
Windows 10 新功能

廉价感情. 提交于 2019-12-16 22:01:21
一、与 Cortana 集成的便笺 借助便笺,你可捕捉并保存绝妙创意或记录重要细节。便笺现已与 Cortana 集成,让你能够设置整个设备中的提醒。 (一) 先来了解一下微软小娜Cortana。 Cortana 是你真正的私人智能语音助理。Cortana 旨在帮助你处理日常任务。Cortana 从第一天起就做好了随时回答问题和完成基本任务的准备,它会随时间的推移不断学习,以便为你提供越来越多的帮助。可以让 Cortana 提醒你完成任务,并且它还可以跨多台设备运行。 (二)启动Cortana 小娜默认是关闭的,解决方法是:在任务栏空白处右键单击,在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“Cortana”,然后在次快捷菜单中单击“显示搜索框”(默认是在“隐藏”选项前面带有对勾)或者是单击次快捷菜单中的“显示Cortana图标”。 (三)再来了解一下微软小娜Cortana主界面(Microsoft账户登录后)。 登录:要获得个性化体验,请选择“Cortana 可以做更多”,用 Microsoft 帐户登录。 尝试设置提醒:只需键入“提醒我...”或者说“你好小娜,提醒我...”就可以开始使用。了解 Cortana 可为你做哪些事:Cortana 善于提醒,也善于帮你守约。她可以基于时间、地点甚至人脉提醒你要做哪些事。你也可以将照片作为简单的视觉提示添加到提醒中。 二、深色模式

How to fetch the text spoken to cortana while the SpeechRecognitionResult.Text is returning “…” - Windows UWP

时间秒杀一切 提交于 2019-12-13 00:48:56
问题 While deep linking Windows UWP apps with cortana, I'm unable to fetch the text spoken. In the Voice Command Definition file I'm using a <ListenFor> element with {*} in order to allow user to speak anything, but I'm unable to fetch it. 回答1: If you're trying to set up a VCD to accept freeform dictated text, you'll need to use a PhraseTopic field. See the 1.2 VCD spec for details. For example, if you've got a Command block containing <ListenFor> Take a note to {noteTopic} </ListenFor> You'd want

How to modify Cortana Voice Activation commands (XML) in C#?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2019-12-12 08:48:09
问题 I currently have Cortana implemented into my Silverlight app. The voice commands are stored in CortanaCommands.xml, here is the code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <VoiceCommands xmlns=""> <CommandSet xml:lang="en-US"> <CommandPrefix>Dr. Bailey</CommandPrefix> <Example> Open app to take dictation </Example> <Command Name="Text"> <Example> Is it going to rain? </Example> <ListenFor> [create] {dictation} </ListenFor> <Feedback> "" <

WinRT Windows 10. Launch Website without opening metro app

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-12 02:37:05
问题 I'm currently trying to write a code that utilizes Cortana's Speech Recognition. I want to create a command that launch website for e.g "Mark, Open google page" Mark is the AppName declared in the VCD. I'm currently using: Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("")); But the documentation for LauncUriAsync() states that "The calling app must be visible to the user when the API is invoked." Is there an equivalent API i can use that doesn't need the calling app to be visible? 来源:

Speech Recognition vs. Voice Commands in Windows phone

此生再无相见时 提交于 2019-12-11 09:54:19
问题 I trying to enable Cortana in my Win8 phone app. Anyway, from MSDN I saw there is speech recognition namespaces as well as voice commands. I couldn't understand correctly what are is the different between them. In addition, i'm running my app using the emulator (and not a real device) and I'm getting the following error "something wend wrong try again in a little bit" when i'm tryng to ask cortana one of my new voice commands. Can someone help me please? 回答1: You can view this link. Specially

WebApp: Cortana loads app, but how can I deep link into the web app with javascript?

可紊 提交于 2019-12-11 08:49:14
问题 For Windows 10: I have started a simple grocery list hosted web application. I went through this quick guide and the app works great. I have added a VCD file, the meta tag on my main page and started on the javascript to handle when Cortana activates the app. The app is registering great with Cortana, I can say: "Grocery show the CostCo list" and Cortana recognizes it and shows the app. The problem is that is always shows the home page. I want to have it show the CostCo page when it is

Getting acces to maps place favorites

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-11 03:39:25
问题 In WP8.1 the MS maps app has favorite places like Home and Work. Cortana uses them of course. Is there a public API to get access to those information and even set new places? 回答1: Not at the moment. The only thing you can "ask" Cortana right now is to fire up your app with the argument you told her. There's no way to get to her notebook, that's where all that info is stored. Not sure if I'd want third party apps getting into that info. That's what Cortana uses to give you accurate answers,

Get any value from Cortana voice command result

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-10 18:48:12
问题 Is it posible to read any value from Cortana voice command? For example, when I say: "Search {something} in my library" I want to get the result from {something} in my app. I found how to work with PhraseList and PhraseTopic , but in my case could be any word instead of some declared items or one topic. 回答1: In your VoiceCommands.xml you need: <PhraseTopic Label="something" Scenario="Natural Language"> <Subject> Natural Language </Subject> </PhraseTopic> In your App.xaml.cs you need: private

Windows Universal App Continuous Dictation Without Network

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-12-10 16:20:09
问题 Following the samples provided here: provides a great overview of some of the capabilities for UWP apps. But, the speech example seems to require an active connection to the internet. Does anyone know if this capability is possible on a disconnected corporate network? Thanks, JRF 回答1: Yes, Examples 1, 2, 5, 6 and 9 work Offline since they don't use the predefined SRGS scenarios. Look in the Folder: SRGS to see the SRGS. You will have to

Is there any way to invoke a Cortana response without user input?

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-07 17:37:06
问题 I have an app I am working on for Windows 10 which should notify a user when external data reaches a certain threshold. While I can simply use Windows Notifications (and will fall back on them), I'd really like to do more integration with Cortana. (Voice activation and natural searching will be available.) Is there any way to have Cortana notify the user when the change is triggered (either with speech or via a new item on her dashboard) without a user specifically asking her? 回答1: I was (and