答1: A few pointers: Debunking myths: proxies impact performance (have a look at the comments too) Java theory and practice: Decorating with dynamic proxies Benchmarking the cost of dynamic proxies 回答2: I don't know if there is any performance analysis in the framework you

What is the meaning of using proxy ( dynamic proxy) in spring framework?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-02 19:23:19
I don't know the meaning of using proxy in spring. what is efficient? Thomas Jung The dynamic proxy is a feature of the JDK. It can be used to implement an interface using an invocation handler . A dynamic proxy class (simply referred to as a proxy class below) is a class that implements a list of interfaces specified at runtime when the class is created, with behavior as described below. A proxy interface is such an interface that is implemented by a proxy class. A proxy instance is an instance of a proxy class. Each proxy instance has an associated invocation handler object, which implements

Using Dynamic Proxies to centralize JPA code

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-01 14:56:46
Actually, This is not a question but really I need your opinions in a matter... I put his post here because I know you always active, so please don't consider this a bad question and share me your opinions. I've used Java dynamic proxies to Centralize The code of JPA that I used in a standalone mode, and Here's the dynamic proxy code: package com.forat.service; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax