

本秂侑毒 提交于 2021-01-30 00:52:10
大家好, 趁打开流量主的东风,特此贡献一篇长文,分析一下目前国内国外几大著名云厂商的kubernetes服务,以飨诸君。 文起之前,先聊态度。 我本人是十分看好k8s的发展的,为何? 理因古往今来,能给资本家省钱,能给企业省资源,能把人全栈化,能把业务自动化的玩意,肯定是会受追捧的。君不见docker兴起之时,mesos启势之际,到k8s一统天下。国内企业,技术人员已经有能力消化和适用K8S这类理念和框架了,其带来的好处和收益或许不亚于pc时代的linux服务器,故而有人称之为云时代的linux系统,鄙人确也深以为然。他有啥好处?看起来其实十分简单: scaling: k8s直接按需扩展pods recovery:k8s帮你监管pods,出问题了自动修复 monitoring:k8s包含了很多监控能力 free: k8s是免费的 easy&fast:部署应用贼快贼方便,ci/cd集成容易 然而,K8S是银弹(silver bullet)吗? 显然不是。 我一直强调其是一种理念,开发架构部署时的理念,原则上,你需要具备应用现代化,云原生化,DDD的能力,才能更好结合K8s帮助企业应用数字化转型。通过将业务模型和软件架构改造,配合k8s来做,这才是正确的使用方式。 你问我一个简单的CMS或者企业内部应用sap的,Oracle,需要K8S么? 我只能说可能不适合。语言,框架,开源软件

Accessing Kubernetes services through one IP (Master Node)

无人久伴 提交于 2021-01-29 13:35:07
问题 I have a Kubernetes cluster installation with a master node and two worker nodes in centos 7 machine(On premise environment). Is there a way to access all deployed services(Built in and my micro service) that will be installed on Kubernetes through master node's ip? I have used flannel network. My service is running on node port 30011. I am able to access my service from worker node ip and node port[192.23.12.X1:30011 and 192.23.12.X2:30011] port but I am not able to access the same service

Kubernetes secret with Flux and Terraform

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-29 12:38:14
问题 I am new to terraform and devops in general. First I need to get ssh key from url to known host to later use for Flux. data "helm_repository" "fluxcd" { name = "fluxcd" url = "" } resource "helm_release" "flux" { name = "flux" namespace = "flux" repository = data.helm_repository.fluxcd.metadata[0].name chart = "flux" set { name = "git.url" value = "git.project" } set { name = "git.secretName" value = "flux-git-deploy" } set { name = "syncGarbageCollection.enabled"

Azure Self Hosted agent : A session for this agent already exists , when running more then 1 build agent

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2021-01-29 11:34:55
问题 I have defined 1 agent called "ios_dockeragent" in agent pools configuration : Settings/Agent pools/Default In my Azure DevOps organization, I bought 4 Parallel jobs and 3 Parallel hosted jobs so I do not have a parallel jobs problem. From each build server I start the self hosted server like this where "ios_dockeragent" is defined in devops: docker run -d --rm -t --name=ios_docker_64 -e AZP_WORK=/temp/working_dir -v =/temp/working_dir:/azp -e AZP_URL= -e AZP_TOKEN

在应用开发中,我为什么选择 Flutter 而不是 React Native ?

北城以北 提交于 2021-01-29 08:16:06
点击上方“ 逆锋起笔 ”, 公众号回复 pdf 领取大佬们推荐的学习资料 作者 | Sanket Doshi 译者 | 核子可乐 策划 | 李俊辰 作为一位开发人员,我想在本文中与大家聊聊跨平台开发领域的两大核心选项——Flutter 与 React Native 框架,并介绍我自己为什么更偏爱 Flutter。 时至今日,React Native 与 Flutter 已经成为两大领先跨平台开发框架。这两套框架之所以极具人气,是因为它们不仅能够简化开发、代码重用等常规工作,同时提供高度原生化的界面外观以及强有力的技术支持。 虽然二者的价值主张相似,但有很多方面仍存在不少差别。双方都能帮助开发人员更快、更轻松地构建并发布应用程序,但作为成熟度更高的框架选项,React Native 的社区规模更大;而 Flutter 则提供更多内置工具,可帮助用户减少对第三方工具的依赖。 我之所以更倾向于 Flutter,当然是觉得它在很多方面比 React Native 的表现更好。在解释具体原因之前,咱们不妨先聊聊这些框架的基本情况,以及它们分别适合处理的应用项目类型。 React Native React Native 是由 Facebook 公司于 2015 年开发并发布的。这是一套开源跨平台应用程序开发框架,适用于移动及 Web 等多种应用程序项目。 自 React Native 以来

