Issue importing PyPlot when submitting Julia file to cluster via Torque
问题 I am running some Julia code on my school's cluster. The .bps file which calls test_julia.jl is given below: 1 #!/bin/tcsh 2 3 #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 4 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 5 #PBS -N test_julia 6 ##PBS -q normal 7 #PBS -q normal 8 #PBS -j oe 9 #PBS -o ./log/julia.${PBS_JOBID}.out 10 ##PBS -e ./log/julia.${PBS_JOBID}.err 11 ##PBS -m abe -M 12 #PBS -t 1-38 13 14 15 cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR 16 17 module load julia 18 19 julia /path/to/file/test_julia.jl 10 20 30 20 where 10, 20,