
Getting Started with Unity Framework [closed]

泄露秘密 提交于 2019-11-28 15:52:28
问题 Could anyone recommend some good resources for getting started with the Unity framework? I've downloaded the source from Codeplex and got it to compile. So now I've got a set of compiled binaries, where do I go next? I understand the principles of inversion of control but don't have much knowledge of the specifics of the Unity framework. I've downloaded the Unity documentation from Codeplex but it seems to be targeted at users that already have a good working knowledge of the framework. What

实战做项目如何选择开源许可协议(二)- 开放代码

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-11-28 15:07:22
通过 《实战做项目如何选择开源许可协议(一)-了解协议》 大概知道了有哪些开源协议和各个协议的作用和区别。我们准备把代码开放出去时,需要了解各个代码托管平台如何设置开源协议。目前常用的平台有:googlecode、github、sourceforge、codeplex。下面分别列一下这些平台如何设置开源协议: 1、 googlecode ,google推出的代码托管平台,整体可用还是比较强的,如果不是经常被墙用这个也可以。支持svn、git协议。要在这个上面共享代码, 首先需要注册一个google账号,登录。 在url输入 ,打开网页后,最下方有个 create a new project。 点击创建工程后,可以选择自己工程的开源协议。预定义协议支持不是太多,主要有常见的BSD、GPL、MIT、APACHE、ECLIPSE、MPL。没有包含的可以选择other open source 填写。 2、 github , 这个后期之秀,由于git协议本身的优势这几年也赚足了眼球。更有2011年的 报道 : Github 的提交次数超过了Sourceforge、Google Code和微软的CodePlex。 这么火的代码托管工具我们当然也要在这个上面共享代码, 需要注册一个github账号,登录。 在首页中间有个

C# Interval tree class

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-11-27 22:45:26
问题 I'm looking for an interval tree C# collection class. I need to be able to add intervals, idealy 2D, otherwise perhaps I could combine two standard 1D interval trees. I also need to be able to find out what intervals overlap a given interval. I found this but There are no downloads associated with this release. edit: Continue here: C# using others code 回答1: There is a download on the codeplex page: ->