
Python HTTP server that supports chunked encoding?

别等时光非礼了梦想. 提交于 2019-12-19 06:56:49
问题 I'm looking for a well-supported multithreaded Python HTTP server that supports chunked encoding replies. (I.e. "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" on responses). What's the best HTTP server base to start with for this purpose? 回答1: Twisted supports chunked transfer encoding (API link) (see also the API doc for HTTPChannel). There are a number of production-grade projects using Twisted (for example, Apple uses it for the iCalendar server in Mac OS X Server), so it's quite well supported and very

HTTP Content-Length and Chunked Transfer-Encoding. Is there a 2GB Limit?

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-19 04:07:41
问题 Is a HTTP Content-Length over 2GB or 4GB supported by modern webservers? How about the chunks in HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding? Can an individual HTTP chunk exceed 2GB in length? I need to know to use 32-bit integers or 64-bit integers in my code. 回答1: From what I have gathered, 64-bit limits are new, especially in the web browsers. Chrome supports them, Opera maybe, and I see a patch for Firefox that hasn't landed yet. I've read posts that say IE returns negative Content-Length , which

Python: suggestions to improve a chunk-by-chunk code to read several millions of points

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-19 04:01:02
问题 I wrote a code to read *.las file in Python. *las file are special ascii file where each line is x,y,z value of points. My function read N . number of points and check if they are inside a polygon with points_inside_poly . I have the following questions: When I arrive at the end of the file I get this message: LASException: LASError in "LASReader_GetPointAt": point subscript out of range because the number of points is under the chunk dimension. I cannot figure how to resolve this problem. a

How do disable Transfer-Encoding in Tomcat 6

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-17 18:27:52
问题 I have a web application running on Tomcat 6.0.29 server and JDK 1.6. When I send the response to the client, Tomcat sends Transfer-Encoding: chunked in the headers when the response size is > 8KB. For responses < 8KB, it sends Content-Length : I understand that Chunked encoding is the preferred way to handle bulk responses, however our clients do not want to change their code (as it is distributed all across the servers). How can I disable Chunked encoding in Tomcat? I could Disable HTTP/1.1

Response sent in chunked transfer encoding and indicating errors happening after some data has already been sent

徘徊边缘 提交于 2019-12-17 16:57:37
问题 I am sending large amount of data in my response to the client in chunked transfer encoding format. How should I be dealing with any errors that occur midway during writing of the response? I would like to know if there is any HTTP Spec recommended practice regarding this for clients to know that indeed the response is not a successful one but that the server ran into some issue. 回答1: Once you have started sending the HTTP headers to the client, you can't send anything else. You have to


不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-17 04:00:29
问题 For the past two months, I have been receiving the following error on Chrome's developer console: net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING Symptoms: Pages not loading. Truncated CSS and JS files. Pages hanging. Server environment: Apache 2.2.22 PHP Ubuntu This is happening to me on our in-house Apache server. It is not happening to anybody else - i.e. None of our users are experiencing this problem - nor is anybody else on our dev team. Other people are accessing the exact same server with the

CFHTTP - Read data from URL transferring in chunks

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-14 01:24:09
问题 I am trying to get a file from a URL using cfhttp but it seems that the provider is sending the data in chunks. <cfhttp method="get" url=""> </cfhttp> The response header is having Transfer-Encoding as chunked and is missing Content-Length . Also, the statusCode is 200 Ok but the FileContent is showing " Connection Failure ". Any suggestions? 回答1: Finally, I used to get this working: <cfset local.objURL = createObject( "java" , "" )

Error code redirect when returning a response with chunked encoding?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2019-12-13 14:38:25
问题 My web application uses chunked encoding. I'd like to have the behavior where if any chunk generates an error, I can properly set the error code and redirect to an error page using that. Right now it seems like that can only happen if the error occurs during the first chunk because the response headers must be sent in the first chunk. Is there any way to make this work or get the behavior that I want? Thanks. 回答1: The HTTP spec allows you to provide additional headers as a "trailer" after

PHP CURL Chunked encoding a large file (700mb)

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-13 05:09:28
问题 So due to Cloudflare's limitations of 250MB I am trying to circumvent around it through Chunked encoding which is supposed to upload the files in chunks that way I don't get the 413 Request Entity Too Large so I followed the general idea of this. And it is still returning this error, but I don't know how to properly verify the headers that it's chunked and maybe I'm just messing up something? $stream = fopen($getFile, 'r'); // Create

Early flush with Node.js and Express [duplicate]

我与影子孤独终老i 提交于 2019-12-13 00:33:38
问题 This question already has an answer here : Does Express.js support sending unbuffered progressively flushed responses? (1 answer) Closed 5 years ago . How do I realise early flush (chuncked transfer encoding) with Express? All examples I have found are dealing with the http module, where you can call the write() method of the response object and that way send data piece-wise. 回答1: You can still use write with Express: app.get('/test', function(req, res) { var count = 0; var interval =