
How can I deploy a Leiningen template to Clojars?

大兔子大兔子 提交于 2019-12-22 08:07:41
问题 I have created a Leiningen project on my local machine which I then turn into a template by doing: lein create-template webdb : Then I install the template: cd webdb lein install : which allows me to create projects based on the template locally: lein new webdb anewproject : Everything works fine up to here. However if I try to deploy the template to clojars using: cd webdb lein deploy clojars : then whenever I try to use the clojars profile to create a template I get an error: lein new org

How can I deploy a Leiningen template to Clojars?

余生长醉 提交于 2019-12-05 12:32:14
I have created a Leiningen project on my local machine which I then turn into a template by doing: lein create-template webdb : Then I install the template: cd webdb lein install : which allows me to create projects based on the template locally: lein new webdb anewproject : Everything works fine up to here. However if I try to deploy the template to clojars using: cd webdb lein deploy clojars : then whenever I try to use the clojars profile to create a template I get an error: lein new org.clojars.zubairq2/webdb anothernewproject : gives the error: Could not find metadata org.clojars.zubairq2