
put CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation for Swift

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-11-30 06:47:11
I have a method I want to call however when I get back the center of the map, it is in CLLocationCoordinate2D type. How do I put the results of CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation? Figured it out. When mapView changes region, get the Lat and Lon from CLLocationCoordinate2D and create a CLLocation variable with the lat and lon passed in. func mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool){ var centre = mapView.centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2D var getLat: CLLocationDegrees = centre.latitude var getLon: CLLocationDegrees = centre.longitude var getMovedMapCenter:

tableview sort by distance swift

眉间皱痕 提交于 2019-11-29 23:59:09
问题 I build a view mix with map view and table view,I hope I can sort the cell by the distance from user location, I try to use the distanceFromLoaction method, but it shows that CLLocationCoordinate has no member distanceFromLocaiton, is there another way to do it or fix it? this is my array structure import UIKit import MapKit class tripSpot: NSObject, MKAnnotation{ var title: String? var coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D var regionRadius: Double var location: String? var type: String? init

How to determine the correct altitude for an MKMapCamera focusing on an MKPolygon

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-11-29 07:17:49
I need to figure out how to set up MKMapSnapshotterOptions to take a snapshot of aerial/satellite imagery associated with a polygonal region of the earth. Filling out the 'region', 'scale', 'size', and 'mapType' properties are trivial, as I have an MKPolygon to work with. The tricky part is in setting the 'camera' -- in my particular case, I am using MKMapSnapshotter independently of the MKMapView (in fact, not even on the main thread). However, I would prefer to orient the snapshot so that it fits the bounds of the polygon based on a non-zero heading -- that is, the area that I am taking a

put CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation for Swift

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2019-11-29 06:16:53
问题 I have a method I want to call however when I get back the center of the map, it is in CLLocationCoordinate2D type. How do I put the results of CLLocationCoordinate2D into CLLocation? 回答1: Figured it out. When mapView changes region, get the Lat and Lon from CLLocationCoordinate2D and create a CLLocation variable with the lat and lon passed in. func mapView(mapView: MKMapView!, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool){ var centre = mapView.centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2D var getLat:

How to determine the correct altitude for an MKMapCamera focusing on an MKPolygon

我的梦境 提交于 2019-11-28 00:44:27
问题 I need to figure out how to set up MKMapSnapshotterOptions to take a snapshot of aerial/satellite imagery associated with a polygonal region of the earth. Filling out the 'region', 'scale', 'size', and 'mapType' properties are trivial, as I have an MKPolygon to work with. The tricky part is in setting the 'camera' -- in my particular case, I am using MKMapSnapshotter independently of the MKMapView (in fact, not even on the main thread). However, I would prefer to orient the snapshot so that