
helloworld on Kie Server version 6.4.0

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-12-02 21:10:55
问题 I am currently evaluating KIE Server without using KIE Workbench. The scenario am evaluating is, 1) A third party will give me a drl file its value object (VO which will be used inside drl). I need to create a kjar or jar programmatically through a standard maven project structure and also create a container for that artifact and store it in maven repo. 2) When i receive a request for execution along with the input data, against that artifact, through REST call, i need to execute the above

helloworld on Kie Server version 6.4.0

烂漫一生 提交于 2019-12-02 11:48:55
I am currently evaluating KIE Server without using KIE Workbench. The scenario am evaluating is, 1) A third party will give me a drl file its value object (VO which will be used inside drl). I need to create a kjar or jar programmatically through a standard maven project structure and also create a container for that artifact and store it in maven repo. 2) When i receive a request for execution along with the input data, against that artifact, through REST call, i need to execute the above created container with that input data. I followed the examples this and this to do a simple "HelloWorld"

How to integrate KIE Workbench 6.1.0.Final (Drools Guvnor) Project with Java Application

邮差的信 提交于 2019-11-29 15:35:39
I am using KIE Workbench 6.1.0.Final and my Eclipse project where I am trying to execute rules is also 6.1.0 Runtime enabled. I like to know how I can execute/load rules created using Drools Guvnor, from my java application. Before posting this question, I have looked at the following similar questions and tried the given approaches but none of them worked for me. Integrating Drool 6 work bench with Java Application why does loading Drools 6 KIE JAR into code fail? Loading Drools/KIE Workbench artifacts directly from the repository KIE Workbench Integration Responds with 401 I have followed

why does loading Drools 6 KIE JAR into code fail?

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-11-28 11:30:18
I'm using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final with KIE Workbench/Drools 6.0.1., Java and Eclipse (Kepler). I need KIE Workbench (formerly Drools Guvnor) to let people graphically create/edit jars with Facts and Rules and then store as jars in the local maven repository. These jars (formerly pkg's) i want then to access programatically and load them into my Drools application. The app could even (although not preferedly) be run on the same workstation, so access to the repository could be a) by URL: http://localhost:8080/drools-wb-as7.0/maven2/com/myprojects/myProject/LATEST/myProject-LATEST.jar b) by

Loading Drools/KIE Workbench artifacts directly from the repository

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-27 18:54:09
We try to switch to Drools 6 with the all new KIE workbench (formerly known as Guvnor) and the new maven-based artifacts. Now I'd like to use the the system described in this blog post in the second image ("Deployment"): Loading the rules via HTTP from the workbench repository (the dotted arrow, going from HTTP on the left directly into the application). The problem is, that I have no idea how to load the artifact into my KieServices/KieModule object. I basically do not want to use maven, I also cannot provide the path to maven's settings.xml globally as a Java parameter, so this option is out

why does loading Drools 6 KIE JAR into code fail?

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2019-11-27 06:14:27
问题 I'm using JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final with KIE Workbench/Drools 6.0.1., Java and Eclipse (Kepler). I need KIE Workbench (formerly Drools Guvnor) to let people graphically create/edit jars with Facts and Rules and then store as jars in the local maven repository. These jars (formerly pkg's) i want then to access programatically and load them into my Drools application. The app could even (although not preferedly) be run on the same workstation, so access to the repository could be a) by URL: http:/

Loading Drools/KIE Workbench artifacts directly from the repository

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-11-26 19:26:32
问题 We try to switch to Drools 6 with the all new KIE workbench (formerly known as Guvnor) and the new maven-based artifacts. Now I'd like to use the the system described in this blog post in the second image ("Deployment"): Loading the rules via HTTP from the workbench repository (the dotted arrow, going from HTTP on the left directly into the application). The problem is, that I have no idea how to load the artifact into my KieServices/KieModule object. I basically do not want to use maven, I