
How to add a Linux kernel driver module as a Buildroot package?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:01:02
可以将文章内容翻译成中文,广告屏蔽插件可能会导致该功能失效(如失效,请关闭广告屏蔽插件后再试): 问题: I am currently building an Embedded Linux for my Zybo Board from Xilinx. For this I use Buildroot. Now I want to add a driver , written in C, which can be used by a user program to write to some specific registers, enabling it to control some LEDs. When I checked the manual , it basically says the first thing to do is create a in a new package folder, where you write some text explaining the driver. Okay, I did that. But now the makefile: I don't quite understand what needs to be in there. Is it just a compile command like gcc -o


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:39:02
RPM包制作过程 1.1 前期工作 1)创建打包用的目录rpmbuild/{BUILD,SPECS,RPMS, SOURCES,SRPMS} 建议使用普通用户,在用户家目录中创建 2)确定好制作的对象,是源码包编译打包还只是一些库文件打包 3)编写SPEC文件 4)开始制作 1.2 RPM制作过程 1)读取并解析 filename.spec 文件 2)运行 %prep 部分来将源代码解包到一个临时目录,并应用所有的补丁程序。 3)运行 %build 部分来编译代码。 4)运行 %install 部分将代码安装到构建机器的目录中。 5)读取 %files 部分的文件列表,收集文件并创建二进制和源 RPM 文件。 6)运行 %clean 部分来除去临时构建目录。 补充说明: BUILD目录:制作车间,二进制tar.gz包的解压后存放的位置,并在此目录进行编译安装 SPECS目录:存放SPEC文件 RPMS目录:存放制作好的rpm包 SOURCES目录:存放源代码 SRPMS目录:存放编译好的二进制rpm包 BUILDROOT目录:此目录是在BUILD目录中执行完make install之后生成的目录,里面存放的是编译安装好的文件,他是./configure中―prefix指定path的根目录 1.3制作工具:rpmbuild 制作过程的几个状态 rpmbuild -bp 执行到

busybox devmem 直接获取、修改内存信息

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 00:34:01
/* ********************************************************************* * busybox devmem 直接获取、修改内存信息 * 说明: * 有时候再进行一些硬件测试的时候为了加快处理速度,可能会希望通过 * shell直接修改内存地址中的信息,devmem内部还是mmap进行地址映射,另外 * 觉得可以直接用outb/inb等函数直接操作。 * * 2018-6-25 深圳 宝安西乡 曾剑锋 ******************************************************************** */ 一、参考文档: 1 . How to access the i.MX6 unique ID/serial number in Linux https: // 2 . Linux驱动开发常用内存调试工具 memtool and devmem https: // 二、devmem help [buildroot@root ~/lmbench- 3.0 -a9/scripts]# devmem -- help


匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-02 21:59:42
项目中要求将一个python脚本打包成rpm包,方便yum安装,研究了一遍,把其中的过程记录一下。 #/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding=utf-8 -*- print 'this is test' 这个脚本运行结果一目了然。 通过pip命令安装该组件:pip install pyinstaller pyinstaller -F 将生成的dist目录下生成的test文件打包为test.tar文件 安装rpmbuild 组件及生成相关目录 yum install rpmdevtools yum install -y rpm-build rpmdev-setuptree 以上命令运行成功后会在当前用户目录下生成rpmbuild目录,该目录会包含以下子目录 --BUILD #编译之前,如解压包后存放的路径 --BUILDROOT #编译后存放的路径 --RPMS #打包完成后rpm包存放的路径 --SOURCES #源包所放置的路径 --SPECS #spec文档放置的路径 --SPRMS #源码rpm包放置的路径 将3步骤生成的test.tar 文件考入SOURCES目录,编辑test.spec文件 Name:test Version:1.0 Release:0%{?dist} Summary: test Group:test License

what is the utility of the buildroot on beagleboneBlack?

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-02 19:27:39
问题 I don't understand what is the reason of buildroot of a card such as beaglebone black where as it has a Linux system when we bought.What is the utility of the buildroot? 回答1: Build a completely custom, lightweight, and fast-booting embedded Linux system? 回答2: Buildroot is a set of Makefiles and patches that makes it easy to generate a complete embedded Linux system . Buildroot can generate any or all of a cross-compilation toolchain, a root filesystem, a kernel image and a bootloader image.

How to add my own software to a Buildroot Linux package?

僤鯓⒐⒋嵵緔 提交于 2019-12-02 17:39:30
I am trying to add my own program to a small linux, created with Buildroot. What I've done so far: I've created a new directory inside my 'buildroot/package/' called 'HelloWorld'. Inside 'buildroot/package/HelloWorld' I have : a, and HelloWorld directory. holds this: config BR2_PACKAGE_HELLOWORLD bool "helloworld" default y help Hello world component. holds this: HELLOWORLD_VERSION:= 1.0.0 HELLOWORLD_SITE:= /home/userpc/Downloads/helloworld/ HELLOWORLD_SITE_METHOD:=local HELLOWORLD_INSTALL_TARGET:=YES define HELLOWORLD_BUILD_CMDS $(MAKE) CC="$

Set newly created file as variable in makefile

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-12-02 10:14:56
I am trying to create a file and set the contents of a file to a variable but the variable is always seen as empty. An example: define FILE_VAR cat /output/1.txt >> /output/2.txt $(eval s := $(shell cat /output/2.txt)) $(eval FILENAME_BIN=$(word 1, $(s)).$(word 2, $(s)).$(word 3, $(s)).bin) $(eval FILENAME_JFFS2=$(word 1, $(s)).$(word 2, $(s)).$(word 3, $(s)).jffs2) endef If 2.txt exists before running this the variables will be set to the data prior to running make (not the new redirected data), if 2.txt doesn't exist then the variables are not set. It looks like it is evaluating what the

what is the utility of the buildroot on beagleboneBlack?

十年热恋 提交于 2019-12-02 09:19:39
I don't understand what is the reason of buildroot of a card such as beaglebone black where as it has a Linux system when we bought.What is the utility of the buildroot? Build a completely custom, lightweight, and fast-booting embedded Linux system? Buildroot is a set of Makefiles and patches that makes it easy to generate a complete embedded Linux system . Buildroot can generate any or all of a cross-compilation toolchain, a root filesystem, a kernel image and a bootloader image. It is useful mainly for people working with small or embedded systems, using various CPU architectures (x86, ARM,

Buildroot - Applying A Patch Failed

夙愿已清 提交于 2019-12-01 10:44:37
问题 I'm trying to build a custom kernel image for my PhidgetSBC but I'm getting a failure during the build: bluez 4.96 Extracting bluez 4.96 Patching package/bluez for file in config.guess config.sub; do for i in $(find /home/kerubu/buildroot_phidgetsbc/new/buildroot-phidgetsbc_1.0.4.20111028/output/build/bluez-4.96 -name $file); do cp package/gnuconfig/$file $i; done; done Patching libtool Applying buildroot-libtool.patch using plaintext: patching file Hunk #1 FAILED at 273. Hunk #2

Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts

人盡茶涼 提交于 2019-12-01 08:51:56
I am building a QT app using QTwidgets to run in a RaspberyPi3 with an image inside the SDcard built with buildroot. I suppose that charts are supported since they are based in QtWidgets and widgets are supported. My problem is, when i integrate Charts in my project and run the project in the computer, there is no problem, however when I try to deploy this to the Raspberry the files and libraries are not included and errors show up. In my .pro file I have: QT += charts But this gives the following error: error: Unknown module(s) in QT: charts However, if I remove this, some errors come saying