Queue length 和 Queue depth 的区别
在网上搜索了半天,也没找到那篇文章把这个事儿说明白的。 我找了些资料,现在理解这两个概念的区别是这样的: queue depth是指的一个存储系统接受批量IO指令的最大条数。 queue length是指的某一时刻磁盘待处理的请求的数目。 所以说,在排查某个存储系统的性能问题的时候,queue depth 是一个比较固定的数, 而queue length则是跟workload的特性相关,对存储的压力大,则queue length会变长。 Queue depth is the number of I/O requests (SCSI commands) that can be queued at one time on a storage controller. Disk Queue Length is the number of requests outstanding on the disk at the time the performance data is collected. This means that the disk is not able to honor I/O requests as fast as they are being made. 参考资料 ============= Disk current disk queue length https:/