I am happily converting docx files to PDF via the command line (controlled via C# process calls) out of my service.
Unfortunately I could not find any internet search results on how to set the options for the output PDF that the GUI offers me. I am specifically looking for generating PDF/A and tagged PDF via the command line.
Anyone ever done this and knows how to do that?
EDIT: Obviously getting a PDF/A can be done by using unoconv instead. On windows one would use the following command line in a checked out unoconv repository:
python.exe .\unoconv -f pdf -eSelectPdfVersion=1 C:\temp\libre\renderingtest.docx
I did not find further information on how to select other things (tagged PDF etc.) and where to get a complete list of the options that are available.
EDIT: It seems as one could try the different options in the GUI. The settings get saved to C:\Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\registrymodifications.xcu
. Then one can look up the changed setting and provide that to unoconv as this:
python.exe .\unoconv -f pdf -eUseTaggedPDF=1 -eSelectPdfVersion=1 C:\temp\libre\renderingtest.docx
Still not sure if I am doing this correctly though.