
Debugger Visualizer Winform ToolStripDropDownMenu ComboBox only shows items when first shown

蓝咒 提交于 2020-05-31 03:27:11
问题 I have a Visual Studio debugger visualizer project, and when I add a ToolStripComboBox to a ToolStripDropDownMenu , the combobox's items only appear the first time the form is shown. Like this: The most basic version of the winform code showing the issue is this: public class MyVisualizerDialog : Form { public MyVisualizerDialog() { var toolStripComboBox = new ToolStripComboBox { Items = { "One", "Two", "Three" } }; var toolStripDownDown = new ToolStripDropDownMenu { Items = {

Why Doesn't the Visual Studio 2010 Debugger See static const Class Members?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2020-01-02 02:18:08
问题 This question is closely related to a subsequently asked question here. The method of defining in-class constants is described here by Stroustrup. When I follow Stroustrup's method I see the expected results. However, in Visual Studio 2010, the debugger cannot resolve a static const class member within that class's scope. Here is what I mean: #include <iostream> class Foo { public: static const int A = 50; char arr[A]; void showA(); }; void Foo::showA() { std::cout << "showA = " << A << "\n";

How to use Visual Studio Text Visualizer for custom types?

我们两清 提交于 2020-01-01 09:18:34
问题 In Visual Studio 2015 (and in some older versions) when debugging C# code it's possible to display the values of the string variables in various visualizers (Text, XML, HTML, JSON) via a drop-down list with a magnifying glass icon. This also works for some non-string types, for example, System.Xml.Linq.XElement . Is it possible to use these build-in visualizers to display the value of a variable of my own custom type? Context: I need to be able to quickly check the state of a complicated

Debugger Visualizer to generate Object Initializer code

ε祈祈猫儿з 提交于 2020-01-01 04:24:16
问题 We have a bug to fix, and like any good TDD practitioner, I want to write a failing test to represent the bug first. The bug is in a method that takes a rather complex type as input. The bug will only reproduce when the complex type has a certain combination of property values set. So far I have reproduced the bug and, in the debugger, can view the run-time value of the complex type. Now I need to create that complex type in the "Arrange" section of my unit test so that I can feed it to the

Where is EntitySet<T>'s “Results View”?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-23 03:26:19
问题 When looking at a linked EntitySet<T> of a LINQ to SQL mapped entity, I see the following: I'd like to see the following (achieved by using the .AsQueryable() extension method) so that I can click the little refresh icon and see the content: Why can't I see the Results View on a regular plain EntitySet<T> ? Also, I've noticed that on this MSDN page it says: In LINQ to SQL, the EntitySet<TEntity> class implements the IQueryable interface. From what I can see, EntitySet<TEntity> doesn't inherit

Which (third-party) debug visualizers for Visual Studio 2005/2008 do you use?

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-21 12:58:36
问题 I guess this topic is often overseen, but is rather useful when debugging your code. Just today I have stumbled across this simple yet effective visualizer that visualizes images (it's on a german blog, but I guess the code content is self-explanatory): link text I would like to know which debug visualizers you use in your daily work with VS2005/2008. 回答1: I use Mole. Mole was designed to not only allow the developer to view objects or data, but to also allow the developer to drill into

Which class is used for “Text Visualizer”?

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-21 10:47:23
问题 When I use DebuggerVisualizer attribute as follows c# [assembly: DebuggerVisualizer(typeof(DataSetVisualizer), typeof(DataSetVisualizerSource), Target = typeof(DataTable), Description = "My DataTable Visualizer")] <Assembly: DebuggerVisualizer(GetType(DataSetVisualizer), GetType(DataSetVisualizerSource), Target := GetType(DataTable), Description := "My DataTable Visualizer")> I can reuse Dataset Visualiser in my visualisers dll. This allows to have built in VS visualizer as first

Which class is used for “Text Visualizer”?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2019-12-21 10:47:03
问题 When I use DebuggerVisualizer attribute as follows c# [assembly: DebuggerVisualizer(typeof(DataSetVisualizer), typeof(DataSetVisualizerSource), Target = typeof(DataTable), Description = "My DataTable Visualizer")] <Assembly: DebuggerVisualizer(GetType(DataSetVisualizer), GetType(DataSetVisualizerSource), Target := GetType(DataTable), Description := "My DataTable Visualizer")> I can reuse Dataset Visualiser in my visualisers dll. This allows to have built in VS visualizer as first

Debugger Visualizer not working? Have i incorrectly registered it?

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-20 03:18:10
问题 I have created a debugger visualizer in VS2008. There are two classes i've made, in the same .dll :- BinaryDataDebuggerVisualizer ImageDebuggerVisualizer The image one works fine (eg. the magnify glass appears in debug mode) but not for the byte[] one (BinaryDataDV). What my visualizer does is display the binary data as an image in a modal window (if the data is a legit image). I compiled to code in Release mode, then dropped the .dll into C:\Users\\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Visualizers

How can I increase the size of the string that an external debugger visualizer can display?

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2019-12-17 19:34:25
问题 I am once again writing an external debugger visualizer, and am running into a wall. There appears to be a limit to the size of the string that the debugger visualizer can return. The TStrings debugger visualizer that shipped with Delphi 2010 had a limit of 4K. In a response to a question posted on Embarcadero's newsgroups, Ewe Schuster replied that "You can increase the buffer a little bit, but AFAIR the actual limitation is in IOTAThread.Evaluate with a limit of about 12k chars." My