How to setup generic stage pipeline for all environments?

送分小仙女□ 提交于 2021-01-29 06:43:38
问题 I have multiple artifacts for each branch. Continuous deployment trigger is enabled For Dev: _CI_Dev For QA: _CI_QA For Staging: _CI_RC I want to setup a common stage (since the tasks are same across environments) which should identify the source branch and use corresponding artifacts. How to add approval and gates only for QA and staging? How do I identify the source branch which triggered the tasks (for a job)? Should I run a powershell script to setup source branch value in variable to be

Release .Net Core Apps on GitHub Automated

霸气de小男生 提交于 2021-01-29 05:37:48
问题 I wan't to make .Net Core App in a GitHub Repos that builds automized and pushes the binaries of the build zipped to a new Release, but I have no idea to set this on GitHub up. So for example I have my .Net Core Console Application and pull my branch with changes into master. Now the build should start(thats what I have) after the build the binaries should be zipped and attached to a new Release, so there would be continious new Releases. Hopefully someone understand and can Help. Here is my

can we have multiple http method in single resource in API gateway in AWS?

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-01-29 05:37:00
问题 I am trying my hands with API Gateways in AWS. Both these methods have same API end point . By default it is calling lambda function set for GET method. I feel i missed a trick here somewhere. Should i create a different Resource for PUT method or we have it in same resource with different api end point ? 回答1: Alternatively to this you could use the ANY method but you will become responsible in your Lambda for interpreting how you handle any method you do not want to support. You can set up

Azure DevOps Trigger Pipelines

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2021-01-28 14:18:43
问题 I have the code below that runs 3 pipelines but I want to make it so it runs the first one and builds the product and then it runs the other two instead of all of them running at once so do the first one and then do the other 2 after the first one was successful. variables: - group: ReleaseVariables name: 5.8$(rev:.r) jobs: - job: Ring_Web_Policy_Editor timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: name: DATA-AUTOMATION-WIN10 demands: Cmd steps: - task: TriggerPipeline@1 inputs: serviceConnection: 'azure

在应用开发中,我为什么选择 Flutter 而不是 React Native ?

三世轮回 提交于 2021-01-28 04:48:48
Python实战社群 Java实战社群 长按识别下方二维码, 按需求添加 扫码关注添加客服 进Python社群▲ 扫码关注添加客服 进Java社群 ▲ 作者 | Sanket Doshi 译者 | 核子可乐 策划 | 李俊辰 来源丨前端之巅(ID:frontshow) 作为一位开发人员,我想在本文中与大家聊聊跨平台开发领域的两大核心选项——Flutter 与 React Native 框架,并介绍我自己为什么更偏爱 Flutter。 时至今日,React Native 与 Flutter 已经成为两大领先跨平台开发框架。这两套框架之所以极具人气,是因为它们不仅能够简化开发、代码重用等常规工作,同时提供高度原生化的界面外观以及强有力的技术支持。 虽然二者的价值主张相似,但有很多方面仍存在不少差别。双方都能帮助开发人员更快、更轻松地构建并发布应用程序,但作为成熟度更高的框架选项,React Native 的社区规模更大;而 Flutter 则提供更多内置工具,可帮助用户减少对第三方工具的依赖。 我之所以更倾向于 Flutter,当然是觉得它在很多方面比 React Native 的表现更好。在解释具体原因之前,咱们不妨先聊聊这些框架的基本情况,以及它们分别适合处理的应用项目类型。 React Native React Native 是由 Facebook 公司于 2015