What is needed to convert ASN.1 data to a Public Key? e.g. how do I determine the OID?
This code relates to DKIM signature verification used in anti-spam efforts. I have a byte[] from s1024._domainkey.yahoo.com that is ASN.1 encoded, but I don't know if that alone contains enough information to materialize a public key. Based on this class , it appears I can convert an ASN.1 key into a X509Certificate Public key, but I need to supply an OID and some ASN.1-encoded parameters. In this example I have metadata that the ASN1 key is: An RSA encoded key (ASN.1 DER-encoded [ITU-X660-1997] RSAPublicKey per RFC3447) Used with either sha1 sha256 hash algorithms Uses an OID relating to the