
Declaring array of objects

吃可爱长大的小学妹 提交于 2019-11-27 10:46:42
I have a variable which is an array and I want every element of the array to act as an object by default. To achieve this, I can do something like this in my code. var sample = new Array(); sample[0] = new Object(); sample[1] = new Object(); This works fine, but I don't want to mention any index number. I want all elements of my array to be an object. How do I declare or initialize it? var sample = new Array(); sample[] = new Object(); I tried the above code but it doesn't work. How do I initialize an array of objects without using an index number? Use array.push() to add an item to the end of

How to declare an ArrayList with values? [duplicate]

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-11-27 10:09:47
This question already has an answer here: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line 30 answers ArrayList or List declaration in Java has questioned and answered how to declare an empty ArrayList but how do I declare an ArrayList with values? I've tried the following but it returns a syntax error: import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x = ['xyz', 'abc']; } } In Java 10+ you can do: var x = List.of("xyz", "abc"); Java 8 using Stream : Stream.of("xyz",

PHP using Declare ? What is a tick?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2019-11-27 09:23:55
I am a little bit confused by the PHP function declare . What exactly is a single tick? I thought a tick equals one line of code? But if I use: function myfunc() { print "Tick"; } register_tick_function("myfunc"); declare(ticks=1) { echo 'foo!bar'; } The script prints: "Tick" 2 Times?? You get a tick for each line ; and each block {} Try that: declare(ticks=1) echo 'foo!bar'; No block, no extra tick. declare(ticks=1) {{ echo 'foo!bar'; }} More extraneous blocks = more ticks. PS: by the way, ticks are quite the exotic feature and they're only useful in a few extremely rare situations. They are

What exactly are C++ definitions, declarations and assignments?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-11-27 08:55:35
I tend to use the words define, declare and assign interchangeably but this seems to cause offense to some people. Is this justified? Should I only use the word declare for the first time I assign to a variable? Or is there more to it than that? Define and declare are similar but assign is very different. Here I am declaring (or defining) a variable: int x; Here I am assigning a value to that variable: x = 0; Here I am doing both in one statement: int x = 0; Note Not all languages support declaration and assignment in one statement: T-SQL declare x int; set x = 0; Some languages require that

C function pointer syntax

孤者浪人 提交于 2019-11-27 01:48:34
My question is a very simple one. Normally, when declaring some variable, you put its type before it, like: int a; a function pointer may have type like: int(*)(int,int) , in case we point to a function that takes two integers and returns an integer. But, when declaring such a pointer, its identifier is not after the type, like: int(*)(int,int) mypointer; instead, you must write the identifier in the middle: int(*mypointer)(int,int); why is this so? Sorry, I know it's an embarrassingly easy question... Thanks to everybody for replying. A.S. detly I explain this in my answer to Why was the C

How to declare an ArrayList with values? [duplicate]

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2019-11-26 22:19:18
问题 This question already has an answer here: Initialization of an ArrayList in one line 31 answers ArrayList or List declaration in Java has questioned and answered how to declare an empty ArrayList but how do I declare an ArrayList with values? I've tried the following but it returns a syntax error: import; import java.util.ArrayList; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(); x = ['xyz',


房东的猫 提交于 2019-11-26 18:45:07
先看看手册是怎么说的: declare 结构用来设定一段代码的执行指令。 declare 的语法和其它流程控制结构相似: declare (directive) statement directive 部分允许设定 declare 代码段的行为。目前只认识两个指令: ticks (更多信息见下面 ticks 指令)以及 encoding (更多信息见下面 encoding 指令)。 Note : ticks 指令在 PHP 5.3.0 中是过时指令,将会从 PHP 6.0.0 移除。 encoding 是 PHP 5.3.0 新增指令。 Tick 是一个在 declare 代码段中解释器每执行 N 条低级语句就会发生的事件。N 的值是在 declare 中的 directive 部分用 ticks=N 来指定的。 在每个 tick 中出现的事件是由 register_tick_function() 来指定的。更多细节见下面的例子。注意每个 tick 中可以出现多个事件。 看完手册还是觉得云里雾里,再看看别人是怎么描述: 根据代码解析: <?php function doTicks () { echo 'Ticks'; } register_tick_function('doTicks'); declare(ticks = 1) { for ($x = 1; $x < 10; ++

What exactly are C++ definitions, declarations and assignments?

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-26 17:47:23
问题 I tend to use the words define, declare and assign interchangeably but this seems to cause offense to some people. Is this justified? Should I only use the word declare for the first time I assign to a variable? Or is there more to it than that? 回答1: Define and declare are similar but assign is very different. Here I am declaring (or defining) a variable: int x; Here I am assigning a value to that variable: x = 0; Here I am doing both in one statement: int x = 0; Note Not all languages

SELECT INTO Variable in MySQL DECLARE causes syntax error?

自闭症网瘾萝莉.ら 提交于 2019-11-26 15:20:19
问题 I´d like to SELECT a single value into a variable. I´d tried to following: DECLARE myvar INT(4); -- immediately returns some syntax error. SELECT myvalue FROM mytable WHERE anothervalue = 1; -- returns a single integer SELECT myvalue INTO myvar FROM mytable WHERE anothervalue = 1; -- does not work, also tried @myvar Is possible to use DECLARE outside of stored procedures or functions? Maybe I just dont get the concept of user variables... I just tried: SELECT myvalue INTO @var FROM `mytable`

Declaring array of objects

寵の児 提交于 2019-11-26 15:19:08
问题 I have a variable which is an array and I want every element of the array to act as an object by default. To achieve this, I can do something like this in my code. var sample = new Array(); sample[0] = new Object(); sample[1] = new Object(); This works fine, but I don't want to mention any index number. I want all elements of my array to be an object. How do I declare or initialize it? var sample = new Array(); sample[] = new Object(); I tried the above code but it doesn't work. How do I