
Azure ServiceBus & async - To be, or not to be?

落花浮王杯 提交于 2019-12-06 03:29:31
问题 I'm running Service Bus on Azure, pumping about 10-100 messages per second . Recently I've switched to .net 4.5 and all excited refactored all the code to have 'async' and 'await ' at least twice in each line to make sure it's done 'properly' :) Now I'm wondering whether it's actually for better or for worse . If you could have a look at the code snippets and let me know what your thoughts are. I especially worried if the thread context switching is not giving me more grief than benefit, from

Prevent context-switching in timed section of code (or measure then subtract time not actually spent in thread)

谁说我不能喝 提交于 2019-12-04 22:50:13
问题 I have a multi-threaded application, and in a certain section of code I use a Stopwatch to measure the time of an operation: MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(text); //lazy evaluation Int32 matchCount; //inside this bracket program should not context switch { //start timer MyStopwatch matchDuration = MyStopwatch.StartNew(); //actually evaluate regex matchCount = matches.Count; //adds the time regex took to a list durations.AddDuration(matchDuration.Stop()); } Now, the problem is if the

Writing a syscall to count context switches of a process

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-04 19:40:52
问题 I have to do a system call to count the voluntary & involuntary context switches of a process. I already know the steps to add a new system call to a linux kernel but i have no clue of where i should start for the context-switch function. Any idea? 回答1: If your syscall should only report statistics, you can use context switch counting code that is already in the kernel. wait3 syscall or getrusage syscall already reports context switch count in struct rusage fields: struct rusage { ... long ru

Context Switches on Sleeping/Waiting Threads

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-04 13:02:36
问题 I'm trying to understand how operating systems handle context switching in different models to better understand why NIO performance is better in cases of large peaks in the number of requests. Apart from the fact that there may be a limit to the number of threads, I'm curious how blocking operations being done in those large number of requests can affect resource utilization. In a one request per thread model, say a servlet 2.5 based web application, if 499 threads are waiting for database

Azure ServiceBus & async - To be, or not to be?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-04 07:49:49
I'm running Service Bus on Azure, pumping about 10-100 messages per second . Recently I've switched to .net 4.5 and all excited refactored all the code to have 'async' and 'await ' at least twice in each line to make sure it's done 'properly' :) Now I'm wondering whether it's actually for better or for worse . If you could have a look at the code snippets and let me know what your thoughts are. I especially worried if the thread context switching is not giving me more grief than benefit, from all the asynchrony... (looking at !dumpheap it's definitely a factor) Just a bit of description - I

how quick can the processor handle the interrupts

混江龙づ霸主 提交于 2019-12-04 06:25:25
问题 I was studying about interrupts. So most architecture are interrupt driven, if everything is interrupt driven, how fast the processor can handle all of those. For example, while pressing a key board keys, it creates an interrupt asking the kernel to look for the buffer for new characters, in that case, how fast the processor can serve, also when an interrupt is put, the processor needs to switch to kernel space and that costs a lot in terms of context switch. So I assume, even after all these

Prevent context-switching in timed section of code (or measure then subtract time not actually spent in thread)

你。 提交于 2019-12-03 14:22:22
I have a multi-threaded application, and in a certain section of code I use a Stopwatch to measure the time of an operation: MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(text); //lazy evaluation Int32 matchCount; //inside this bracket program should not context switch { //start timer MyStopwatch matchDuration = MyStopwatch.StartNew(); //actually evaluate regex matchCount = matches.Count; //adds the time regex took to a list durations.AddDuration(matchDuration.Stop()); } Now, the problem is if the program switches control to another thread somewhere else while the stopwatch is started, then the

Can my thread help the OS decide when to context switch it out?

百般思念 提交于 2019-12-03 11:56:36
I am working on a threaded application on Linux in C++ which attempts to be real time, doing an action on a heartbeat, or as close to it as possible. In practice, I find the OS is swapping out my thread and causing delays of up to a tenth of a second while it is switched out, causing the heartbeat to be irregular. Is there a way my thread can hint to the OS that now is a good time to context switch it out? I could make this call right after doing a heartbeat, and thus minimize the delay due to an ill timed context switch. It is hard to say what the main problem is in your case, but it is most

how quick can the processor handle the interrupts

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-02 08:19:35
I was studying about interrupts. So most architecture are interrupt driven, if everything is interrupt driven, how fast the processor can handle all of those. For example, while pressing a key board keys, it creates an interrupt asking the kernel to look for the buffer for new characters, in that case, how fast the processor can serve, also when an interrupt is put, the processor needs to switch to kernel space and that costs a lot in terms of context switch. So I assume, even after all these if the processor has a good performance, then I can only assume that the time between two key strokes

context switch during doubly linked list creation

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-12-02 07:24:19
问题 There's an example in Maurice Bach's The Design of the Unix Operating System that mentions how it's possible for a doubly linked list to be destroyed due to a context switch during its creation. (He goes on to say that this is prevented by raising the processor level during such critical regions of code, but I'm having trouble understanding his reasoning that tries to show the problem in the first place) The sample code that he includes is as follows: struct queue { } *bp, *bp1; bp1 -> forp =