

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-12-10 00:12:25
AES:更快,兼容设备,安全级别高; SHA1:公钥后处理回传 DES:本地数据,安全级别低 RSA:非对称加密,有公钥和私钥 MD5:防篡改 相关: 公开密钥加密(英语:public-key cryptography,又译为公开密钥加密),也称为非对称加密(asymmetric cryptography),一种密码学算法类型,在这种密码学方法中,需要一对密钥,一个是私人密钥,另一个则是公开密钥。这两个密钥是数学相关,用某用户密钥加密后所得的信息,只能用该用户的解密密钥才能解密。如果知道了其中一个,并不能计算出另外一个。因此如果公开了一对密钥中的一个,并不会危害到另外一个的秘密性质。称公开的密钥为公钥;不公开的密钥为私钥。 DES现在已经不是一种安全的加密方法,主要因为它使用的56位密钥过短。1999年1月,distributed.net与电子前哨基金会合作,在22小时15分钟内即公开破解了一个DES密钥。也有一些分析报告提出了该算法的理论上的弱点,虽然在实际中难以应用。为了提供实用所需的安全性,可以使用DES的派生算法3DES来进行加密,虽然3DES也存在理论上的攻击方法。在2001年,DES作为一个标准已经被高级加密标准(AES)所取代。另外,DES已经不再作为国家标准科技协会(前国家标准局)的一个标准。 高级加密标准(英语:Advanced Encryption


牧云@^-^@ 提交于 2019-12-09 23:52:55
AES,SHA1,DES,RSA,MD5区别 加密 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 AES:更快,兼容设备,安全级别高; SHA1:公钥后处理回传 DES:本地数据,安全级别低 RSA:非对称加密,有公钥和私钥 MD5:防篡改 相关: 公开密钥加密( 英语 : public-key cryptography ,又译为公开密钥加密),也称为非对称加密(asymmetric cryptography),一种 密码学 算法 类型,在这种密码学方法中,需要一对密钥,一个是私人密钥,另一个则是公开密钥。这两个密钥是数学相关,用某用户密钥加密后所得的信息,只能用该用户的解密密钥才能解密。如果知道了其中一个,并不能计算出另外一个。因此如果公开了一对密钥中的一个,并不会危害到另外一个的秘密性质。称公开的密钥为公钥;不公开的密钥为私钥。 DES现在已经不是一种安全的加密方法,主要因为它使用的56位密钥过短。1999年1月, 与 电子前哨基金会 合作,在22小时15分钟内即公开破解了一个DES密钥。也有一些分析报告提出了该算法的理论上的弱点,虽然在实际中难以应用。为了提供实用所需的安全性,可以使用DES的派生算法 3DES 来进行加密,虽然3DES也存在理论上的攻击方法。在2001年,DES作为一个标准已经被高级加密标准(AES)所取代。另外

Golang: How do I encrypt plain text that is 5 characters long with DES and CBC?

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-09 14:17:32
问题 Currently trying to encrypt plaintext that is 5 characters long into a 12 character encrypted string. I want to be able to specify a unique IV (not randomly generated), a unique key, and use DES. My current code requires the plaintext to be 8 characters long (5 character name plus 3 spaces). 回答1: I have already faced this problem. This is because of padding issue. The code you wanted is a Code link You Can test it at go playground. package main import ( "crypto/cipher" "crypto/des" "encoding

Android DES Decrypt badpaddingexception: pad block corrupted

痴心易碎 提交于 2019-12-09 14:12:30
问题 First of all, I've reviewed all the entries on the forum, and I still can not find a solution to my problem. I have to measure the time it takes to encode and decode a text with DES, and make a comparison with other algorithms. When I run the code, I have this error: BadPaddingException: pad block corrupted . When I debug, the code fails in this line: byte [] plaintext = cipher.doFinal (cipherBytes); I use class Base64 to encode/decode String <--> byte[] Any idea? thanks private static final

Java simple encryption

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-12-09 05:29:35
问题 I would like to encrypt a textual (configuration) file stored on disk. Trying to use DES encryption I've had fatal error on client machines, I later found out the algorithm could not handle accented characters (!) I suspect that was because I was using old packages ( sun.misc.BASE64Decoder ) - but I'm not sure that is the reason. However, I'm looking for a simpler solution - I need a really simple encryption (I know some people would not agree on that) - not RSA of 128 bit keys or so, just

How to encrypt and decrypt files with bouncy castle (DES) in netbeans java?

﹥>﹥吖頭↗ 提交于 2019-12-08 13:02:16
问题 How can I encrypt and decrypt files (not strings) with bouncy castle (DESEngine)? I have searched before but could not find help. 回答1: Sorry, I have solved this by myself. Here is my code: package tesbouncy; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.*; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.*; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.*; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.*; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.*; public class Tesbouncy { BlockCipher engine = new DESEngine(); public byte

How can I implement CBC-MAC with DES?

主宰稳场 提交于 2019-12-08 02:39:46
问题 I should implement a MAC-CBC generation method in C# with some information about the cryptography algorithm. Here's what I have: I should use DES. The key is byte[] {11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11} The data (16 bytes) should be encrypted in 8-byte parts. First 8 bytes is encrypted using Instance Vector = new byte[8] (8 bytes with 0 value). (CBC?) that last 8 bytes of the encrypted value should be converted to Hex string. this is the result I should send. With this information, I have

Why does checking if a HashMap has a certain value take very long to execute within a for loop?

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2019-12-07 11:24:17
问题 I am working with meet-in-the-middle attack on Double-DES. I have implemented the DES encryption/decryption and done the encryptions and now I would like to perform a MITM attack on the Double-DES in order to find the keys. The way I am trying to achieve this is by storing, within a for loop, the intermediate ciphers as the key of a HashMap and the possible keys as the values of the HashMap. However, within this for loop I also want to make sure that the possible keys are unique i.e. I have

Generating MAC by encrypting data

蓝咒 提交于 2019-12-07 10:20:43
问题 I hope this question will not get closed as not constructive. I've been banging my head to the wall to solve this and still got nowhere. so, this is my last hope: Question is basically about generating the MAC field of an ISO 8583-Rev 93 message. I have some dumps of valid messages and I'm trying to generate the correct MAC. Encryption Algorithm is DES , Mode=CBC , IV = new byte[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} Encryption key is: new byte[] { 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11 } Data To

What is Go's equivalent to Python's crypt.crypt?

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-07 05:20:36
问题 I am currently playing around with an example from the book Violent Python. You can see my implementation here I am now trying to implement the same script in Go to compare performance, note I am completely new to Go. Opening the file and iterating over the lines is fine, however I cannot figure out how to use the "crypto" library to hash the string in the same way as Python's crypt.crypt(str_to_hash, salt). I thought it maybe something like import "crypto/des" des.NewCipher([]byte("abcdefgh"