
Recursive Query of XML in ColdFusion 8 to find unknown number of children sub levels

限于喜欢 提交于 2019-12-25 01:46:55
问题 We have a clustered ColdFusion 8 environment consisting of two boxes. I am trying to traverse XML that was created by Cognos 10.1 to find every element in the order they appear in the XML. The purpose is to create a thumbnail html representation of the report's unique layout that substitutes icons for elements. The wrinkle is that Cognos puts a new [block].[content] element for each new object in a report and then nests them based on a layered order determined when the report is created. For

Different results with cfstoredproc and cfquery

老子叫甜甜 提交于 2019-12-24 11:34:06
问题 When I execute a stored proc via cfstoredproc , I am getting a different result than calling that stored proc via cfquery . I am passing in the same exact parameter values to each call. And also, when I run the stored proc in SQL Studio, I get the correct results (same as the cfquery). Here's the cfstoredproc call <cfstoredproc datasource="#request.mainDSN#" debug="#request.debug#" procedure="rankingresults"> <cfprocparam type="in" value="8652" CFSQLType="CF_SQL_INTEGER"> <cfprocparam type=

Images in rss feed using ColdFusion and CFFeed

喜欢而已 提交于 2019-12-24 08:44:17
问题 I have a script that generates an xml file with ColdFusion and its CFFeed tag. It works pretty good except for images. I understand that you have to use encapsulate the image in CDATA in order to display it. I am not sure if I have set it up correctly because the images are not showing up in my Google Reader / Feedly feed. Here is the code: <cfquery datasource="data" name="queryT"> SELECT * FROM qTable WHERE ... ORDER BY... </cfquery> <cfset RssStruct = StructNew() /> <cfset =

ColdFusion: No data was received in the uploaded file

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-24 07:15:26
问题 My error report told me that an error has occurred when an user tried uploading an empty file to my server (don't ask why the user did that - I don't know) and now I want to catch that exception which said " No data was received in the uploaded file ". I wonder if there is a better way than putting a <CFTRY> around the <CFFILE action="upload"> like this: <CFTRY> <CFFILE action="upload" destination="#expandpath("upload")#" filefield="form.file" nameconflict="makeunique" /> <CFCATCH> <!---

Compressing a PDF document generated by coldfusion

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-24 03:27:43
问题 I'm trying to overhaul a pdf report generation application built in CF8 and they have an interface which generates a 50 page legal report as a pdf and sends it out about 100x a day. However, its very cumbersome and bogs down an already overworked server. Is there a good PDF compression script that I can run with coldfusion or a way to integrate with Adobe acrobat to have it compress the pdf before the server sends the pdf via email? The system is already setup using the available Coldfusion

RegEx for Spanish alphabets in ColdFusion 8

二次信任 提交于 2019-12-24 02:01:08
问题 I know that I can use [a-z] to check for any alphabets from a to z in CF 8. However, are there any regex to detect spanish alphabets like á, í, ó, é, ñ, etc.? Thanks in advance, Monte 回答1: ColdFusion doesn't nicely deal with Unicode regex. You can use things like #Chr(375)# to get the characters into a regex string, but it's a bit messy having to do that. However, Java does work with Unicode, and since CF can utilise Java easily, you can use Java regexes to do unicode matching. This will

ColdFusion: Multiple SQL statements in a query?

爱⌒轻易说出口 提交于 2019-12-23 08:54:48
问题 Apparently ColdFusion doesn't like multiple SQL statements within a single query... so what once was this: SET @sender_user_id = 3, @recipient_user_id = 5; INSERT INTO messages (message_type, sender_id, message_title, message_content) VALUES(3, @sender_user_id, 'One more thing...', 'I am testing this message'); SET @saved_message_id = LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT INTO message_recipient (message_id, user_id) VALUES(@saved_message_id, @recipient_user_id); INSERT INTO message_status (message_id,

Need suggestion for running a JPA + Hibernate java project on Coldfusion 9

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-22 13:46:24
问题 I have a java project that uses JPA 2/Hibernate 3.5.6 for data access and it works great on a JBoss app server. Now I am trying to run this on a Coldfusion 9 environment and I see CF 9 already has hibernate3.jar and related jars thats needed for its ORM implementation. But, I would like to use my java project as is on CF and for that, I would need the same hibenate 3.5.6 jar and related jars on CF. So, I moved all the jars that I need, created a new folder in CF and updated the jvm.config to

Periods in URL causes ColdFusion error

时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想 提交于 2019-12-22 07:04:19
问题 I am currently having issues with users (or bots, not sure) visiting non-existent links that have three periods in a sub-directory. For example, if someone goes to: Then I receive the following error: String index out of range: -1 null The error occurred on line -1. I have tested it with just 1 period and just 2 periods and it goes straight to a 404 error. Any link though that has 3 or more periods will cause this error. My question is what can I do

ColdFusion 8 to ColdFusion 10 Migration: CFloginUser Not Working As Expected

▼魔方 西西 提交于 2019-12-21 21:29:38
问题 After upgrading from CF8 to CF10, moving all files and databases and jumping through all the configuration hoops, the new version of the site is up and running, but the authentication/login is not working. Here are the environments: Old server: ColdFusion Enterprise 8,0,1,195765 Operating System: Windows Vista* OS Version: 6.0 Update Level: .... hf801-00007.jar IIS Version: 7 (*not sure where that "Vista" comes from? The System Information says "Windows Server 2008 Datacenter without Hyper-V"