
Read blocks from a file object until x bytes from the end

十年热恋 提交于 2021-01-07 02:46:48
问题 I need to read chunks of 64KB in loop, and process them, but stop at the end of file minus 16 bytes : the last 16 bytes are a tag metadata. The file might be super large, so I can't read it all in RAM. All the solutions I find are a bit clumsy and/or unpythonic. with open('myfile', 'rb') as f: while True: block = if not block: break process_block(block) If 16 <= len(block) < 65536 , it's easy: it's the last block ever. So useful_data = block[:-16] and tag = block[-16:] If len

Read blocks from a file object until x bytes from the end

寵の児 提交于 2021-01-07 02:46:42
问题 I need to read chunks of 64KB in loop, and process them, but stop at the end of file minus 16 bytes : the last 16 bytes are a tag metadata. The file might be super large, so I can't read it all in RAM. All the solutions I find are a bit clumsy and/or unpythonic. with open('myfile', 'rb') as f: while True: block = if not block: break process_block(block) If 16 <= len(block) < 65536 , it's easy: it's the last block ever. So useful_data = block[:-16] and tag = block[-16:] If len

Android how to post InputStream by chunks using okhttp

随声附和 提交于 2020-12-13 03:40:49
问题 I have an issue with FileInputStream on Android with Kotlin and Okhttp. I want to post a video file by using an API, but if this file is bigger than 128mb I have to upload it chunk by chunk. So, in my request header I have to specified the Content-Range (Something like this: Content-Range bytes 0-10485759/189305151 ) And I need to post only this part of the file, that why I'm using FileInputStream, then repeat for each chunks. I'm also using FileInputStream to avoid to split the file locally

Android how to post InputStream by chunks using okhttp

[亡魂溺海] 提交于 2020-12-13 03:40:34
问题 I have an issue with FileInputStream on Android with Kotlin and Okhttp. I want to post a video file by using an API, but if this file is bigger than 128mb I have to upload it chunk by chunk. So, in my request header I have to specified the Content-Range (Something like this: Content-Range bytes 0-10485759/189305151 ) And I need to post only this part of the file, that why I'm using FileInputStream, then repeat for each chunks. I'm also using FileInputStream to avoid to split the file locally

Android how to post InputStream by chunks using okhttp

安稳与你 提交于 2020-12-13 03:40:24
问题 I have an issue with FileInputStream on Android with Kotlin and Okhttp. I want to post a video file by using an API, but if this file is bigger than 128mb I have to upload it chunk by chunk. So, in my request header I have to specified the Content-Range (Something like this: Content-Range bytes 0-10485759/189305151 ) And I need to post only this part of the file, that why I'm using FileInputStream, then repeat for each chunks. I'm also using FileInputStream to avoid to split the file locally

finding the POS of the root of a noun_chunk with spacy

人盡茶涼 提交于 2020-06-27 06:06:29
问题 When using spacy you can easily loop across the noun_phrases of a text as follows: S='This is an example sentence that should include several parts and also make clear that studying Natural language Processing is not difficult' nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') doc = nlp(S) [chunk.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks] # = ['an example sentence', 'several parts', 'Natural language Processing'] You can also get the "root" of the noun chunk: [chunk.root.text for chunk in doc.noun_chunks] # = [

How define a spring batch chunk in the tasklet with code

做~自己de王妃 提交于 2020-02-02 16:19:48
问题 I have a spring-batch xml-based configuration that should be migrated to annotation-based configuration. but I can't find any solution to define a chunk into the tasklet definition. There are my xml and code base decleration: <step id="files2Memory"> <tasklet> <chunk reader="pointFileReader" processor="pointFileProcessor" writer="pointFileWriter" commit-interval="50000"/> </tasklet> </step> public Step files2Memory() { return stepBuilders.get("files2Memory") .tasklet(new Tasklet() { @Override