
The Post could not be created because the data didn't validate - ( When i set past time in form field )

邮差的信 提交于 2021-02-20 00:20:56
问题 I am building a BlogApp and I am stuck on an Error and I keep getting this error :- The Post could not be created because the data didn't validate. What i am trying to do I made a feature that users cannot insert past date in DateTimeField . AND If user enters the past date in field then a Validation Error should be display. AND i was testing it and suddenly a new error is occured. class PostForm(forms.ModelForm): date = forms.DateTimeField( def clean_date(self):

How to set daily update limit for django model(db)?

折月煮酒 提交于 2021-02-19 23:24:48
问题 Hi I'm having one Django web app where My model A contains 1000 records and I want to set a daily update limit for example if users are updating that data by uploading a .xls file then it should count how many records updated and once it is more than 500 then the user should get an Error message(Is there Any easy way to implement this at file processing level). Can Anyone help me how to implement this (Is there an SQLite parameter that I can mention in below is my upload code.

How to set daily update limit for django model(db)?

北慕城南 提交于 2021-02-19 23:10:36
问题 Hi I'm having one Django web app where My model A contains 1000 records and I want to set a daily update limit for example if users are updating that data by uploading a .xls file then it should count how many records updated and once it is more than 500 then the user should get an Error message(Is there Any easy way to implement this at file processing level). Can Anyone help me how to implement this (Is there an SQLite parameter that I can mention in below is my upload code.

How to write custom database adapter for django using JDBC drivers?

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-19 12:58:18
问题 I have a web-app in Django and backend in Hbase. To access hbase I'm using Apache Phoenix to query hbase. Phoenix has jdbc drivers exposed. How can I integrate Phoenix with Django ORM using these jdbc drivers? Can I write customer db adapter or is there any other way? Thanks in advance. 回答1: I have also been trying to see if it is possible to extend the ORM of django to use apache phoenix. but for a start, you can checkout JayDeBeAPI or phoenixdb As an example, I was able to connect and

How to write custom database adapter for django using JDBC drivers?

笑着哭i 提交于 2021-02-19 12:55:46
问题 I have a web-app in Django and backend in Hbase. To access hbase I'm using Apache Phoenix to query hbase. Phoenix has jdbc drivers exposed. How can I integrate Phoenix with Django ORM using these jdbc drivers? Can I write customer db adapter or is there any other way? Thanks in advance. 回答1: I have also been trying to see if it is possible to extend the ORM of django to use apache phoenix. but for a start, you can checkout JayDeBeAPI or phoenixdb As an example, I was able to connect and

Displaying foreign model fields in django admin as editable

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-19 11:28:26
问题 I have a Django Model with a Foreign key: class Library: name=models.CharField() class Book: title=models.CharField() library=models.ForeignKey(Library) class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): extra = 0 fields = ['title', 'library__name'] # library__name not found, BookAdmin) In the admin, I want to display Book and show an editable field for in the Book view (not the other way around with inlines): > Book * Title: "Foo" * Library Name: "Bar

Django rest framework(1)----认证

和自甴很熟 提交于 2021-02-19 11:03:04
目录 Django组件库之(一) APIView源码 Django restframework (1) ----认证 Django rest framework(2)----权限 Django rest framework(3)----节流 Django rest framework(4)----版本 Django rest framework(5)----解析器 Django rest framework(6)----序列化 Django rest framework(7)----分页 一、基础 1.1.安装 两种方式: github pip直接安装 pip install djangorestframework 1.2.需要先了解的一些知识 理解下面两个知识点非常重要,django-rest-framework源码中到处都是基于CBV和面向对象的封装 (1)面向对象封装的两大特性 把同一类方法封装到类中 将数据封装到对象中 (2)CBV 基于反射实现根据请求方式不同,执行不同的方法 原理:url-->view方法-->dispatch方法(反射执行其它方法:GET/POST/PUT/DELETE等等) 二、简单实例 2.1.settings 先创建一个project和一个app(我这里命名为API) 首先要在settings的app中添加 INSTALLED_APPS = [

Django: Running a process each day at specified user local time

感情迁移 提交于 2021-02-19 09:23:17
问题 I'm porting my site to python/django, and one of the main exercises involves a set of data where users can schedule an event in their local time, and have it happen every day. Currently i have a cron job (on another server) that hits up a method every e.g 5 minutes and see's if anything needs to be schedule over the next (let's say ) 10 minutes. I store a Time value, and the user's local timezone for each job What is the best way to do this? Right now I am working on a function that: Converts

Unique Email Identifiers with IMAP

末鹿安然 提交于 2021-02-19 08:58:10
问题 I am creating an GMail email interface in Django/Python. I want to create a skeleton of all emails, containing subject and date, a kind of overview-level index, so that even if an email is deleted, I have an indicator it existed and when it was sent. My problem is, considering that IMAP UIDs change, what can I use as a unique email identifier? Even if I create the skeleton of each email with a unique ID in my database, if I associate a email UID and IMAP folder name to it, the UID can change

Heroku, Django, and Sendgrid - emails not sending?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2021-02-19 08:48:08
问题 So I'm using heroku and sendgrid and think I have my configured correctly: EMAIL_HOST_USER = os.environ['SENDGRID_USERNAME'] EMAIL_HOST= '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = os.environ['SENDGRID_PASSWORD'] I'm sending email using send_mail like this (using pre_save receiver to check if attribute has changed... also '' is replaced with my actual email): @receiver(pre_save,sender=LotteryEntry) def send_email_if_invited