
Perspective Transform in OPENCV PYTHON

♀尐吖头ヾ 提交于 2021-01-05 07:05:46
问题 I am trying to perform a perspective transform of a sudoku puzzle. The expected transformation is happening only on the left side. Please help me by pointing out my mistake. Input Image: Expected Output Image: The output I am getting: The corners of the sudoku puzzle found using cv2.approxpolydp() are as follows: top_left = [71,62] top_right = [59, 418] bottom_right = [443, 442] bottom_left = [438, 29] The shape of the output image is [300,300]. The corresponding output coordinates are :

Can turfjs provide a coordinate transform between geo coords and application coords

假装没事ソ 提交于 2020-07-09 06:56:05
问题 I need a transform from geo coord system to/from another coord system. I'd think the obvious way to do this would be to give the two bounding boxes of the systems. So if I had a geo bbox, in lon/lat coords, and a non-geo bbox that corresponds to that but in my own coordinates, I'd like a xfm that could convert geo-to-me and me-to-geo. I need this for an agent based programming environment that has its own coord system based on minX, minY, maxX, maxY, just as Turf expresses bboxes. It would

Converting pandas data frame with degree minute second (DMS) coordinates to decimal degrees

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2020-06-27 08:18:46
问题 I have a data frame like the below and would like to convert the Latitude and Longitude columns in Degree, Minute, Second format into decimal degrees - with negative for the correct hemisphere. Is there an easy way to do that? Parent Company CPO PKO Latitude Longitude Incasi Raya X 0°51'56.29"S 101°26'46.29"E Incasi Raya X 1°23'39.29"S 101°35'30.45"E Incasi Raya X 0°19'56.63"N 99°22'56.36"E Incasi Raya X 0°21'45.91"N 99°37'59.68"E Incasi Raya X 1°41'6.56"S 102°14'7.68"E Incasi Raya X 1°15'2

how to modify the view of the camera with pygame and openGL

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-06-23 08:53:12
问题 I'm using python3 I have just started learning openGL and I need some help turning the camera of your view with a mouse (Like a FPS game). Right now my program looks like i'm moving but i'm just moving the object so if you could tell me how to move the camera(forward, backwards, etc) too that would be nice. Thanks in advance My Code: import pygame from pygame.locals import * from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * vertices = ( (1, -1, -1), (1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, -1), (1,

Error on geotiff coordinate transformation

廉价感情. 提交于 2020-06-17 04:20:52
问题 Have error and crash in an application using GDAL for extracting latitude & longitude from GeoTiff image running it in openSUSE, while it works fine in Ubuntu for my colleagues. Errors are different for gdal-v3 and gdal-v2 versions, however seems problem is in OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation object creation: returns NULL in both cases. See details below: Code: QGeoCoordinate toGeoCoordinate(double* adGeotransform, OGRSpatialReference& srcRef, int x, int y) { double worldX = adGeotransform[0

Error on geotiff coordinate transformation

a 夏天 提交于 2020-06-17 04:20:46
问题 Have error and crash in an application using GDAL for extracting latitude & longitude from GeoTiff image running it in openSUSE, while it works fine in Ubuntu for my colleagues. Errors are different for gdal-v3 and gdal-v2 versions, however seems problem is in OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation object creation: returns NULL in both cases. See details below: Code: QGeoCoordinate toGeoCoordinate(double* adGeotransform, OGRSpatialReference& srcRef, int x, int y) { double worldX = adGeotransform[0

Merging perspective corrected image with transparent background template image using PILLOW [PIL, Python]

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-05-17 03:08:09
问题 Problem: I have multiple book cover images. I made a template of "book"-like template with a 3D perspective. And all I have to do now its take each of book cover images, correct a perspective (its always constant, because the template is always unchanged) and merge my perspective corrected image with the template (background/canvas). For easier understanding - here is an example created in Adobe Photoshop: With red arrows I tried to show vertex points of the original cover image (before

Merging perspective corrected image with transparent background template image using PILLOW [PIL, Python]

不想你离开。 提交于 2020-05-17 03:02:12
问题 Problem: I have multiple book cover images. I made a template of "book"-like template with a 3D perspective. And all I have to do now its take each of book cover images, correct a perspective (its always constant, because the template is always unchanged) and merge my perspective corrected image with the template (background/canvas). For easier understanding - here is an example created in Adobe Photoshop: With red arrows I tried to show vertex points of the original cover image (before

Merging perspective corrected image with transparent background template image using PILLOW [PIL, Python]

删除回忆录丶 提交于 2020-05-17 03:02:07
问题 Problem: I have multiple book cover images. I made a template of "book"-like template with a 3D perspective. And all I have to do now its take each of book cover images, correct a perspective (its always constant, because the template is always unchanged) and merge my perspective corrected image with the template (background/canvas). For easier understanding - here is an example created in Adobe Photoshop: With red arrows I tried to show vertex points of the original cover image (before

Merging perspective corrected image with transparent background template image using PILLOW [PIL, Python]

让人想犯罪 __ 提交于 2020-05-17 03:01:14
问题 Problem: I have multiple book cover images. I made a template of "book"-like template with a 3D perspective. And all I have to do now its take each of book cover images, correct a perspective (its always constant, because the template is always unchanged) and merge my perspective corrected image with the template (background/canvas). For easier understanding - here is an example created in Adobe Photoshop: With red arrows I tried to show vertex points of the original cover image (before