Azure ServiceBus & async - To be, or not to be?

南笙酒味 提交于 2019-12-04 07:49:49

You say:

The code above is from a 'Sender' class that sends 1 message/second. I have about 50-100 instances running at any given time, so it could be quite a number of threads.

This is a good case for async. You save lots of threads here. Async reduces context switching because it is not thread-based. It does not context-switch in case of something requiring a wait. Instead, the next work item is being processed on the same thread (if there is one).

For that reason you async solution will definitely scale better than a synchronous one. Whether it actually uses less CPU at 50-100 instances of your workflow needs to be measured. The more instances there are the higher the probability of async being faster becomes.

Now, there is one problem with the implementation: You're using a ConcurrentQueue which is not async-ready. So you actually do use 50-100 threads even in your async version. They will either block (which you wanted to avoid) or busy-wait burning 100% CPU (which seems to be the case in your implementation!). You need to get rid of this problem and make the queuing async, too. Maybe a SemaphoreSlim is of help here as it can be waited on asynchronously.

First, keep in mind that Task != Thread. Tasks (and async method continuations) are scheduled to the thread pool, where Microsoft has put in tons of optimizations that work wonders as long as your tasks are fairly short.

Reviewing your code, one line raises a flag: semaphore.WaitOne. I assume you're using this as a kind of signal that there is data available in the queue. This is bad because it's a blocking wait inside an async method. By using a blocking wait, the code changes from a lightweight continuation into a much heavier thread pool thread.

So, I would follow @usr's recommendation and replace the queue (and the semaphore) with an async-ready queue. TPL Dataflow's BufferBlock<T> is an async-ready producer/consumer queue available via NuGet. I recommend this one first because it sounds like your project could benefit from using dataflow more extensively than just as a queue (but the queue is a fine place to start).

Other async-ready data structures exist; my AsyncEx library has a couple of them. It's also not hard to build a simple one yourself; I have a blog post on the subject. But I recommend TPL Dataflow in your situation.
