
Displaying multiple camera images to Grid view

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-05-16 02:20:09
问题 i want to display multiple images capture by camera to Grid view. i go through many questions how to do but non perfectly work for me. i use This to implement. but using this i am able to get the image in my image view but whenever i capture new image that image replace my older image. and now i am clue less what should i do to add camera images one after another. anyone know how to implement this then please help me with sample code. thank you in advance. 回答1: Use the comment provided in the

Camera arguments in Three.js

江枫思渺然 提交于 2020-05-09 18:04:22
问题 This is how a camera is instantiated: var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( VIEW_ANGLE, ASPECT, NEAR, FAR ); What do these values mean? 回答1: The first param is FOV means field of view, imagine a camera on a tripod, if you change lens to wide angle you get a higher FOV. Try to imagine a cone coming out from the camera, it can only see objects in that area. ASPECT means aspect ratio, a widescreen TV is 16/9 and old ones were 4/3, usually just give it the screen width/height or the dims of a

Screen Size of the camera on the example object detection of tensorflow lite

北战南征 提交于 2020-04-30 07:10:13
问题 On the tensorflow lite example object detection, the camera don't take all the screen but just a part. I tried to find some constant in CameraActivity, CameraConnectionFragment and Size classes but no results. So I just want a way to put the camera in all the screen or just an explanation. Thanks you. 回答1: I just find the solution, it's in the CameraConnectionFragment class : protected static Size chooseOptimalSize(final Size[] choices, final int width, final int height) { final int minSize =

Taking cube from camera space to clip space, error in my math?

五迷三道 提交于 2020-04-30 05:42:49
问题 watching Ken Joy's Computer Graphics lectures on youtube. One thing I'm confused about is after he gets the cube from the camera space to clip space, from my calculations the cube doesn't look like that. I expected the cube to look like that pink parallelogram in my picture, if we assume the Z of the front-face of the cube to be -4/3 and the back-face to be -2 then the Ws come out to be 4/3 and 2 respectively. So can someone explain how after multiplying by the viewing matrix, the cube comes

How to open both front and back camera at the same time on Samsung Galaxy Devices?

旧时模样 提交于 2020-04-16 06:12:10
问题 This is a question that is still left unanswered as i have gone through all the questions in SO. access both front and back camera simultaneously on samsung galaxy devices How to capture both front and back cameras in Galaxy S4 simultaneously? ...and so on but the real problem is that i have a perfectly working dual camera tested on multiple devices like: Google Pixel XL, LETV 1S, Elephone S7, LG Devices, practically most devices that have two Image Signal Processors, except for Samsung

Translating Screen Coordinates [ x, y ] to Camera Pan and Tilt angles

帅比萌擦擦* 提交于 2020-04-16 03:50:22
问题 I have a IP Camera which can PTZ. I am currently streaming live feed into the browser and want to allow user to click a point on the screen and the camera will pan and tilt so that the user clicked position will now become the center point of view. my Camera Pan 360 degrees and Tilt from -55 to 90. any algorithm that will guide to me achieve my goal ?? 回答1: Let's start by declaring a 3D coordinate system around the camera (the origin). I will use the following: The z-axis points upwards. The

Android开发遇到Camera StartPreview Failed 错误

一世执手 提交于 2020-04-15 09:37:43
【推荐阅读】微服务还能火多久?>>> 按照BOSS的要求公司的项目需要实现 照相,截图等功能 用到自定义Camera. 前两天真蛋疼... 连图像都显示不出来. 后来找到有网友分享的代码实现, 虽然跟我写的差不多, 但是他的copy过来果然能够可以显示出来了(4.0+系统上).. 但是2.3的系统上camera.setParameters(parameters)的时候又来了个Camera StartPreview Failed错误. 搜了半天有哥们也遇到过类似的问题. 问题是我们没有给holder setType. 错误原因是 这个deprecated的api会在低版本中导致crash. 解决方案从stackoverflow上找到的. 最后 holder.setType(SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS);就偶了. 来源: oschina 链接:

showing camera capture image to gridview

拥有回忆 提交于 2020-04-14 07:36:46
问题 I am developing an app in which, i click image using camera and show it into an grid view. but my image not showing in image view without showing any error. but when i debug the project i notice that, my array list is empty. i don't understand exactly where my code going wrong. here is my code : /* private GridView gvGallery;*/ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data

showing camera capture image to gridview

蹲街弑〆低调 提交于 2020-04-14 07:35:51
问题 I am developing an app in which, i click image using camera and show it into an grid view. but my image not showing in image view without showing any error. but when i debug the project i notice that, my array list is empty. i don't understand exactly where my code going wrong. here is my code : /* private GridView gvGallery;*/ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data

如何使用C#创建Windows Webcam应用

本秂侑毒 提交于 2020-04-12 16:31:28
最近想用C#写一个camera的应用。搜索了Google和StackOverflow,发现大部分的sample用了WIA或者DirectShow。WIA和DirectShow都没有直接提供C#接口,所以实现起来也比较复杂。试着运行了几个WIA的工程,在Windows10上还不起作用。发现微软提供了一个MediaCapture类,包含了丰富的C#接口,可用于音频,视频。要用这个类,就需要创建一个UWP工程。这里分享下如何使用MediaCapture的C#接口来获取camera的每一帧数据。 微软示例 微软在GitHub上放了大量的 UWP示例 ,里面包含了各种camera的接口使用方法。 在Android中要获取camera的每一帧数据,可以通过onPreviewCallback的回调函数实现。参考 CameraFrames 这个示例,也可以实现类似的功能。 如何创建Windows Webcam应用 1. 在 package.appxmanifest 中获取webcam权限: 2. 创建image element用于绘制webcam的预览界面: 3. 通过Image Element初始化 FrameRenderer : _frameRenderer = new FrameRenderer(PreviewImage); 4. 初始化MediaCapture对象: // Create a