
How to handle compound keys with Spring Data JDBC

谁都会走 提交于 2020-01-14 14:44:08
问题 I'm trying to use Spring Data JDBC to access a table that has a compound key, and although I can find lots of info on how Spring Data JPA handles this, the same doesn't seem to apply to Spring Data JDBC. Can anyone give a quick example of how you need to declare an Entity/Repository with Spring Data JDBC to talk to a table with a compound primary key ? (Eg. Two Strings) 回答1: Using the CrudRepository for compound keys is currently (Version 1.0.2) not possible. Of course, you can still use

Aggregate hourly means based on compound field expression

扶醉桌前 提交于 2020-01-06 16:30:15
问题 I am trying to calculate the hourly mean of x in a data frame similar to this: min hour day month year x 1 10 22 31 12 2013 18.3 2 30 22 31 12 2013 16.5 3 50 22 31 12 2013 15.7 4 10 23 31 12 2013 16.7 5 30 23 31 12 2013 18.0 6 50 23 31 12 2013 18.1 7 10 0 1 1 2014 17.4 8 30 0 1 1 2014 15.4 9 50 0 1 1 2014 16.9 I have tried different things with the aggregate function but without luck. So what I want is to calculate the mean of x if the value of hour , day , month , year are the same. The

Reinstantiating EF classes with one-to-many relationship and compound key of strings

拈花ヽ惹草 提交于 2019-12-20 07:15:00
问题 I have the following EF Code First classes, which appear to be working to a point. I also have Initialization code that seeds these tables with data from elsewhere that is lengthy, and seems (I hope) inconsequential to my question. Or at the least when I seed manually I see the same behavior problem. Note, that these tables use strings as their primary keys, and not ID's. Also note that the SubCategory table has a compound primary key that includes the parent table, Category's primary key,

ORM support for compound primary keys

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-18 09:25:51
问题 I've read that compound primary keys will confuse the hell out of typical ORM code generators. Which ORMs work best with compound PKs and which to avoid? (I've a particular interest in .NET) 回答1: I'm using NHibernate successfully with compound keys. <class name="UserProfileField" table="UserProfileFields"> <composite-id> <key-many-to-one name="Parent" column="UserId" lazy="false"/> <key-property name="FieldName"/> </composite-id> ... 来源:

ORM support for compound primary keys

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-18 09:25:18
问题 I've read that compound primary keys will confuse the hell out of typical ORM code generators. Which ORMs work best with compound PKs and which to avoid? (I've a particular interest in .NET) 回答1: I'm using NHibernate successfully with compound keys. <class name="UserProfileField" table="UserProfileFields"> <composite-id> <key-many-to-one name="Parent" column="UserId" lazy="false"/> <key-property name="FieldName"/> </composite-id> ... 来源:

Entity Framework Compound Key (Many-To-Many Relationship with a Payload)

杀马特。学长 韩版系。学妹 提交于 2019-12-14 04:27:15
问题 I've got database tables like this: A person may be a member of many teams. A team may have many members. Each person may have a position (think job title) within the team. I've tried to set this up with ADO.NET Entity Framework and get errors: Error 3021: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line ... Each of the following columns in table Membership is mapped to multiple conceptual side properties: Membership.PersonId is mapped to <MembershipPerson.Membership.PersonId, MembershipPerson

JPA Compound key with @EmbeddedId

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-14 02:35:06
问题 In a legacy database, I have three tables: Users, Workgroups, and UsersWorkgroup. UsersWorkgroup stores what role a user has in a workgroup. Here are the relevant code snippets: @Entity @Table(name = "users_workgroup") public class UsersWorkgroup implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @EmbeddedId protected UsersWorkgroupPK usersWorkgroupPK; @JoinColumn(name = "idworkgroup", referencedColumnName = "idworkgroup") @ManyToOne(optional = false) private Workgroup

Astyanax getKey with compound key

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2019-12-13 04:33:54
问题 I would like to run the following code with a compound primary key. Column<String> result = keyspace.prepareQuery(CF_COUNTER1) .getKey(rowKey) .getColumn("Column1") .execute().getResult(); Long counterValue = result.getLongValue(); Research seems to show that it can be a string that represents a key (if it's not a compound primary key). The documentation says that it is of type K , alas, I am not very experience with Java, and have no idea what that means. Is it just a base type that lots of