

心不动则不痛 提交于 2021-02-18 13:41:00
本地代码提交到远程仓库: 设置git用户名、邮箱 git config --global xxx git用户名 git config --global xxx git邮箱 将项目提交到主分支(master): git remote rm origin 删除现有远程连接 git init 初始化本地仓库 touch 创建README.md文件 git add . 将修改的文件添加到暂存 git commit -m "first commit" 将暂存中的文件提交到本地当前分支 git remote add origin https://xxxxxxx.xx/xx/ 将本地仓库连接到远程仓库 git push -u origin master 将本地仓库文件push到远程master分支 将主分支代码pull到dev分支: git branch -a 查看远程全部分支 git checkout -b dev origin/dev 在本地创建dev分支并将远程dev分支更新到本地分支 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories 将master分支强制更新到当前分支 (执行git pull origin master 抛出错误refusing to merge


梦想与她 提交于 2020-11-28 13:58:15
2020亚太杯数学建模B题思路 The US presidential election is held every four years. 2020 is the year of US presidential election, with Republican candidate Donald Trump and Democratic counterpart Joe Biden running for president. The candidates of both parties have different political stands and administrative programs in finance and trade, economic and financial governance, and some other different key development areas (such as COVID-19 fighting measures, infrastructure, taxation, environmental protection, medical insurance, employment, trade, immigration, education, etc.). The election of different