

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2020-03-31 06:42:28
virtual(C# 参考) virtual 关键字用于修饰方法、属性、索引器或事件声明,并且允许在派生类中重写这些对象。例如,此方法可被任何继承它的类重写。 复制代码 public virtual double Area() { return x * y; } 虚拟成员的实现可由派生类中的 重写成员 更改。有关使用 virtual 关键字的更多信息,请参见 使用 Override 和 New 关键字进行版本控制(C# 编程指南) 和 了解何时使用 Override 和 New 关键字(C# 编程指南) 。 备注 调用虚方法时,将为重写成员检查该对象的运行时类型。将调用大部分派生类中的该重写成员,如果没有派生类重写该成员,则它可能是原始成员。 默认情况下,方法是非虚拟的。不能重写非虚方法。 virtual 修饰符不能与 static 、 abstract, private 或 override 修饰符一起使用。 除了声明和调用语法不同外,虚拟属性的行为与抽象方法一样。 在静态属性上使用 virtual 修饰符是错误的。 通过包括使用 override 修饰符的属性声明,可在派生类中重写虚拟继承属性。 示例 在该示例中, Dimensions 类包含 x 和 y 两个坐标和 Area() 虚方法。不同的形状类,如 Circle 、 Cylinder 和 Sphere 继承

Calculate the number of dimensions of a multi-dimensional array in Swift

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-02-28 07:38:24
问题 Suppose I have some function that I want to populate my data structure using a multi-dimensional array (e.g. a Tensor class): class Tensor { init<A>(array:A) { /* ... */ } } while I could add in a shape parameter, I would prefer to automatically calculate the dimensions from the array itself. If you know apriori the dimensions, it's trivial to read it off: let d1 = array.count let d2 = array[0].count However, it's less clear how to do it for an N-dimensional array. I was thinking there might

React Native不同设备分辨率适配和设计稿尺寸单位px的适配

天涯浪子 提交于 2020-02-08 09:01:01
React Native中使用的尺寸单位是dp(一种基于屏幕密度的抽象单位。在每英寸160点的显示器上,1dp = 1px),而设计师使用的是px, 这两种尺寸如何换算呢? 官方提供了PixelRatio进行pt到px的转换 import { PixelRatio } from 'react-native'; const dp2px = dp=>PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(dp); const px2dp = px=>PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(px); 设计师给你一个尺寸,比如100px*200px的View,按照下面的方式可实现设计还原: View style={{width:px2dp(100),height:px2dp(200),backgroundColor:"red"}} 如果每个地方都这样写会很麻烦,于是我们就有了下面转换代码 import {PixelRatio,Dimensions}} from 'react-native'; const dp2px = dp=>PixelRatio.getPixelSizeForLayoutSize(dp); const px2dp = px=>PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(px); let designSize =

How to make n-dimensional nested for-loops in Python? [duplicate]

倖福魔咒の 提交于 2020-01-30 05:07:51
问题 This question already has answers here : Avoiding nested for loops (2 answers) Iterating over an unknown number of nested loops in python (2 answers) Closed 2 years ago . I have the following situation: for x1 in range(x1, x2): for x2 in range(x3, x4): for x3 ... ... f(x1, x2, x3, ...) How to convert this to a mechanism in which I only tell python to make n nested loops where the variable name is x1, x2, x3, x4, ...? I don't want to write every possibility manually of course, since there

How to get dimensions of image file in Delphi?

China☆狼群 提交于 2020-01-21 11:26:25
问题 I want to know width and height of an image file before opening that file. So, how to do that? EDIT: This refers to jpg, bmp, png and gif types of image files. 回答1: If by 'image file' you mean those raster image files recognised by the VCL's graphics system, and by 'before opening' you mean 'before the user is likely to notice that the file is opened', then you can do this very easily: var pict: TPicture; begin with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do try if Execute then begin pict := TPicture.Create;

Why am I getting the error “Index exceeds matrix dimensions”?

隐身守侯 提交于 2020-01-09 11:43:00
问题 I am currently new to MATLAB. My code is below. I just have a question regarding why I keep getting the error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" for the functions provided: a = [105 97 245 163 207 134 218 199 160 196 221 154 228 131 180 178 157 151 ... 175 201 183 153 174 154 190 76 101 142 149 200 186 174 199 115 193 167 ... 171 163 87 176 121 120 181 160 194 184 165 145 160 150 181 168 158 208 ... 133 135 172 171 237 170 180 167 176 158 156 229 158 148 150 118 143 141 ... 110 133 123 146 169

Get remote image dimensions

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2020-01-03 15:32:55
问题 Given a URL to an image (and not the image itself), what's the most efficient of getting it's dimensions? I would like to change the height and width attributes in the image tag ( <img> ) if it is greater than 200x200. However, if it's smaller than that, then I'd like to keep the size as it is. (I'm using ASP.NET/C#) 回答1: If you don't want to check the properties of the image by loading it first you can do it with javascript: <img src="image.jpg" onload="if( this.width > 200 ) this.width =

dimens.xml in values folder for 7“ and 10” tablet, how to?

无人久伴 提交于 2020-01-03 09:09:22
问题 I have tried with: values-mpdi, values-land-mpdi, values-hpdi and values-land-hdpi which works fine in phone's screens, the problem is that it could happen that a 7" tablet takes the value from values-mdpi and a 10" tablet too, but the result is not the same, I guess because of the screen size (although is the same resolution and similar density) so I tried: values-sw600dp-hdpi values-sw600dp-port-hdpi values-sw600dp-mdpi values-sw600dp-port-mdpi values-sw720dp-hdpi values-sw720dp-port-hdpi

dimens.xml in values folder for 7“ and 10” tablet, how to?

强颜欢笑 提交于 2020-01-03 09:09:05
问题 I have tried with: values-mpdi, values-land-mpdi, values-hpdi and values-land-hdpi which works fine in phone's screens, the problem is that it could happen that a 7" tablet takes the value from values-mdpi and a 10" tablet too, but the result is not the same, I guess because of the screen size (although is the same resolution and similar density) so I tried: values-sw600dp-hdpi values-sw600dp-port-hdpi values-sw600dp-mdpi values-sw600dp-port-mdpi values-sw720dp-hdpi values-sw720dp-port-hdpi

Remove product dimensions from single product pages in Woocommerce

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2020-01-03 03:18:11
问题 Anyone knows how to hide the product dimensions from the additional tabs on Single Product page but still show the Weight value? I search and see this filter but it hides both weight and dimensions. add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_dimensions', '__return_false' ); 回答1: To hide only dimensions (but not weight) , there is 2 ways to make it work. 1) using hooks (here composite filter hooks ): Looking at the template that displays dimension in single products, you can see this line: <?php if