
spring AOP的异常拦截

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2020-02-29 08:00:25
系统的异常处理机制是衡量一个系统设计的关键因素,良好的异常处理机制能在系统出现异常时准确的找到问题的所在。 spring aop对异常的处理有良好的支持。spring 提供了一个接口 ThrowsAdvice,该接口里面没有任何方法,但是实现类里面必须的实现 afterThrowing(Method method, Object[] args, Object target, RuntimeException throwable) 或者 afterThrowing(RuntimeException throwable) 如果需要记录发生异常方法的详细信息,则实现第一个方法就行,如果只记录发生的异常,实现第二个方法就ok! 那么异常的处理应该在什么位置来做处理呢? 一般我们的系统都应该有以下几个层次:Action--->Service---->DAO DAO负责直接和数据库打交道,也是发生异常频率较高的地方,而service只是调用DAO所提供给外面的接口,action里面大部分的操作也是调用service的服务,再加上少数其他的逻辑,这部分的异常可以单独处理!下面我们主要关心DAO层的异常处理。 1、定义接口 [java] view plain copy package com.beckham.dao; import java.util.List; import com

Spring5学习(五)Spring DAO

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2020-02-27 08:41:31
Spring DAO Spring对数据访问对象(DAO)的支持旨在使以一致的方式轻松使用数据访问技术(例如JDBC,Hibernate或JPA)。这使您可以轻松地在上述持久性技术之间进行切换,还使您无需担心捕获每种技术特有的异常即可进行编码。 1. 使用JDBC访问数据库 使用 JdbcTemplate 模板类操作数据 JdbcTemplate 主要提供以下五类方法: execute方法:可以用于执行任何SQL语句,一般用于执行DDL语句; update方法:update方法用于执行新增、修改、删除等语句; batchUpdate方法:batchUpdate方法用于执行批处理相关语句; query方法及queryForXXX方法:用于执行查询相关语句; call方法:用于执行存储过程、函数相关语句。 @RunWith ( SpringRunner . class ) @SpringJUnitConfig ( locations = "file:src/main/resources/applicationContext.xml" ) public class JdbcTemplateTest { @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate ; @Test public void test1 ( ) { String sql =

spring boot 2.x 集成 MyBatis

会有一股神秘感。 提交于 2020-02-26 07:32:44
1、添加 MyBatis 起步依赖 < dependency > < groupId > org . mybatis . spring . boot < / groupId > < artifactId > mybatis - spring - boot - starter < / artifactId > < version > 1.3 .2 < / version > < / dependency > 2、添加数据库 connector 依赖 < dependency > < groupId > mysql < / groupId > < artifactId > mysql - connector - java < / artifactId > < version > $ { mysql . version } < / version > < / dependency > 3、spring boot 主配置文件配置 # 数据源配置 # spring . datasource . driver - class - name = com . mysql . jdbc . Driver spring . datasource . url = jdbc : mysql : / / 127.0 .0 .1 : 3306 / bjpowernode spring . datasource

Jquery 数组操作

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-02-22 21:01:27
04.AdminLTE的基本介绍 05.SSM整合案例的基本介绍 06.产品操作 07.订单操作 08.用户操作 09.权限控制 10.权限关联与控制 11.AOP日志 06.产品操作 SSM 环境搭建与产品操作 1.数据库与表结构介绍 PLSQL Developer 13 是一个集成开发环境,专门面向Oracle数据库存储程序单元的开发PL/SQL Developer侧重于易用性、代码品质和生产力 。 连接数据库的配置 解决中文??乱码 在maven bin目录下运行以下命令: mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle -DartifactId=ojdbc14 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=D:\mnt\ojdbc14- 以上地址信息部分,请根据本地jar包的信息自行修改。 创建用户与授权 数据库我们使用 Oracle -- 用户名 ssm08 -- 登录密码 itheima -- Create the user create user SSM08 identified by itheima; -- Grant/Revoke role privileges grant connect to SSM08; grant resource to

Repository design pattern - should there be one repo for every Dao?

本小妞迷上赌 提交于 2020-02-21 18:16:23
问题 i have a few DAOs in my app which access a database for CRUD operations. Lets say there News, weather and , sports DAO. So im confused on how many Repositories i would need. should i just use one repository say DataRepository and let me hold my database and all dao's. and encapsulate methods for the CRUD operations in it ? or should each DAO have its own repository ? I mean a repository should return only data objects that the calling layer understands. so its like a encapsulation over the

Repository design pattern - should there be one repo for every Dao?

放肆的年华 提交于 2020-02-21 18:14:49
问题 i have a few DAOs in my app which access a database for CRUD operations. Lets say there News, weather and , sports DAO. So im confused on how many Repositories i would need. should i just use one repository say DataRepository and let me hold my database and all dao's. and encapsulate methods for the CRUD operations in it ? or should each DAO have its own repository ? I mean a repository should return only data objects that the calling layer understands. so its like a encapsulation over the

Repository design pattern - should there be one repo for every Dao?

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-02-21 18:08:40
问题 i have a few DAOs in my app which access a database for CRUD operations. Lets say there News, weather and , sports DAO. So im confused on how many Repositories i would need. should i just use one repository say DataRepository and let me hold my database and all dao's. and encapsulate methods for the CRUD operations in it ? or should each DAO have its own repository ? I mean a repository should return only data objects that the calling layer understands. so its like a encapsulation over the

How to write a better data access layer with Realm

两盒软妹~` 提交于 2020-02-21 11:18:44
问题 I've been using Realm in a few small projects and I quite like it. I'm hoping to move on to using it in bigger projects and I'm looking for better structure my data access layer. I came across this similar question and tried to build up on the information I found there. The approach discussed there is the DAO pattern so I gave a shot at that. This is my model class. class Chat: Object { dynamic var id: String = "" dynamic var createdAt: Date = Date() dynamic var creatorId: String = "" dynamic


寵の児 提交于 2020-02-18 13:44:32
一.AOP(Aspect Oriented Programing)面向切面编程 AOP的终极目标:让我们可以专心做事 下面通过一个例子来介绍AOP的具体使用 案例的要求:使用AOP实现日志记录系统 , 核心模块 和 增强 单独 开发 ,运行时再组装 首先定义接口和方法 接口和实现类中的代码,我放在一起了,应该比较简单 package demo04.dao; /** * Created by mycom on 2018/3/5. */ public interface IHelloDao { public void doSome(); } package demo04.dao;/** * Created by mycom on 2018/3/5. */public class HelloDaoImpl implements IHelloDao { public void doSome() { System.out.println("已经成功加入到DB中了"); }} package demo04.service;/** * Created by mycom on 2018/3/5. */public interface IHelloService { public void doSome();} package demo04.service;import demo04.dao

Maven 父子工程出现 [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for xxxjar is missing. 问题

别来无恙 提交于 2020-02-16 11:40:37
问题原因是,子工程(Sub1)所继承的父工程(Main)也继承了它的父工程(Parent),需要在(Main)这个父工程中pom.xml配置中,增加 relativePath: <parent> <groupId>cn.corpdata.framework</groupId> <artifactId>framework-parent</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <relativePath>../framework-parent/pom.xml</relativePath> </parent> 测试Maven工程的报错如下: [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for mysql:mysql-connector-java:jar is missing. @ cn.corpdata.framework:framework-dao:[unknown-version], /Users/admin/Documents/workspace-sts-3.8.4.RELEASE/framework-main/framework-dao/pom.xml, line 19, column 15 [ERROR] 'dependencies.dependency.version' for