
Is there a way to get the amount of lines changed in a Pull Request via the Dev Ops Service REST API?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2021-02-19 04:41:26
问题 I am currently doing my thesis and analyzing the behavior for code reviews. For this I want to know the size of the pull request that is reviewed. The rest of the information for example authors, reviewers, times etc. I got already by calling the rest API. However I cannot seem to find a way to get the amount of lines changed in each file, or a total number (which is also sufficient). I have browsed the documentation and found some ways to get amount of files changed, see https://docs

How to retrieve the cloud foundry oauth token from a devops deploy stage for setting up auto scaling?

孤人 提交于 2020-01-06 06:08:51
问题 I'm trying to get the cloud foundry oauth-token from a devops pipeline deploy stage: ... cf push $CF_APP ... accessToken=$(cf oauth-token | grep bearer | sed -e s/bearer/Bearer/g) echo accessToken=$accessToken ... # use token in Auto Scaling API call ... curl $createPolicyUrl -X 'PUT' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' \ -H 'Accept:application/json' \ -H "Authorization:$accessToken" \ --data-binary @${policyJson} \ -s -o response.txt -w '%{http_code}\n' The output from the echo command is:

Bluemix toolchain export & import

久未见 提交于 2020-01-02 05:50:28
问题 If I have created a bluemix toolchain through UI, how can I export that. I see there's an option to create a toolchain from a template described in yml files. But how can I get these yml files for an existing toolchain created using UI. Thanks 回答1: In it's current form and shape, there isn't a import-export option for the toolchains. The existing toolchain templates have a repository where the file representation is stored (YAML, JSON and others). Clone a toolchain from this github repository

When deploying an app to Bluemix using the sdk-for-nodejs buildpack, it's running npm install when I don't want it to. How can I stop it?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-12-25 08:39:23
问题 I'm using Bluemix DevOps Pipelines to deploy a Node.js app to Bluemix as a Cloud Foundry app. It is using the sdk-for-nodejs buildback (although I haven't specified that, it's detecting the package.json file). It takes a long time to stage the app. Looking at the logs, this is because it appears to be running npm install . However, I have set up my pipeline so that npm install is called in an earlier stage, and the build artifact that is to be deployed already contains the installed node

delete specific resource i.e, vm,nic,nsg using terraform

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-25 00:47:21
问题 I have created azure vm ,nic ,nsg inside the firewall. Now i need to delete specific created vm,nic,nsg inside the firewall. This i will be doing continuously. When i try i delete with specific vm,ns,nic with below, but it is deleting total resource group. terraform init terraform apply -no-color -auto-approve terraform destroy -force My code: # Configure the Microsoft Azure Provider provider "azurerm" { subscription_id = "xxxxx" client_id = "xxxxx" client_secret = "xxxxx" tenant_id = "xxxxx"

Bluemix build pipeline set node and npm version

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-20 03:07:17
问题 I want to deploy an angular 2 app on bluemix. The code is located at github and i want to deploy my app when i push something. So i created a pipeline. First the build pipeline: to build the angular app i need angularCLI, so i want to install it. Unfortunately the default node version is 4.2 but the cli needs at least 6.9. Here is my build-shell-command: #!/bin/bash # The default Node.js version is 0.10.40 # To use Node.js 0.12.7, uncomment the following line: #export PATH=/opt/IBM/node-v0.12

How to programatically reconfigure Availability Monitoring in DevOps stage for Blue-Green deployment?

牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-11 17:30:46
问题 I'm using an IBM devops pipeline based on the Cloud Foundry template. The template gives you Blue-Green deployments. My stage deploy script looks like this: #!/bin/bash cat << EOF > ${WORKSPACE}/manifest.yml declared-services: my_cloudant: label: cloudantNoSQLDB plan: Lite my_messagehub: label: messagehub plan: standard my_autoscaling: label: Auto-Scaling plan: free my_availability_monitoring: label: AvailabilityMonitoring plan: Lite applications: - name: movie-recommend-demo host: movie

How to debug Unhandled exception / Segmentation error in IBM Bluemix Delivery Pipeline

狂风中的少年 提交于 2019-12-10 12:17:48
问题 I've created a toolchain in IBM Bluemix DevOps and it has a Delivery Pipeline app. In a stage I'm trying to install and run SBT, but I'm facing with an issue. Unfortunately based on the logs I cannot figure out what the problem is, it just tells that Unhandled exception occurred, segmentation error and some kind of internal stacktrace. How could I debug what's happening in the container belongs to this job? Here's the console log for the job: [info] Compiling 11 Scala sources and 7 Java