
Generate database schema diagram for Databricks

假如想象 提交于 2021-01-28 11:09:41
问题 I'm creating a Databricks application and the database schema is getting to be non-trivial. Is there a way I can generate a schema diagram for a Databricks database (something similar to the schema diagrams that can be generated from mysql)? 回答1: There are 2 variants possible: using Spark SQL with show databases , show tables in <database> , describe table ... using spark.catalog.listDatabases , spark.catalog.listTables , spark.catagog.listColumns . 2nd variant isn't very performant when you

MongoDB (Mongoose) data structure question

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2020-04-16 09:55:55
问题 I'm curious about the best way to represent this kind of situation in Mongo. I have my own idea, but I'm curious on what the general consensus/best practice actually would be. Imagine I have two collections:- Employees --> _id --> FirstName --> Surname --> Email Comments --> _id --> PersonReference --> CommentDate --> Comment Now imagine that Employees can come and go and the 'Employees' collection is always up-to-date. However, in the event that an employee has ever made a comment, the full

MongoDB Schema Design (nested array vs separate collection)

99封情书 提交于 2020-02-24 12:17:08
问题 I'm writing client management web application. I'm trying to figure out the right way to manage my clients-payments relations. Once a day application is sending request to another API and synchronizing amount of payments for each client which I store in my database. I constantly need to run reports on payments (amount of payments) based on type of client (contract_type, sale_date and so on). I already have a clients collection. I trying to choice between two schema: { "client_id": "asdf123",

Unable to use “DROP TABLE IF EXISTS” in schema.sql for a Spring Boot application

白昼怎懂夜的黑 提交于 2020-02-08 04:12:22
问题 I need help with DROP/CREATE of tables in my schema.sql Setup: Oracle XE Spring Boot v1.4.0 Java 1.8 When I have the following entry in schema.sql: DROP TABLE table_a; CREATE TABLE table_a ( id VARCHAR(5) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100)); I get the exception DROP TABLE table_a; nested exception is java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist When I looked up some help on how to do a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS in Oracle, the best answer I got was the following (works in